
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Beachbody Profile Update!

I have updated my Beachbody profile. I decided not to do new before photos, I am basically back to the way I looked before starting out. I did, however, remeasure myself. And I will share it with you.

-weight:128 lbs
-waist: 36.5 inches
-hips: 38.5 inches
-chest: 35 inches
-right/left arm: 10.5 inches
-right/left thigh: 20 inches
BMI: 35%

Basically, except for my weight, I am bigger than when I started my fitness journey. Which sucks, but it's entirely my fault. I started eating more junk food because I thought working out would counteract it, then I stopped working out but kept the bad eating habits. Oops.

So now I am revamping my diet and workout regimen. No excuses. I'm determined to get my body fabulous for the summer, and stay that way. That means that even if I have to work out at 11pm, I will. There's no stopping me now!

Now I pose a question to you. What's stopping you?
The answer is simple. YOU.

You are your own worst enemy. You make excuses as to why you can't work out or eat better. You can make the time. You can do this with me. But you have to stop telling yourself you can't, you don't have time, you aren't strong enough.

If you would like help starting or continuing your fitness journey, please go to my site, and sign up under the Join link. Use my name (Patricia Dehart) as your coach, and I will send you an email. I will work with your goals and help you in any way you need.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Reality Check Time

Uh oh. Somewhere along my fitness journey, I got derailed. I am drinking my Shakeology every day. However, I barely work out and eat junk a lot. I didn't know how bad I was getting until tonight.... I did a body fat check. Ugh.

I went from 30% to 40%! What?!

Now is the time I need to look at my lifestyle. Do I really need two bowls of tuna macaroni salad? NO. Could I manage to get my workout done before work every day? YES.

This is going to become my new routine. Questioning every decision I make healthwise. I'm not saying I won't give in every now and then. I deserve a treat sometimes. However, I will no longer say "well I ate a banana for breakfast, I can have a whole bag of chips." I am not 16 anymore. I don't walk to school 2 miles both ways. I need to get my life in order now, while it is still relatively easy.

New goal: get back down to 30% body fat. Tomorrow, I am going to restart TurboFire and Chalean Extreme. I will be following the hybrid schedule. And I will be counting my calories and drinking ONLY water and hot tea. Shakeology for breakfast every morning. Fruit or veggies as snacks. Time to kick my butt in gear! And to help that, I will be redoing my "before" photos.

I'll keep you posted on my progress. Love you!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A Few Ideas On Life

My disclaimer for this post: It's not about fitness. It will be somewhat deep. You have been warned.

The past couple days have been pretty heavy. Obviously the tornado in Oklahoma, but there's more. I found out some stuff about my family that I am still trying to process. While I can't go into crazy detail, I can let you know a little.

I found out that someone I love so much may be being abused. (It is not my daughter. If it was I would be in jail already.) I also found out that someone I thought would never leave is nearing the end. I don't know which hurts worse...

But today has been a growing experience. I found two videos that have helped me get through this.

The first one is about surviving, in a way. It talks about how the universe has never given you more than you can handle. I have been watching Mandi's videos for a little while now, and it seems like every time I have an issue, BAM! She uploads a video that helps.

The second video is about living. It is about a young man who lived so fully, knowing he was going to die. And while you may think that is sad, you can see how much joy and love he and everyone around him experienced.

What I have learned from these videos is to live life to the fullest while you have the chance. You never know what will happen tomorrow. Life is not forever. If you have a dream, pursue it. If you are sad that you don't talk to someone anymore, reach out. Go into the next life without regrets or unfinished business.

Another thing I took out of them is YOU WILL MAKE IT. The fact that you are alive today means you have conquered everything that has been thrown at you. Don't be scared of trials. Work through them. You will be okay. WE will be okay.

Thank you for reading, my video will be up by the end of the week, so keep a look out or subscribe to my channel. Love you.

Friday, May 17, 2013


So I have a problem. Im having issues keeping up with my workouts and water intake. I try really hard, but it's so hard for me to be likd, "ok I've played enough WoW, let's do some lifting". Last time I worked out was last Saturday. I'm obviously not happy about it.

I also know I am not the only one who has had this problem. So I ask: what helped you grt over your slump?

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Dread misconceptions

Crappy picture. Sorry.

