
Friday, November 5, 2021

What Could Have Been... All The Feelings

 What would have happened had you not left me behind?

Would we have a great romance?

Would you use me up and discard me?

Would we have never ventured past friends?

Did you feel for me the way I felt for you?

Or was I still just your annoying "kid sister"?

Did I ever cross your mind randomly?

Or was it shocking when we talked?

Why didn't you stay home?

Why didn't you wait for me?


I'm still broken.


I'm really upset that I will never read your texts again.

Or call your phone.

Or anything.

It's all in my head, in my dreams.

Until we meet again, darling.

I will think of what could have been.

Today Is A Day I Cry... and the story that has never been told.

 8 years ago, I lost a great person. But he is with me every day.

8 years ago, I felt such pain at losing this person, this constant pain in my ass. I don't know that anyone knew how much I loved this kid, myself included. 

I remember the first time I saw him. I was waiting for the bus to NYSP (sports camp, a place I really did not belong lol) and this idiot pops his head out the front door SCREAMING about running late. From that moment, he annoyed the crap out of me. I know that I didn't really interact with him much during camp (they split the sexes up), but I vaguely recall a dance where we circled each other.

Flash forward a year, and we moved into the apartment next to him. We shared a wall for about 4 (I think?) years. During that time, we became almost like siblings... i.e. we made each other's lives hell lol. We'd fight constantly, I caught him stealing his mom's truck, we'd bang on the walls at each other, and play music to annoy the other. But, there were times, so few, that we would sit on the porch and just chill. 

I remember that one of my friends had a crush on him, and did... questionable things. Then, when she asked me why he blew her off, I said he's a damn asshole. (Reality, we were freaking 16. He's a teen boy, of course he wasn't interested) I learned way too much about him that day, and it took a while to look at him the same. 

Over the years, we both moved and grew. Somehow we reconnected as friends. We never hung out, but did talk a lot, or at least I felt we did considering how we started out. He went down quite a few wrong paths, and struggled to pull himself out. He had just gotten out of jail (in there to get clean I believe) and he messaged me. We were trying to find a time to meet up, and I missed the last message... The next day he was in a medically induced coma with swelling on the brain. From what I gather, he went out with some "friends" to a bad place to do bad things, and got jumped. They left him for dead, and a few days later, he was.

While he was in the coma, I saw him EVERYWHERE. I could hear him talking to me. I wish I had gone to see him, I told myself I could tomorrow.... tomorrow never came for him. I heard him scream my name in my head, and knew he was gone before I even checked Facebook. 

Now, the aftermath... I stopped seeing him everywhere, but I could FEEL him. And, to this day, I still do. Not always, but if I call out, I feel this heavy pressure on my shoulders, and there he is. 

During the funeral, twice, he spoke. Once through someone to me, and once through me to his mother. After everything was said and done, I went to his grave, and said goodbye. Or so I thought.

I was determined to ignore all the signs, until my daughter started screaming from her room a few days later. Lights flickering, stuff falling, the works. I calmed her down, acknowledged my friend's existence, and it all stopped. We have been connected since his death. Sometimes he is other places, but he always comes back. 

My daughter has seen him quite a few times, even though she had never met him. Usually when she is about to do something dangerous. Also, when in her mind house (see previous entry) he is there to help her. He is truly her guardian angel. Also, weird fact, her grandfather is buried about 5 yards from him. Anytime we visit that grave, she is pulled to my friend's.

I'm sure there are plenty of people that will tell me that this is all a coping mechanism, or just coincidence. Even if it is, I embrace it, as this is all I have left of him. I do not regret where my life is, but the "could have beens" would be so much worse if not for this small peace of comfort. 

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Cleaning Your Mind House

So the post below blew up on Reddit. I posted it trying to help others in need, on a witchy subreddit. I was not expecting the overwhelming support it received. I got awards, tons of comments and upvotes, even a few direct messages thanking me for sharing because they were at their wit's end. I thought I would share it here as well, because if the more this is spread, the more people it can help. 

Original Post:

Maybe not quite witchy, but it helped myself and my daughter through some hard times, so thought I would share a meditation/visualization technique. She was especially struggling with a lot of very dark stuff, and this helped. Maybe it could help someone else as well.

Cleaning Your Mind House

Get in a comfortable position, and then focus inward. Visualize you are walking toward a house. This is your mind house. Pay attention to what you see, inside and out. DO NOT FOCUS ON ANYTHING OUTSIDE OF YOUR FENCE. Open your gate, notice what it looks like, if it is strong or weak, if it has sharp edges, etc. As you walk up to your house, notice what it looks like on the outside. (Mine was white picket fence, and nice porch, pretty windows, paint job, etc. I am a people pleaser that will pretend I am happy and fine) Now is the hard part: open the door and go in.

Not everyone goes through the front door at all times. As you continue working, things will change, inside and out. Note how you got in, as well as what you are seeing/feeling. My first time was sludgy and dark. Your goal is to go from room to room, and clean. Sometimes you will find people: take notice of who they are, how they make you feel. If you are afraid of them or feel they need to not be in your life, kick them out of your house. If the room they were in was dedicated to them, redecorate it.

You may find people come and go on their own, or help you with your work. You may also find that a room you have cleaned previously is disheveled when you come back. You just have to keep going. For instance: the kitchen-my daughter saw 2 people in the kitchen, and she described them as 2 people she had never met, but I had. They helped her clean, and held her hand when she was afraid to move forward. The next time she went in, glass was broken, and one was hurt (from someone deeper in the house). She cleaned up, and the next time they said goodbye and she saw them in the house next door. So still there, but in the distance.

There will also be doors that cannot open until you face something else. Everyone's house is different: it is essentially you, your life, your trauma and triumphs, fears and loves. You embrace what serves you, and renovate the rest.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

20 Years...

 Where were you when the world changed?

20 years ago today, a horrible act of terrorism occurred. While there are major debates on who caused it, whether it was foreign or domestic, everyone can agree on that fact: it was terrorism. 2,977 lives were lost, and so many more have been lost since, due to this day in the past. Three buildings were hit, with one more targeted, which would have caused more casualties. The days that followed were full of fear, but also of humanity. From that point forward, nothing was the same.

I remember where I was. I was a freshman in high school, and had just walked in to English. My teacher, like so many others, told us that something terrible had happened, and we would not be doing a lesson. We all sat down, and watched the towers fall, on repeat. One of my friends was panicked... his uncle worked in one of the towers. This was before cell phones were prevalent, so we had no way of knowing if he went to work that day. I do not recall if I was ever told. 

I remember saying that everything would be fine, it was okay. But it wasn't. Only 18 people were found alive, and cleanup of the site took 9 months.  We went to war, and heard the phrase "weapons of mass destruction" more times that I can count. This event is now in history books, and we lived through it. 

I will say, something special also happened in the days that followed. Humanity became more compassionate in the aftermath, even for a small period of time. People supported each other, in numerous ways. Donating, volunteering, even listening to each other. One notable occurrence: Steve Bushemi, a former firefighter, went to assist at ground zero. A moment of silence was observed everywhere in the country. And everyone held their breath, hoping for miracles.

To this day, we are still getting new information, from people, and videos that have never been seen. We also have a new generation speaking out on the aftermath: the people who were born on that fateful day. Their whole lives, they have known something was unique about them, and now, at 20 years old, they are speaking about how it felt.

For me, it is hard to remember a time before this. I have memories, but in them, there was no before and after: it was always this way. I think because I was at such a formative age, it skewed the narrative in my head. I had never seen the towers in person, and I do not know the difference if they show it now in movies. In my mind, the before skyline and the after skyline are two separate places. It's better that way... I would break down trying to reconcile the two. 

