
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Regrets During Pregnancy

I'm pretty sure every mom has some regrets when it comes to pregnancy and childbirth. It's normal. I figured I'd share mine. (Note: My regrets are not meant to shame anyone else. It's just my thoughts on my own personal experience.)

1. I regret not eating healthier. As a health nut who would rather have carrots than candy, I never thought I'd say this. Unfortunately, I craved horribly fatty foods, and carbs, and loads of yummy stuff that I shouldn't have eaten. I'm not saying I didn't eat healthy foods too; in fact, I craved them as well. But, I ate way more junk food, and I feel like crap for it. My one saving grace is that for the last few months, I have been a little more careful about what I eat.

2. I regret not being more active. I have always been pretty active. I used to walk every single day, and do home workouts, and was a pretty fit, healthy person (that includes while I was pregnant with my first child). This time, however, I let it all go. I did walk a lot in the beginning... until the pain and nausea set in. I would walk my daughter to school and cry on the way home because I hurt so bad. Or I'd be heaving the whole mile back to my house. Eventually, the "morning sickness" (what a lie!) went away, but the pain never did. So I limited myself to going to the school and sitting on my fitness ball (which helped ease my back and leg pain).

I am trying to be a tiny bit more active now. I sit on my ball sometimes, and I dance a little. Plus, I totally count going up and down the stairs a million times a day as a valid form of exercise (they are steep and I am front heavy lol)!

3. I regret stress. I think everyone in the world could say that, but for me, it was like I got pregnant and immediately tripled my stress level. I had scary pains, and crazy life events, and daily worries, and it all got the best of me. Every time I solved one issue, two more would hit. It's kind of calming down now, but I still have insomnia because once I lie down, I start to think and worry.

My regret isn't about how many stressful things I have going on (although some of them do suck). My regret is that by being so stressed out, I could unintentionally harm myself or the baby. Luckily I did not, but if I could go back and find a way to just relax and not worry so much, I would in an instant. (If you are pregnant and super stressed, try to find ways to calm down a little. Take baths, or read, or something. Enjoy the miracle you are going through, because it doesn't last long.)

4. My final regret has actually not happened yet, but I fear it will. I regret not being vocal. I am naturally a very quiet person, and I do not assert my dominance. I know what I want during childbirth and afterward, but I feel like I'm going to be trampled by well-meaning people who insist they know better than me.

All my power was taken from me with my firstborn, and I really don't want that to happen again. I am trying to make a "birth plan" (you know, those things they tell you to write but it's rare they are actually followed) that is at least somewhat specific on key points, like interventions and breastfeeding and such. Hopefully that will get me started in the right direction.

In closing, (and this goes for everyone, not just moms) do not be afraid to voice your regrets. I used to say that I had no regrets because everything was a learning experience, but that's not really healthy. Eventually it eats you up inside.