
Monday, October 27, 2014


Good Morning!!!

I am wide awake and full of excitement! All because I have something to share.

As most of you know, I am a Beachbody coach. Every week, they host a call to help coaches grow, not just in their business, but in their personal life. At least that's how I view it. Everything they share can be carried over to most situations. But I have a specific point I want to talk about today...


Wait, what??

This idea is super simple. When you have a goal, SHARE IT. You will be more likely to reach it if you have people holding you accountable. Obviously, you don't want to share with everyone (I'm pretty sure telling only your enemies will end in disaster). But, if you share with even one friend, and keep them updated on your progress, you are around 33% more likely to succeed than if you keep your goal to yourself (according to this study, which also shows more success when you write down your goals. I will touch on that shortly).

If you are having trouble finding someone who is supportive, or if you feel your goal is unattainable (don't be afraid to dream big), please send me an email. I am absolutely willing to be your partner, as long as your goal isn't to kill someone, haha.

As for writing your goals down, this is a great idea. Write it down, and put it somewhere you will see every day. A great tip: if your goal is in the health and fitness area, check out the Beachbody website. You can input your starting stats, as well as take a before picture, and track your progress. Also, they offer recipes, workouts, and an easy way to connect to people who are working towards goals like yours. If you are interested in signing up for free, please do so here.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

It's Not Okay

I have something to say... I'm sick of the world being sick.

That sounds horrible. I swear I started out writing this somewhat decent post about how it's okay to be scared and overprotective. The title was supposed to be "It's Okay". But every single word made me want to scream. Not because I don't believe that; because I didn't want to say it at all.

I want to talk about judgment. It's a bad, ugly thing, and I can't stand it. It surrounds all of us. We judge people, and events, and even ideas. It brings so much hatred, and that is unhealthy. The best part is, we have NO RIGHT to judge. It makes us feel strong and powerful, but why? What is the point?

I do my best not to judge people. I am constantly judged: my looks, the way I act, my entire life. People look at me and automatically think they have me figured out. That is not fair, and I refuse to put people through that. It hurts... it doesn't just hurt a person's feelings, it hurts your wellbeing. You can't be healthy and loving while looking down at others, even if you don't know them.

Right now, everyone is talking about Ebola, and how it is spreading. Can't deny it, it's happening. My problem is, everyone has an opinion. Most of them come from fear. Fear is understandable. However, when you start bashing people who are living through it, or trying to combat it, you stop helping. You become a voice of hate at a time when everyone should be fighting to be strong and united.

We are part of an epidemic. Our hatred and judgment makes the world sick. Be part of the cure. Love someone. Be nice to a stranger. Help a person in need, instead of automatically writing them off.

 A little love goes a long way.

Thursday, October 9, 2014


Just a quick reminder: I don't always share my posts on social media, so you may be missing some of my entries. If you enjoy my blog and don't want to miss anything, please subscribe via one of the links on the right side of your page (either email subscription or through the Bloglovin site).

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Ok, so it's time for my big announcement...

I'm pregnant! YAY!

I was told every pregnancy is different, but totally didn't believe it until now. With my daughter, it was so much easier. Barely any sickness, no pain, no drama. But this time around, it's the opposite. I'm sick almost every day, headaches and side pains, to the point where I've gone to the hospital to make sure everything was okay. Plus, there's crazy drama and ordeals (for more info, see my previous post titled "Please Read" & follow the link)

Anyway, I'm now 14 weeks along, which is when things are supposed to get easier. And they have... kind of. No more sickness, but lots of gagging for no reason. I'm not tired all the time, but still need naps a few days a week.

Still, it's a super exciting time! My daughter just turned 9, and I've been missing the baby and toddler phase. As soon as I found out, I started my registry, and started tidying all the stuff I already have. I feel like a crazy person!

I'm very happy and nervous about this stage in my life, and every so often I will share what's going on with you. In a few weeks I find out the gender, so you will get an update then!