I do plan on visiting the memorials one day; not just of the towers, but of Flight 93 in Shanksville, where the passengers fought back against the hijackers. The plan seemed to be to crash into either the White House or the Capitol building. However, they were forced to crash in Pennsylvania, due to this huge act of bravery. They lost their lives, but in turn, saved countless others.

Life goes on, but we never forget the actions of this day, and the ones that followed. It affected us all so deeply, that we will never fully heal.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Body Shaming and the Aftershock **TW: eating disorders and rude comments**

 I have been body shamed since I was 8. My family thought it was so funny to make comments about how I must be anorexic, or throwing up after meals. 


I spent all of my teen years struggling to gain weight. I even sat down with my Nutrition teacher in Freshman year to ask her, how do I gain weight?? She recommended Ensure Plus, which, while not adding many pounds, made it so that I didn't lose any more. It was insanely hard, because I also walked a mile to and from school every day, and had a fast as heck metabolism.

When I got pregnant with my first child, I was 104 pounds. At the end I was 118, and looked like a tick. I ate everything I could, and still my baby took the weight from my arms and legs. My doctors pushed me to eat more, anything I wanted, just gain the weight!! Two days after giving birth, I weighed myself... 98 pounds. My pre-pregnancy clothes were hanging off of me. It took a while to get back to 104. 

Twenty years after I first heard the word "anorexic", I heard the reverse. I had been working out throughout my 20's, and was in great shape, and weighed 125. I was happy. Then, I got pregnant with my second child, and it all changed. I gained around 40 pounds with her, and heard about it daily. I also had gestational diabetes, was put on a restrictive diet, and was sick constantly. Somehow, when she came out, I barely lost anything. Rude child to the core: take it back kid!

I was a stay at home mom for 2 years, in which time I changed into stick figure with boobs. To this day, I still think I am struggling to lose weight because all of it is in my chest. When I went back to work, I packed on the pounds, and I am now sitting in the 160 range. No matter what I do, I cannot get past that weight. I eat better, exercise, stand/walk more. Nothing works. For 4 years I have tried.

Meanwhile I hear that I'm fat... boyfriends, doctors, workers. And some days, I really see it, and hate myself. I know I did nothing wrong. Bodies change. But in my mind I need to be thinner. Not too thin, because then I'll hear the other side of it again. 


I have kids now. Kids who look to me, who take in all that I say and do. And it molds them.

I cried when my (then) 7 year old daughter, the spitting image of me, came home and started only eating salads, and weighing herself 4 times a day. Because she was told that was healthy, and that being thinner was good. She has been body shamed and told to be modest (ie cover every inch of skin) from that moment. I try so hard to teach her that there is nothing wrong with her, but it still lives with her, in the form of anorexia. I fight to get her to eat even 3 bites of food at meals sometimes. And every time it seems like we make progress, someone says something and away we go again.

I pray my youngest never has to deal with this. She is so self assured, but that can change in an instant. I have always tried to be body-positive in front of my children, even when I am struggling. I do not hide my body from them, and in turn they each have some semblance of that as well. I try to teach the benefits of food and water and taking care of your body, but sometimes that falls on deaf ears.

The other day, I showed my boyfriend this super-cute crop top, and told him I could NEVER wear that. He asked why not, and my first response was, because I'm too fat, and my boobs are too big, and no one wants to see that. But, he does. My kids do. And, deep inside I do too.

I'm going to wear the fun stuff. I'm going to enjoy myself. In spite of everyone who tells me I can't. 

Monday, August 9, 2021

Having Fun: A New Blog!

 Hi guys! I am so excited to share that I have created a new blog! It may sound super dumb, but I am in love with this idea, and am having so much fun creating it!

So, the set-up: The blog is written in the words of my Sim. I play Sims 4, and I thought it would be fun to document gameplay in the sim's experiences. So, I created a new character, and moved her into her own home, and off we went!

First of all, I do not have all of the packs and DLC yet. I will slowly be working on getting some of the main ones, but for right now, I have base game, Strangerville, and Cottage Living, along with Seasons. That gives me a decent amount of stuff to do with her for the time being. I did turn off aging as well, so that I have more time to play around with her!

If this sounds interesting to you, please go check it out here and make sure to subscribe!

Thursday, July 22, 2021

I am in shock. Trigger Warning: discussion of rape and abuse

 I literally just came to a realization... and I am in shock.

I spend a lot of time on Reddit, and give a lot of advice. Recently, I was talking to someone who is trying to tell their father that his friend raped and abused her, numerous times. As I'm replying, telling them about "Spilled Milk" (an amazing book by a SURVIVOR) I realized something.

I have claimed since I was in high school that I was raped. There's no denying it, even the other person involved knows it was, and we came to terms with that together. It was an experience that changed both of us and made us more aware, or so I thought. 

For a decent chunk of my adult life, I was in abusive relationships. I know that, not a surprise there. But as I'm giving advice and talking to people about their experiences, I got hit with a brick wall. 

All those times I said NO and was bullied or forced into sexual situations. That's RAPE. All the times I made it clear that I did not want sex, but was scared of being physically hurt. That's rape. All the times I was told it was my wifely duty, and I pulled away, said no, and it happened anyway. That's rape.

It got to the point where I didn't trust these people, I needed to drink to be relaxed enough to enjoy sex. If I don't trust someone, the attraction is gone, my body seizes up. For years I didn't understand why, and now I know. 

I am a victim. There are so many things about my personality, and my interactions, that stem from this. I wondered why I am not as confident as I used to be in high school. Now I get it. I had fully owned my experiences back then. But, I had shoved all of this trauma down, hid it behind things, and pasted on a smile. Especially for the sake of my children. 

I can't anymore. Now that I see these things for what they really are, I can work to heal myself, and become my truest self. I am in a great relationship with the most understanding loving human ever. I have a great support team in friends and family. I need to find myself somewhere in all this pain, and drag her out for the world to see. 

It's time to repair myself.

Friday, July 2, 2021

Ornithoscelidaphobia: why me????

So I have Ornithoscelidaphobia.

What the heck is that, you say?

It's a damn fear of dinosaurs. Yup. Dinosaurs. 

Yes, I do know this is illogical. Dinosaurs don't exist. And I enjoy the Jurassic Park movies, so what gives?

When I was in elementary school, We went to the Academy of Natural Sciences. (Side note: I have kids now and still avoid this place) While walking around, we came upon the T-Rex skeleton. I looked up, and up, and up at this massive creature, and swore I saw its jaw quiver. Not like it was going to eat me, like it was going to fall. Nope, I ran all the way back to the tiny dinos, where nothing would squish me. 

I have noticed that I can stand T-Rexs if they are face level with me (went to Dinofest years ago, not an issue). But if I am suddenly shocked by one (like the time I went to a haunted farm and the hayride had a Lost World section), nope, I turn into a ball of tears. Panic mode ensues, and I am done. 

I even recall going to Franklin Institute the year after, and seeing dinosaur stickers on the walls, and freaking out (I calmed down once I was assured there were none). 

Any day trips I plan with the kids, if there are dinosaurs on the website, it's a no-go. I am trying to get back to the Academy now, but I'm still terrified. Even the aquarium, which had something hanging from the ceiling, I had to shut my eyes and be led under it. Face level, fine.

(I also have a fear of heights and buildings more than 3 stories tall, probably for the same reason.)

Side note, I do have a healthy fear of stuff falling on me, like the piano at Ripley's Believe It or Not. So maybe that is why?

If you want to see my Tiktok rant about this topic, click here!

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Maniology Affiliate Announcement!


Good morning!

I just found out that I was made a Brand Ambassador for Maniology!!! Anyone who knows me knows I love painting my nails (they are literally never bare). It is the one way I am able to show my creativity, and stamping is great for intricate designs. Below are some of my previous creations, unfortunately I was unable to find any of the ones I did with the stamping kits.