So this post will not be formatted since I am doing it from my phone.

I wanted to make a short post about the ridiculous things I have heard since I put my dreads in. It's been almost 2 months, and I love them, but I'm tired of so much judgement! What do tou get from it?! Here's a few things I would like to clear up...

-I did not do this because I'm trying to "be black". And yes that is exactly how people say it to me. I put my dreads in after I had been soul searching for a while. I had tried to do it sooner, but the judgement stopped me. Now I realized I was compelled by my own nature.

-Along that same line of thinking, no, I cannot ask that dude with the awesome dreads where he got it done, for two reasons. One, I do not have the same hair type as African-Americans. Two, I want to do it myself, my own way. I can look at myself and be proud that I did it myself, with positivity weaved into all of it.

-I wash my hair. Not as much as I used to, however. I used to wash my hair every other day. Now, it's once a week. Which is good! Come to find out, I was making my hair oily by washing it more. Also, my hair is growing way faster now.

-No, I don't have lice. Just because my head itches does not mean bugs are living in my hair. I would freak out and shave it all off if that ever happened. I work in an environment that is crazy dusty which makes me itch.

-Also, it's normal for me to have dandruff. Whenever the weather changes my scalp freaks out. The only reason it's more noticeable now is cuz I can't just rub a heavy moisturizer into my hair.

Ok. That's it for my crazy rant. Next week I will post a normal entry, as well as a new youtube video.

Love you all!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

New video

Watch "Be yourself" on YouTube
Hey guys! Just a quick link to the video I said I would do today!

My Plans Today + Excitement!

Good morning everyone!

I should so not be awake right now. I worked til 1:15am, and didn't get to sleep til around 3. But I woke up at 8 and couldn't get back to sleep, so here I am!

So I have a crazy amount of ideas for what I want to do today. Will I do them all? NOPE. But if I get some done I will be happy.

  • study for my ASE exam... which is in a week
  • learn all I can about "The High Priestess" tarot card (it's the one I pulled today)
  • work out
  • make a video and post to youtube
  • look for a suitable board to use as my altar
  • do dishes
  • paint my nails
  • go for a walk
  • hula hoop
  • watch some Warehouse 13 episodes
Fun stuff, right? Yeah my life is boring.

Now for all the exciting things going on for me. I am expecting 5 packages in the mail within the week. One is my Shakeology, which I saved money on by signing up for HomeDirect. Two are movies (Mulan 1 and 2 + Three Men and a Baby). The last two are necklaces. I bought a chakra pendant for me, and a rose quartz heart for my daughter.

Another exciting thing: my dreads. They are coming along quite nicely. Which is why I want to make a video showing them off.

Lastly, in a little over a month, I get to see my boyfriend's parents. After two years of dating. Ugh. I already know how it will go. BADLY. But that is perfectly okay, because at least I can say I made every attempt to reach out to them, and they refused to try.

Alright, time to get moving. WHOOOO!!!!

Have a blessed day, love you!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Facebook Page Shoutout!

Today's post is going to be a shameless plug. Not for me. For my amazing best friend, Ari.

This is her wearing a wrap she made. Awesome! Sorry, I am so totally in love with these things. This style is a mei tai carrier. Super easy to use, and not bulky.

She also makes ring slings, soaps, breastfeeding shirts, and most recently, CLOTH DIAPERS!!! Yay!

So yeah, I totally love her and her products, so go check her out, and like her page!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

I don't know where to begin

This is just an update.

I put dreads in my hair! I needed a change and to have a way to ground myself. So far working pretty well. It's been one month, and I feel a lot more centered.

Also, I have started writing poems again.... and fully embracing who I am. And that is, not a Christian. OMG WHAT?!

I have realized that although I believe in Christ as my savior, I believe in nature more. It heals me. As horrible as it sounds, prayer has never worked for me. It has always been so unnatural to me. Going outside and absorbing the energy of nature has brought me peace, and comfort.

I am not religious. I am spiritual. I do not worship the devil. I believe in balance in everything.

Sorry to those who now hate me and are offended by my beliefs. I will leave you with this. It is not your place to judge. If I am wrong in my beliefs, when I meet God he will judge me accordingly. Our job is to love everyone, because we have all been created for a purpose.

Thank you.