I just ordered some of the new stamping plates, as well as some duochrome polishes, so I am super excited to play with them.

Now for why I am posting this at all: I have an affiliate code!!!! (Super excited, my first ever discount code!) You can get 10% off of your total purchase with my code TRISHCRUSE10, so I highly recommend checking it out!

**Disclosure: I do get a commission for any sales, but I do also stand behind the products.**

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Review: Real Meal: Meal Replacement Powder

 Disclaimer: This is my honest opinion. I am not sponsored, nor am I a Beachbody coach. If this product is your favorite ever, I am sorry, but it does not work for me.

I purchased the Real Meal Powder from Pure Food after reading reviews only about the benefits, the price, and how it was comparable to Shakeology.

I was excited to try this, because it was a decent price... I did not look into that enough. I read that the flavor is really good, it is filling, quells cravings.... 

I found none of this. 

  • PRICE: After I received it and went to make it, I found that a serving is two LARGE scoops per 10 oz liquid. This means you get 10 servings per container. When you do the math, it is around the same price as Shakeology, just broken into smaller payments.

  • FLAVOR: I don't care how healthy something is, if it doesn't taste good I will not ingest it. I manage to drink half of my shake on the days that I make it, and most days don't even bother because it does nothing for me. I have mixed it with water and milk, tried adding flavorings, but it isn't worth it to me. 

  • FILLING/CRAVINGS: This does absolutely nothing for me. I get no energy from this, my cravings are still there, I am still hungry. I actually suffer trying to finish drinking this. Mixing it with milk and some coffee powder helps a tiny bit, but not enough for me to repurchase. Especially since most days I walk right by it and grab a snack instead.

I have also found something else, and I tested this a few times to see if it was a fluke: It does not mix properly. the powder settles to the bottom of my BlenderBottle within a few minutes, no matter how much I shake it. So every time I take a sip, I have to shake it up again. That is a lot of work and annoying for someone who has sensory overload issues.

I will definitely be repurchasing Shakeology once I am finally done this. Here is why:

  • While it has a large price tag, it is for a month supply.
  • Six flavors (compared to two), both in Whey and Vegan formulas
  • Tastes amazing, extremely versatile
  • When I used to drink this, I craved THIS. I was excited to have it every morning, and I was always finding new recipes to liven up the flavor
  • Mixes easily, stays mixed
  • Boosts energy naturally (this helped me kick soda the first time)
  • Offers combo packs, samplers, and numerous auto-ship options (can be purchased in a bag or single serve packets)
Not gonna lie, I have literally nothing bad to say about Shakeology, or Beachbody in general. I still use the workout programs. I trust their products. I remember trying other shakes while I was still a coach, and I disliked all of them compared to this. 

Final point: I'd rather pay a little more for something I know works for me, than something that I am so frustrated with that I don't even want to be bothered most days.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Doing The Damn Thing

 I am writing a book... I think.

I desperately wanted a sequel to Haunting Of Hill House. There are, however, zero plans of one being made. So I am doing it myself. As well as a prequel (after I finish the first book) fleshing out the ghosts and who they were in life. 

The reason I say "I think" is because I have no clue how long this will be, and where it is going. It could be utter trash by the time it is complete. But, I am not doing it for anyone else. I am doing it to satisfy a need I have. Whether I share it or not remains to be seen.

I steadily chip away at the first draft, writing a little more each day.  I am also editing my friend's book, working full time, and raising a family. So, who knows how long this will take, or if it will ever reach a conclusion. To be honest, I could probably stretch the story for many generations. 

I doubt I'll do that. I think one more should tie up the story well enough. I am excited to see where it goes...


The elderly man sits in the living room of a quiet house, looking out the window. He looks tired, and his thoughts seem to be someplace else. He gazes outside as the sun sets on the sprawling property. As night slowly covers the grounds, his eyelids droop. When he opens them, his wife and daughters are on the couch across from him. She smiles as she stands and holds out her hand. “Come, Horace. It’s time to rest.” The young man stands up and walks upstairs with his family, toward a room with a red door. He can hear others moving around, saying hello to him, welcoming him. He is home.

Friday, May 21, 2021

Setting my intention

 I will lose weight. 

My goal is to be 130 pounds. That is a weight loss of 40 pounds. I will do it, or at the very least, make it to 140.

I bought a protein shake (supposedly better than Shakeology, we shall see). I got new weights (tried cardio and yoga and cannot keep myself motivated). I already have a water bottle, I am doing great with that. 

I will get my ass in gear, and workout daily. Even if it's a small amount. Yesterday I did 2 sets of 10 reps, for about 7 moves. I felt that I should do more, but I don't want to hurt myself and not be able to continue. 

I will eat better. I will not snack incessantly, and I will be more aware of what I am eating.

I will research and implement new weight lifting exercises. Yesterday I was only able to purchase a set of 5 lb weights, which is fine. Eventually I would like to get a kettlebell, and maybe a set of 10 lb weights. I also need to use my resistance bands more.

I will love my body, in all of its stages. This is such a struggle for me. Honestly, it has been since I was 22. I always found reasons to hate my body. Now it's worse being I'm considered obese. But I will not let that happen anymore. Below is a time when I was "thin" and happy, and also a time when I was "fat" and happy. I will love my body no matter what.


a few weeks ago

Thursday, May 20, 2021

I'm annoyed and venting

 I am trying to move. I do not need judgement on the location... yet I get it. This is me saying all the crap I cannot say aloud.

Okay, not a perfect neighborhood. However I live in a broken down crawlspace of an apartment. It would be great to have a full house with a fenced in backyard. So what if the street is narrow? I live in a cesspool of a town. Three streets over is still gonna be the same crime rate. I'm grateful to not live on the busy street with a rowdy upstairs neighbor anymore.

My neighbor wants to sell her house to us... but who knows when she will be ready to do so. I need to get my older daughter registered for the next school year. I need more space. I can't live in this broken down apartment anymore. This damn house is good enough. It's not forever. And it's none of your damn business where I move as you have put me and my family in so many fucked up situations.

You aren't the one waking up at 5am to someone slamming a riding mower into your bedroom wall. You aren't the one dealing with screaming dogs, and loud annoying people, and things breaking down. You aren't the one that has zero extra space in their bedroom, and not having a yard for the kids to be in. You don't live on a noisy street.

Sorry that you dug me into a hole of debt so I cannot apply for loans. Sorry I don't run scams to make myself an asston of money. Sorry that I'm not trying to marry up, and I don't mooch off of others. I bought my own damn car. I'm paying off all my debts. I'm going to drag myself up, and provide a great life for my family. Don't forget where you came from, and how hard your family had to work. They weren't always in the position they are now. But somehow you seem to forget all that everyone has gone through, as you skate by. 

You just watch me, rising from the ashes of the life you handed me. You aren't in control. You can watch me succeed on my own. And eventually I will get the better house. Eventually I will use that house as a rental, and keep moving up and out. I will get my beautiful dream home some day, and you will just be the same as you always have been... because you know nothing about real life.

Friday, May 14, 2021

Cirkul Bottle Review


I am trying to be healthier. I cut out my soda intake, and want to drink more water. To help me do so, I ordered a Cirkul bottle and 6 starter flavors. I just got the bottle today, but I already have some thoughts.

Ordering Impressions: I ordered from this company because there was a discount on a bottle and 2-3 flavors. (Click here to get the deal!) Cool deal, very exciting. HOWEVER, a few things. You are forced to subscribe (you can cancel). Customer service is not responsive. I know this because: It took over a month to get my initial order. That is fine, I understand they are backed up. But, the subscription order was sent and arrived before the first order even shipped. I never got response from customer service other than a standard email saying there are delays. I am probably going to put my subscription on hold since I now have so many flavor cartridges.

On the plus side, they do have a variety of flavors and bottles. You can also choose what flavors you would like for your subscription, and it is easy to change how often you get your next package.

First Impressions of Product: After waiting so long for this bottle, I was unsure of how much I would enjoy it. So far, I am impressed. I opted for the raspberry lemonade flavor (sweetened with Stevia). It was easy to assemble. The cap stays attached, but has a clip to keep it tucked out of the way. The flavor strength is adjustable; I have it at 3, as 4 was too strong, but it goes up to 10, and you have the option to close the flavor and just drink the water. On setting #5, the flavor cartridge is supposed to last 4 bottle fill-ups, which equals about $.82 per drink. Also, the cartridges are recyclable (You may have to call your recycling center to be sure they will accept them).

I have noticed a clicking noise after I drink from it, almost like air is caught inside. But otherwise, it is great so far. I will update in a week or so, after I have tested it out more.

Quick Side Note: I just noticed that you get points depending on orders, how long you stay subscribed, etc. The points can be used on bottles AND flavors.

One Week Impressions: I really like this bottle. So far I have only used 2 of the flavor filters, but both were great. I do find myself drinking a lot more water. I have my settings at 3-4, I find anything higher is too strong for me. My current filter seems to have an airflow issue; it whistles and the nozzle overflows after drinking. Not a huge problem, just annoying. Also annoying, knowing when your flavor has run out. I thought my first one was done so I disassembled it, pulled the packet off, and there was so much left. Whoops. I also have flavors that I probably won't use, and You have to use the cartridges within 7-10 days after sipping from them as they can form mold. I think I am going to adjust my next order to include items without caffeine so that I can drink them without changing.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

I'm just so tired

 I am sorry that I have not kept up with my blogging about.... well, anything.

I have to be completely transparent here. I am tired.

This week, I am sick. But, even before that, exhaustion has settled into my bones. I try so hard to keep up with life, and right now, again, it crushes me. I know I will come out of it fine. But for right now, I'm tired and can't seem to fully wake up.

Not just physically. Emotionally as well. I feel like every time I make progress, there is someone there to grab my arm and try to pull me backwards. I have so much heavy stuff in my heart right now, things that I don't know how to fix, things that terrify me. I have zero motivation to do pretty much anything, because I am so weighed down.

The road to recovering from trauma is rarely straight-forward.

I realized today that I am holding on to so much, from the recent past, but also the not-so-recent. I heard an announcement for a concert I have gone to so many times, but it filled me with dread and anxiety. The last time I went was the start of the worst period of my life. And while the person I went with and I have since forgiven each other, it seems I have not forgiven myself. I'm not ready to go back yet.

I feel like I am missing a chunk of who I once was. I am working hard to find myself again, even though I have no drive to do so. I feel it is imperative to my healing process to figure that out.

Please bear with me during this time, as I may not be as consistent as I should be.

Friday, April 9, 2021

Daydreaming On Paper Prompt: List Your Favorite Things

 I was actually going to skip this. But I realized that I have been neglecting myself, yet again, because I take a backseat to everything else in my life. So without further ado, a list of my favorite things!

  • Lilacs: My childhood home was like a wilderness in my young eyes. I had a full garden, a giant crab-apple tree, a grape vine, and flowers everywhere. We even had a rose vine growing up the back of the house. But my favorite thing was the lilac bush out front. It was entwined with a honeysuckle bush, and was HUGE. It was the best scent and visual ever.
  • Lemon: I love the flavor, the color, the scent. My dream kitchen is lemony colored. (It makes me hungry)
  • Cats: I love all animals. I have a chinchilla/jerkface rodent that I adore. However, cats will forever be my favorite. My life feels incomplete without one in my home (We haven't had one in recent years as my ex is allergic).
  • The Tenth Kingdom: This is my feel good mini-series. Anytime I am upset, this goes on. It is so dumb at points, but I love it.
  • Hot wings: By far my favorite food. Luckily it is also my boyfriend's favorite, so we eat them often.
  • Blue: I love the color blue. In any form.
  • Eric Clapton: My favorite guitarist/vocalist of all time. Any song he does is like heaven to me.
  • Nintendo 64: I am super mad at myself for selling my last one. This system has so many memories; The re-releases are nothing compared to the originals in my mind.
  • Truly fairy-like areas: We went to see the fairy houses on South Mountain Trail last week. However, the area around it was my favorite. Trees, a babbling brook/waterfall type spot, filtered sunlight. I could have stayed there forever.
I am sure there are more, but these stand out to me.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

I Made Myself Sick: A Lesson In Self Care

 I woke up yesterday, after barely any sleep, feeling like I had been run over by 3 Mack trucks. I went to work and realized there was no way I was going to be an asset to my office. They also knew that, and sent me home to rest. (Side note: My work actually cares about their people.) No clue how I made it home in one piece as I was exhausted. I slept for 7 hours straight, starting as soon as I got home, and then I slept through the night.

I went through a period of exhaustion a few weeks ago as well. However, I had nothing going on that day. I didn't know why I was so tired at that time, as I had a relaxing weekend. Now I know:

I have neglected myself.

I have been so worried about making sure my family was provided for and taken care of that YET AGAIN I have let myself suffer. Sure, I do superficial crap like buy myself a few cute trinkets, or play Animal Crossing. However, I have not been fully providing for myself. I stopped doing my daily tarot reading. I don't spend time outside every day. I am not making sure my nutrient levels are okay (I am iron deficient, and let me tell you, I can tell if it's too low).

I need to start holding myself accountable. Doing things to bring me joy, and health, and sticking with them.

Because if you don't care for yourself, who will?

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Daydreaming on Paper prompt

 List ten things that you have lost or given away that you would like to have back again.

  1.  My photo collection. I had a box full of photos, of my childhood, family, kids. I lost them when I had to decide between a storage unit and electricity.
  2.  My acoustic guitar. Again, I lost this with the storage unit. My dad bought it for me when I was 16, and it was my stress comfort for a long time.
  3.  My baby blanket. I am almost positive my mother got rid of this. I had packed it for an overnight trip to my friends house, and somehow it disappeared. Again, a source of comfort.
  4.  My jade necklace. My aunt bought me this beautiful jade necklace, and I took it off to shower and when I came out it was gone. Again, I feel my mother had something to do with this, as I never saw it again.
  5.  My surgery bear. When I was 5, I had my first surgery. My grandparents bought me a stuffed bear that lay on a pillow and played music. It was a source of comfort, not just for me, but my roommate in the hospital as well. My mother threw it away one of the many times she "cleaned" my room. 
  6.  My engagement ring. This may seem dumb. But I bought this ring myself, and it signified a lot over the years. It got destroyed, much like I destroyed that relationship.
  7.  My grandmother's items. I inherited a decent amount of Native American memorabilia when my grandmother died. Over the years, it has disappeared, or been destroyed accidentally in moves. I have a few pieces left, and I cling to their memories.
  8.  My N64. Honestly, nothing compares to this system. The memories and nostalgia attached to it... (see also: Sega Genesis)
  9.  My poetry book. Senior year of HS, I took Words, Music, and Poetry. Our final project was a book. I decorated mine with pictures, and poured so much into it. Some of my best work was in there.
  10.  Honestly, I can't think of anything else. Everything that crosses my mind is superficial and can easily be replaced, aside from people and ideas. 

Monday, March 29, 2021

Take the Time

 I went on a vacation this weekend... sort of.

My boyfriend and I went to a hotel not too far from home. We sprung for a suite, with a hot tub. We brought dvds, and just spent a weekend enjoying our life together. We went to the zoo, ate out, and just spent time together as a couple. 

With both of us working, and the kids, it is hard to remember who we are as a couple. We steal little moments here and there, but our life revolves around the kids and making memories and providing security for them. This weekend was just about us. 

That sounds so selfish, but I have come to realize that couples need that. It is so easy to forget who you are together, aside from just parents and workers. We are a team, yes. But we also fell in love with an individual, and you should take time to reconnect.

It doesn't matter how you do it. We didn't go far, and we were still available if the kids needed us. But we made sure we were together, alone, and focused on each other the whole time. 

In the past, I haven't been the greatest mate. Mainly because I've never taken the time to fall in love with my significant other again. My sole focus was the kids, and my love life suffered constantly and repeatedly. I have found the person I want to spend forever with, and I am willing to put in the work.

When was the last time you were just... together?

Friday, March 12, 2021

Eat Pray Love... A Short Review

 I watched the movie before reading the book... bad idea.

I did love the book. It took me entirely too long to read, because I never had time. However, I was biased because of the movie. The movie romanticized the story a lot, and skimmed over some topics. 

The way the author told the story, with so much detail, moved me. I felt like I was living it, especially at where I was in my life. I found a desire to travel to these places she was describing. I bought a set of mala beads. I tried to meditate... and failed. 

This book makes me want to do more, be more. And that is absolutely because of the author's ability to write. The movie did nothing like that. It felt decadent, where the book felt raw and true.

I read this months ago, and while I do not fully remember the story, I remember the main plot points, and especially how I FELT while reading it. 

Monday, March 1, 2021

Reading Tarot Intuitively

 I have a habit of leaning hard on my instruction books. Not the easiest way to do readings. So I did a short class on intuitive readings, and since I am a highly intuitive human, I figured I could do this. Today was day one, and I am going to try to log my journey here, as well as in my journal. The idea is, I pull a card, read it, and then notice how it influences/comes into my day. Then at night I write down those things.

First, the deck I am using: 

She's gorgeous, right? Not gonna lie, this is not the deck I was planning on getting. I decided to go to the store and buy a whole new deck to work with, because my main deck (which I adore) is rude, and my others are a little too different to work with yet. But when I chose one, I reached over this one and I could FEEL it. So yup she came home with me. 

Note: I did not take the time to break her in yet.... hence day one.

  • Day one: 3/1/2021: Immense failure of a pull. I pulled the Page of Cups, which I looked at and tried to tell the story. Which if I was a little more comfortable I would have gotten. I went to: a boy walking on a bed of flowers with a chalice in his hands... but there's something else in his hands (idiot, its a cloud). So I went to the book, and the internet, because I couldn't understand. It is essentially a messenger of intuition, inspiration, and relationships....
    • End of day thoughts: So... I tend to have heavy anxiety, especially if I don't hear from someone. My bf did not respond to me until nighttime. Normally I'd freak out thinking he hates me, going to break up with me, etc. I had to use my intuition to know nothing was wrong. I used personal motivation to start reading 2 books (one of which I have already finished. I was also inspired to take a detour and give a gift to the Gods for all that I have received physically and spiritually in the past few months.
  • Day two: 3/2/2021: Judgement. This deck is really hard to read intuitively, but I refuse to give up. The card itself at first look is dreadful. There's a big guy, and he is surrounded by what looks like the good and evil angels that go on your shoulders, ya know? And he is blowing a horn, either at a person, or this person fell out of it. However, upon closer inspection, this person was falling into a bed of flowers. So not too scary. I was unsure of what it actually meant after 5 minutes, especially because I'm clueless about the Major Arcana. So I did look it up. It means physical and spiritual natures joining, new energy, new beginnings, and a fresh outlook. So pretty uplifting...
    • End of day thoughts: Well, this isn't the end of the day yet, but I noticed it so I am writing it. In the book I am reading, it is talking about Eros and Psyche, who, when they wed, form a union of soul, spirit, and flesh. I also realized how much better I feel, without really noticing it. 
  • Day three: 3/3/2021: Two of Pentacles: This card literally flew out of my deck as I was asking what message I needed to receive today. I know that twos mean equality and partnership, and pentacles deal with financial things. However, when I look at this card, I also notice that the two people are standing back to back, holding each other up, and the coins are entwined with an infinity symbol. So maybe, equality of finances, equality of burden and responsibilities... not necessarily by myself and someone else. Maybe it has to do with me being able to balance things...
    • End of day thoughts: Not really many. My dad got his check after floundering for the last month. I am still floating above my budget. I mean, everything seems in balance. Maybe I just needed to look at it? 
  • Day four: 3/4/2021: Queen of Swords: Again I did go to the book, BUT I did try to get as much from the card on my own before that. What I saw: a shiny woman with wild hair, who is serious and holding a crazy sword upright in her hand. The book/site says: spiritual perception, independence, someone with clear boundaries, not a woman to mess with. Okay, I can work with that lol...
    • End of day thoughts: I honestly don't know. I know that I found a long lost cousin yesterday... not that I think he will ever talk to me, but at least I know he's okay. Same thing with my best friend. It took me a bit, but I figured out how to reach him. It was an emotional day for me but I held it together pretty well, I think.
  • Day five: 3/5/2021: So. After shuffling the deck, I pulled Queen of Swords. I'm starting to think that may be my new significator. However, for the purpose of this exercise, I am trying to do a new card every day. So I drew again. This time it was Four of Swords. Fours mean stability, like a table, or a square. Swords are based in logic and communication. So far today I have been using logic and communication a lot. Let's what the rest of the day brings.
    • End of day thoughts: Honestly, I didn't really pay much attention. Which is horrible. But I made sure my family was secure for the weekend, spent time with them, tried to relax and overcome a lot of anxiety (lots of being stuck in lines, which sets me off). A lot of open dialogue with my eldest daughter, which she needs to be secure. Opening up old lines of communication with people, finding people who were long lost. So, pretty eventful I guess?
  • Day six: 3/8/2021: Eight of Cups: This one... I'm unsure how to interpret. I saw a woman holding (she was actually behind) a basket of chalices, water below her, moon above her, and a cliff next to her. To me, it felt calm. I did look it up for clarification. It means the need for emotional regeneration, and moving on from overwhelming emotional situations. This could be for myself or my daughter. We are both transitioning from traumatic events of the past, trying to search for a better future. However, she has voiced the issue of feeling lost, and not being able to find herself and let go. I guess we will see what today has in store for us and what lessons we learn.
    • End of day thoughts: So I did tell my daughter about this pull. However, I do not know if it affected her. I did have a discussion with my boyfriend about my inability and struggles to make choices. Which is caused by not having any control to make decisions in the past... So I need to overcome that. 
  • Day seven: 3/9/2021: Temperance: This card depicts an angel pouring liquid from one vessel to another. This one was pretty straight forward to me. Balance. It also means patience, cooperation, and understanding.
    • End of day thoughts: Yesterday was an exercise in patience and understanding. In my job, where everyone wanted to be grumpy at me for no damn reason. In the world, where so many people were being crazy, but at a snail's pace. And in my personal life, where it felt like people were ignoring me (they weren't) and not around. Side note: we went for a late night walk and felt a weird presence that was almost... stalking us. 
  • Day eight: 3/10/2021: I'm starting to wonder if this deck is even mine... Five of Cups: a woman pouring liquid from a cup, as others topple and spill around her. Regret, Wallowing...
    • End of day thoughts: I talked to my daughter about this. And she decided to take over this deck. Also I gave her a piece of clear quartz.... and it keeps removing itself from her sight.
I think I may change my deck that I do daily pulls with. This one does not seem to be resonating with me, but picking up on my daughter and her needs. Therefore, tonight I am going to test this theory and switch to this deck:

I have had this deck for a very long time. I no longer have the box, she is housed in a velvet bag. I was avoiding using her for this exercise for a very important reason: she's a bitch. Yeah, I'll get a proper reading, but it's going to be very "in your face" and snarky. I have asked, just to test it, who I was. I pulled out 5 different cards, one at a time, all showing females. I will say, I do feel a connection with this one, even when I'm neglectful for months at a time. Whoops... 

  • Day nine: 3/11/2021: I have learned that if this deck wants me to see something, I will freaking see it or it will "shock" me. I thought one card was pulled. It was two. So here they are: Three of Coins, and the Hierophant
        --Three of coins: I look at this and see collaboration. There are three women sitting together, working on various things, but all very much relaxed as a group. There is a man standing behind them with a book, and someone on a ladder doing work on the wall, where the coins are set. Book meaning: creativity rewarded.
        --The Hierophant: This man, in an obvious elevated position (Pope?). Two people behind him, looking at him adoringly, piously. He is adorned with a coin-like brooch, with keys hanging from it. He is holding a staff. The feeling I get from this is a smugness?? (That could just be the deck being a jerk, as always lol.  Book meaning: spiritual understanding once you leave the past in the past, and times of change.
    •  End of day thoughts: Eff this day. I spent the whole first half of my day fighting with someone, to the point where I turned my phone off. I haven't turned my phone off for more than 10 minutes for YEARS, because of my kids. I needed the break. I spent the rest of the day, and night, blaring music, and screaming the lyrics, and crying over a mother that isn't there, and then falling into calm with the best man I have ever met. SO MUCH to unpack from this day and I just have zero desire to do so.
  • Day ten: 3/12/2021: Ten of Wands: A man carrying ten wands outside of walls to where large bags are waiting for him. He seems forlorn. Behind him in the distance is a city. Carrying a heavy load or burden. Ha isn't that the truth...
    • End of day thoughts: So normally I get paid on Fridays, however today, nope. I'll be getting paid on the 15th. Fine whatever, I just had to make adjustments. But, this does mean that more adjustments need to be made for this weekend. And I still have yesterday's weight on me. Also, this weekend was trying, in many ways.
  • Day eleven: 3/15/2021: Three of Swords: A woman standing on a pillar holding a book. Dark storm clouds all around her. In the sky, a heart with three swords driven into it. I did check my book after trying to decipher, and I was right... almost. What I thought: sadness, loss of a relationship. The book said: misery and sorrow at the end of a relationship, but time will ease the pain...
    • End of day thoughts: I'm already going through this. This is my deck being a jerk because I pulled the Hierophant again and refused to read it lol. It essentially is saying "oh no, you will hear me!" So essentially, it is still telling me to move from the past to be happy, just in a much snarkier way. I wish I could. I do. However, every single day I am being bullied and attacked by someone in my past, and unfortunately I can't just block them.
  • Day twelve: 3/16/2021: Nine of Wands: An injured, well-dressed man standing outside of the city gates. He uses a wand (a long stick) as a crutch; the others stand upright as fortification. The city is far off, and well protected. Maybe he belongs in the city? Book meaning: Be prepared for challenges, and all will go well; a time of change approaches. Someone (a man) comes to mind when I see this, however it could just be because I'm tired of his crap lol...
    • End of day thoughts: I am assuming that this is more of a warning for the near future. The day was mildly hectic, but otherwise really good.
    • Update 3/23/2021: My boyfriend's job is ending in 2 months. Huh.
  • Day thirteen: 3/17/2021: Six of Cups: Two children are relaxing in a garden. Six cups are around them, filled with blooming flowers. One child is reading, the other is holding a bird. It is a very peaceful scene. I did try to read this intuitively; all I felt was an overwhelming peace with where I am. The book says: innocence, faithful acceptance, unconditional and unquestioning love. Honestly, I think this might be because right now I am not stressed, have had a really good evening and morning, and woke up to the love of my life. 
    • End of day thoughts: It really was a nice calm day. No fighting, just peace and love.
  • 3/18/2021: I am skipping today, as it has been a weird morning and I am having difficulties clearing my mind.
  • Day 14: 3/19/2021: Eight of Wands: A bird flying over 8 wands, one has a scroll with a message written on it. Below, a countryside. Book meaning: travel, ideas swiftly made reality.
    • End of day thoughts: Well, right before I pulled this card, I ordered tickets for a museum... that I literally decided to go to that moment. I also planned a weekend away. 
  • I am taking a bit of a break, as I am overwhelmed with life. Nothing bad, just so much to do. I will be back at it soon.
  • Day 15: 4/19/2021: The Fool: This would be the card I pull my first day back. A woman holding a drum, oblivious to the fact that she is standing on a cliff. A dog jumps on her as if to warn her. The feeling I get from this card directly correlates to how my weekend went. I had quite a few near misses, and a slow feeling of dread has snuck up on me. This feels like a warning. The book says that it means blissful ignorance, and an unknown force may bear on a question at hand... 
    • End of day thoughts: One month later, I'm still pulling this card.
  • Day 16: 5/20/2021: Five of cups reversed: Normally I don't do reversed readings. However, I try really hard to keep my cards facing the same way. I pulled this card upright from the last deck. I am not going to do this as an intuitive reading, as I also pulled The Fool. Book meaning: a card of regret and disillusionment, but hope will soon be restored. I have been feeling like something is off for the past week. It might be in my head. I don't know. There's a lot going on in my life, with choices of housing, kids' issues, etc. I can't even begin to unpack this pull right now.
    • End of day thoughts: I was struggling the past couple days. Last night was great. It's like everything just sorta fell into place for a bit. I was so stressed and now yet again I am calm. 
  • Day 17: 5/21/2021: Knight of Wands: First impression of this card: "Look at this fancy asshole." No, really, look:

            This dude seems so self-assured. I read confidence, especially since there is a fire behind him and he is just like, nope not today. (Also, I LOVE fire). This card feels like pure "big dick energy" to me. Also, looking it up, it shows up when someone is moving to a new residence, or about to travel/go on an adventure. Yup that's me! Side note: boyfriend also has an interview today :)
    • End of day thoughts: My boyfriend got the job (didn't tell me til he actually started). Still waiting on the house (it is all set to move in, just waiting on one more thing).
  • Day 18: 6/7/2021: Six Of Wands: Bro, can you calm down?! My deck refused to let me shuffle properly, kept sticking on this card. Okay fine I get it! So, 3 guys on horses, one walking behind with a bugle. Not gonna lie, their head wrappings made me think they were injured at first. There are banners and flags attached to 2 of the "wands". These are obviously important travelers. Book meaning: success after hardship, public acclaim. Maybe today will be the day we get the go-ahead to move in... Side note: I purchased a piece of moldavite, which supposedly clears obstacles that are holding you back. 
    • End of Day thoughts: Nope, not today. I am however, getting a slight move up at work (not a full promotion, which is fine).
  • Day 19: 6/9/2021: The Devil: Oh. Okay. Well I mean, this card depicts hell and suffering. But, I could also take the damn thing literally. I had 3 different guys bounce into my inbox today. One to try to drag me down, one as a friend venting about his life, and the other asking me personal crap because he doesn't have boundaries. The book meaning of this card is that something is holding you back, or that its time to battle inner demons.
    • End of day thoughts: One person blocked: this was a struggle, as I always view this person as "not bad", but then he really is not good for my life. The one dragging me down: proved him wrong, so like always he dropped it only to attack me about something else later. I cried all the way home. I am so tired of fighting with this person; I just want to have a happy,quiet life with my family. I am tired of being questioned about literally everything I do. I'm done with it. 
  • Day 20: 6/10/2021: Four of Cups: First pull was Judgement again. Thank you for the uplifting message, especially after yesterday. Then Nine of Wands. Time of change. Finally I pull Four of Cups. New opportunities being offered, but ignored. I am too tired to even try to intuit these, but it seems pretty straightforward.  Change and opportunities. For the love of god let it be the damn house already! LOL
    • End of day thoughts: 

Monday, February 8, 2021

How Times Have Changed

My whole world was turned on its head a few months ago. And I have never been happier.

I left a bad situation. I am not thrilled that I let it go on for so long. But I am out, and my girls are safe. It is going to be a while before we are fully healed and moved on, but it's a start.

I am taking control of my life for the first time in a long time. I bought a car, I have set a budget that I have been sticking to, I have been making my own decisions and rules for my life.

I have a great man in my life. I refuse to hear bad things said about him, because he is amazing and I truly don't deserve him. He brings me peace, and I hope I bring him happiness in return.

I left my management position for a receptionist job. I am so glad I did. This job is everything I could ever dream of, and I love it more than I thought I would.

I found my word. RISE. And once I found it, that is what I have been striving to do. Rise above the obstacles, the pain, the past. I have it posted on everything I look at during the day as a constant reminder. And in doing so, I have been so much healthier.

So now, advice. 

Do the scary thing, to take care of yourself. Even if it seems like it's impossible, that it's such a HUGE undertaking, try. Take small steps. You will be amazed how far you can get with one step at a time.

Find your word. If you need help, or a reminder, go to One word can make such a difference in your life. 

Finally, look around you and find your tribe. I have always believed that I can choose who belongs in my family, and lately that has been proven in astounding ways. Open yourself up, to love, to friendship, to everything you could possibly want if you just let yourself have it.

Good luck to you, and have a great day!

101 In 1001: Watch 26 Movies I've Never Seen

 This challenge should be fun.

The goal is to watch 26 movies I have never seen, starting with each letter of the alphabet. For this, I am going to post which movie I have chosen, when I watch it, and what I thought.

**Movies may change depending on what gets watched first, availability, etc.**

  • A- America's Sweethearts: watched; stayed up til 1am to finish it haha
  • B- Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
  • C- Casablanca
  • D- Dangerous Liasons or Doctor Sleep
  • E- East of Eden
  • F- Five Year Engagement
  • G- Germany Year Zero or Get A Job
  • H- Howl's Moving Castle or High Fidelity
  • I- I Married A Witch
  • J- Jacob's Ladder or Jojo Rabbit
  • K- The Kid (Charlie Chaplin)
  • L- Lars and the Real Girl or The Last Kiss
  • M- Malcolm X or Margaret
  • N- Nausicaa
  • O- One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest
  • P- The Pallbearer or A Patch of Blue
  • Q- Quadrophenia
  • R- Real Women Have Curves
  • S- Safe House or Singin' In The Rain
  • T- That Hamilton Woman or A Time to Kill
  • U- Untamed Heart or Unpregnant
  • V- Viva Las Vegas
  • W- Walk of Shame or White Oleander
  • X- X-Men Dark Phoenix
  • Y- Yellow Brick Road
  • Z- Zodiac

101 In 1001: Read a new book each month.

 So, first of all, I did sort of fall off a bit on this one. I didn't document everything I read in 2020, which was way more than the few books I am listing. I am picking this up again as of February 2021, and will be updating monthly, or as I complete each book.

    2020 books

  • Post Apocalyptic Nomadic Warrior: Duck and Run: I really liked this book. It was creative and not your average "Zombie Apocalypse" book. I will be continuing the series. Side note: for some reason every time I see this title, my mind starts singing "Have Gun Will Travel".
  • Eat Pray Love: It took me way too long to finish this book. I actually really liked it. I have also watched the movie, and it is actually at the point where I am unsure which I like more. It inspired me to continue my spiritual journey in every way possible.
  • Land of Stories books 1-3: This series is surprising. The author is Kurt from Glee, and I LOVE it. It is not a re-imagining of the fairy tales you know, as much as it is a continuation after "Happily Ever After" with two kids plunked in the middle. The only reason I stopped after book 3 is because I am not ready for whatever trauma is about to happen lol.
  • Alice In Zombieland Series books 1-3: Again, a great series that I stopped because I am not ready for the trauma haha. I accidentally read the book jacket of the book after next, and I stalled out halfway through book 4. I went into this series thinking it was going to be like Pride & Prejudice & Zombies.... which I have not actually read but did see the movie. It is NOTHING like it. Some of the symbolism from Wonderland is there, but not the story itself. Would have been cool, but still a really good series.
    2021 Books
  • January: Julie and Julia: where the heck did I put this book....
  • February: The Compound Effect: This book is the start of my self-improvement kick. I have started reading more personal growth books, listening to podcasts, signed up for Success Magazine... The writer of this book is a former publisher at Success. This book focuses on how small change can and will snowball into something huge. Great book.
  • February: The ONE Thing: In progress
  • February: Spilled Milk: I literally read this in one day. Based on a true story, the author conveys a story of an abuse victim, and the aftermath of her finally telling someone. It is well written, and will make you feel all the feels. Amazing. I highly recommend, especially because it shows that you can't just look at someone and know they are suffering.
  • February: Lost Girls: An okay suspense book, though I hesitate to categorize it as that. There were some amazing parts. But I feel that some things could have been fleshed out a little more, changed since there were so many of the same scenarios. I did make it through it, which is a big indicator that it is interesting (If it doesn't grab me within the first chapter I never go back).
  • February: Someone Tell Aunt Tillie She's Dead: OBSESSED. This is a funny book, and crazy. It is a fiction book about a witch that inherits what is essentially a haunted house. But it is way more than that and I am excited to power through the whole series.
  • March: Someone Tell Aunt Tillie We're In Trouble: Again, great book. This one is about the main character's best friend causing all sorts of trouble with a toad bone. Already bought the next book.
  • March: Someone Tell Aunt Tillie We're Canning Demons: NOOOOOO! I powered through the whole series in days. I read Someone Tell Aunt Tillie We're Kidnapping Cupid as well. So good. There is another book to be released and I can't freaking wait.
  • March: Amethyst Witch: Well I spiraled into a Witch genre binge. This book is the first of the Stacy Justice series, and it was really good. Didn't focus so much on witchiness, but it was a pretty good "mystery" book. This was written by an author who collab'd with the writer of Tillie, so I had to check it out. Not disappointed.
  • March: Summer Magic: Good book. Paranormal (witch) romance. First in a series that I can't wait to dive into. I will say, they use the word sister sooooo much. But otherwise it is great. Deals with a witch family dealing with love, drama, and family.
  • March: The Faerie Guardian: Pretty good book, but a lot of cliffhangers that are apparently being touched on in the sequel. There's not really too much to say about it. It was good, but one of those that isn't easy to recall later.
  • March: Opal Fire: A pretty good sequel to Amethyst Witch. More witchiness, way more mystery. And a huge twist at the end. Probably going to wait a little bit to read the next installment though.
  • March: Beneath The Attic: This is a prequel to Flowers In The Attic. I feel like maybe I have read this before, because it feels so familiar to me. I love V.C. Andrews, and all of her series. 
  • March: Always Room For Cupcakes:This book was fun! Mildly raunchy, definitely crazy. It's about a woman who is working as a photographer for a PI, who gets herself into all sorts of trouble.
  • March: Autumn Magic: Sequel to Summer Magic. I am loving this series. It is funny, and also moved me to tears. This one doesn't use the word sister as much. Also this series is marked 18+ due to sexual content. The first four books deal with each sister's love life, as well as their quest to save their mother.
  • March: Winter Magic: I read this one in the matter of hours. Hilarious, but also with some stomach-dropping moments. Already started on the next one. HIGHLY RECOMMEND.
  • March: Spring Magic: This one broke my soul. All of the other books were good, but this one is so much MORE. I cried a few times, because it makes you feel so much.
  • April: Girl, Wash Your Face: In progress
  • April: Update: I am up to book 8 of the Thorne series (Summer Magic and it's sequels). Still really good; however I now have no idea where the books are leading as a few of the main plotlines have been concluded.
  • December: Whoops, fell behind. I am tunneling through Berkley Street, book One. Amazing so far!

Friday, February 5, 2021

50 Questions To Open Your Mind


  1. How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are? I'd probably be 25, as I still think I am 25 in my mind... I'm actually 34.
  2. Which is worse, failing or never trying? Never trying. When you fail, you learn. If you never try, you always wonder.
  3. If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do? Social pressures.
  4. When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done? I hope not... So far I think it's pretty even.
  5. What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world? I wish people would hate less and care more.
  6. If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich? Hmm. I mean, I like the job I do right now (reception-y type person). However, I'd probably do something with books or animals.
  7. Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for what you are doing? I was definitely settling a few months ago. However, I feel like I'm on the right path now.
  8. If the average human life span was 40 years, how would you live your life differently? I wouldn't spend so much time in unhappy settings.
  9. To what degree have you actually controlled the course your life has taken? Oh geez. I think its torn in half. There were times I was in full control (like now) and times I was being controlled.
  10. Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things? As a mom, I think I definitely worry about doing the right things. And now that I am in a healthy, loving relationship, that is a big worry. I have made so many mistakes in the past.
  11. You’re having lunch with three people you respect and admire.  They all start criticizing a close friend of yours, not knowing she is your friend.  The criticism is distasteful and unjustified.  What do you do? Get up and leave. It isn't worth my time to fight with them, I wouldn't change their minds. However, they no longer would have my respect and I refuse to sit there and deal with that.
  12. If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be? Don't worry about other people; do what makes you happy.
  13. Would you break the law to save a loved one? Absolutely. Without question.
  14. Have you ever seen insanity where you later saw creativity? No. As an artistic thinker, I usually see just creativity.
  15. What’s something you know you do differently than most people? I handle stress differently. I tend to freeze and cry for like 10 minutes, then tackle it full force.
  16. How come the things that make you happy don’t make everyone happy? Because everyone is different and likes different things?
  17. What one thing have you not done that you really want to do?  What’s holding you back? I want to visit Greece and New Orleans.... and I haven't gone because of money and time constraints. One day I will.
  18. Are you holding onto something you need to let go of? Not lately. A few months ago the answer was yes. I was holding so tight to something making my family miserable, all because I thought it was the right thing to do.
  19. If you had to move to a state or country besides the one you currently live in, where would you move and why? Greece. Or Pennsylvania. Both for the same reason: I find them beautiful.
  20. Do you push the elevator button more than once?  Do you really believe it makes the elevator faster? Yes I do, but it's not a speed thing. I like pushing buttons.
  21. Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton? Joyful simpleton. I'm tired of being worried constantly, I need a break lol.
  22. Why are you, you? I am a mixture of both of my parents. I grew up wild and carefree, but at some point I lost myself to worry. And now I am trying to get it back so my daughters are shown what happy looks like.
  23. Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend? For the most part yes. There were bits of time when someone has swayed me from that. But my friends know who I am, and know why I would act differently at some points.
  24. Which is worse, when a good friend moves away, or losing touch with a good friend who lives right near you? Definitely the latter. You can always stay in touch and visit someone if you love them enough. But to lose touch with someone close by means that your friendship wasn't important to either one or both of you and that is sad.
  25. What are you most grateful for? My kids and my chosen family. They make me happy and get me through the tough times.
  26. Would you rather lose all of your old memories, or never be able to make new ones? That is an impossible question. If I lost my old ones, I would lose so many of people I no longer have, ones who helped shape me into who I am. However, if I could never make new ones, I'd miss out on all the future memories with my kids, and my boyfriend, and all the amazing things to come.
  27. Is is possible to know the truth without challenging it first? I want to say no.... but isn't that what faith is? The absolute knowledge that something is true, even when you have no way of proving it?
  28. Has your greatest fear ever come true? No. Thank the gods... I have been through incredible pain, but if my greatest fear came true I don't know how I would go on living. (I rarely even voice what it is, but you can probably guess.)
  29. Do you remember that time 5 years ago when you were extremely upset?  Does it really matter now? ...yes. Small upsets don't matter. Life brings you to where you are supposed to be. And I went through it all to reach this point. However, some of those big hurts affected my children, and right now they still feel it, so yes it matters.
  30. What is your happiest childhood memory?  What makes it so special? Weekend trips to visit family. So much has happened since then, and I don't talk to them as much, and we've lost so many along the way...
  31. At what time in your recent past have you felt most passionate and alive? When I left the worst situation of my life. I felt so broken and lost. But I was so angry, so done with it, that I began moving and didn't stop til it was over. And it brought...peace.
  32. If not now, then when? Well, lately I have been living in the now and doing as much as I can. However, my big dreams are waiting until my kids are a little older, or at least we aren't in a state of flux.
  33. If you haven’t achieved it yet, what do you have to lose? Depends on what it is. I am reaching for a lot right now. However, if I reach too far, I could lose everything I hold dear. However, that in itself could be the start of something even greater, so who knows.
  34. Have you ever been with someone, said nothing, and walked away feeling like you just had the best conversation ever? Not quite... but I will say that I can sit with my boyfriend and just BE and walk away at peace and stronger and fulfilled.
  35. Why do religions that support love cause so many wars? Because they feel that someone has to be right, and it MUST be them. Which is why I say I am not religious, I am spiritual.
  36. Is it possible to know, without a doubt, what is good and what is evil? Definitely not. I feel that some things are not strictly good or evil. Just like people can be good but do bad things, or bad but do good things.
  37. If you just won a million dollars, would you quit your job? No. I love my job. I would definitely keep it, at least for a little while. 
  38. Would you rather have less work to do, or more work you actually enjoy doing? More work that I enjoy doing. Like I said, I love my job... but I get it done so quick that I wish there was more lol.
  39. Do you feel like you’ve lived this day a hundred times before? Not this day... But there have definitely been times like that. Where I didn't even want to get out of bed because I knew it was going to be more of the same.
  40. When was the last time you marched into the dark with only the soft glow of an idea you strongly believed in? About a month ago. I normally don't. I need to KNOW. But I broke, and I had to go and believe that it would all be okay if I just kept going.
  41. If you knew that everyone you know was going to die tomorrow, who would you visit today? This is a terrible question. I would visit my 2 best friends for a bit, and then gather my dad, my daughters, and my boyfriend at night.
  42. Would you be willing to reduce your life expectancy by 10 years to become extremely attractive or famous? Nope. I do not care about that stuff. The people that love me already think I'm beautiful, and famous isn't worth it.
  43. What is the difference between being alive and truly living? Being alive is just going through life. Truly living is doing what makes you happy, taking risks, enjoying it.
  44. When is it time to stop calculating risk and rewards, and just go ahead and do what you know is right? As much as you can, as soon as you can.
  45. If we learn from our mistakes, why are we always so afraid to make a mistake? I think it is human nature to be afraid to fail and let others down. It is perceived guilt for something that actually makes us better.
  46. What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you? Pfft. I don't really care what people think of me. Although.... I think I'd day drink more lol.
  47. When was the last time you noticed the sound of your own breathing? Last night. I have a snoring problem and was trying out nasal strips and I was very conscious of how quiet it was.
  48. What do you love?  Have any of your recent actions openly expressed this love? I love my family. I love my job. And I try to express those loves in words, gifts and actions as much as possible.
  49. In 5 years from now, will you remember what you did yesterday?  What about the day before that?  Or the day before that? Not really. I will most likely remember the feelings... which is bliss.
  50. Decisions are being made right now.  The question is:  Are you making them for yourself, or are you letting others make them for you? I am making my own decisions for the first time in a long time. Not the little ones like "where do you want to eat" cuz I suck at that. But the big ones, yeah.