
Friday, June 28, 2013

New Stuffs!

Assuming most people reading my blog are not Beachbody Coaches, I will fill you in on some amazingness!!! Last week was Beachbody Summit, a training camp/ fitness party/ release dealie. I'm sad I missed it. But I watched parts live on UStream. And I got to see the releases of the best things ever!!!

I have been waiting on the new Shaun T program, T25 Focus, for months. Now, it's finally here! This program is intense, and 25 minutes long. No more "I don't have time to exercise" excuse. It makes you focus on technique, and push hard through the whole workout. So results, fast. I am waiting to finish my current program, but I can't wait to order this.

The second product unveiled was Vanilla Shakeology. What???? I thought it would never happen. It was supposed to come out 2 years ago, but they couldn't find an all natural source of vanilla that met their flavor standards. I must say, I am glad they waited. I ordered this the day it came out. I love it! It's so versatile. And tasty. And amazing. Happy happy joy joy!

I seriously recommend trying these products. Especially the Shakeology. It is literally the easiest, healthiest meal ever. Order here.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Cleanse Results

In a previous post, I said I was going to do the Shakeology 3 day cleanse. I retract that statement. I did a Shakeology 4 day cleanse, because I screwed up the first day. Technically I messed up the whole thing because I forgot to drink green tea. However, I still saw some results. I'm sure I would have been keeled over the whole time if I had drank the tea.

The first day was a failure. I did okay until dinner, then ate pasta. And a prosciutto stuffed pepper. Shame on me.

The second day was excruciating. I stuck with it. However, as I am broke, I didn't have salad for dinner. I ate just a small piece of fish. I was fine until the end of the day, then I was starving and in pain. I got a migraine and my back and stomach hurt. I do not know if this was because of the cleanse... but I think my body may have been freaking out due to lack of food. I usually have a shake for breakfast, a decent sized lunch and dinner, and tons of snacks in between. I am literally always eating.

The third day was a lot better. I did 3 shakes this day, as well as a piece of fish and a decent helping of steamed corn. No more pain in my body once I exercised a little. I did cheat and have a small amount of popcorn for girls night.

The final day I woke up late. I had 2 shakes during the day, but when I got home I decided that I was going to end early. I got my boyfriend to take my after pictures, then headed to the kitchen. I pigged out on pretzels. So sad lol.

I was not too thrilled by the after shots.... Until this morning. I woke up and saw a difference, so I decided to take two more pictures. I am sorry for the quality. I had to stand awkwardly to get them.

My computer hates uploading pictures, so I put them in a public facebook album. As you can see, there isn't too much of a difference. I do notice my stomach is a little flatter, which is awesome.... my stomach is my trouble area. I lost 4 pounds total.

I do recommend this cleanse because it's not as harsh as others I have heard of/done. you are not missing nutrients, Shakeology is full of them. However, you will be hungry for a few days. Sorry.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Cleanse Update

This will be a quick note just to fill everyone in.

I started my Shakeology cleanse Sunday.... and cheated horribly. I really tried hard to stick to it, but my dad made shells with sauce, and I was frustrated and starving. So I caved.

Yesterday I did better, so I am going to count that as day one. I stuck to the plan, with only one slipup. Same as today. It's going to take a decent amount of willpower to get through tonight since I am doing movie night at a friends house.

I have come to realize I eat a lot of food during the day. I was hungry all day because I am so used to snacking literally all day. No wonder I carry a little excess fat.

So tomorrow will be the final day of the cleanse, and I will post my results including a before and after comparison on Thursday!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Shakeology 3 Day Cleanse

I read something today on one of the Beachbody pages that I follow that I can't believe I have didn't know about.... The Beachbody Cleanse. It is a three day program that kickstarts your weight loss process. WHAT?!?!

Many people do not understand that doing cleanses are NECESSARY for proper body function. I found this out years ago while working with one of those "weight loss hypnotists". I will tell you right now, that stuff does work.... in a way. All they do is teach you to change your thinking, and load you up with products. One of those: a detox cleanse! The reason for doing these cleanses is simple: to clean your intestines and colon. EEWWWW, right? Not as gross as if you don't do it.

Most people don't chew their food as much as they should. I know I don't. They assume that the stomach acids will break it all down and it'll pass through super easy. Nope. If you don't chew your food into a paste, little bits and pieces will be left to pass through your intestines and colon, and a lot of the time they get stuck. And they sit there until they are forced out by some form of cleansing. This is why a lot of people carry excess weight around with them.

So a cleanse will get rid of that stuff. In doing so, you lose a little weight, gain more energy, and help your body process the food you put into it a little easier. YAY!

I have done a few cleanses that are readily available. I have drank teas and taken pills. Both did not get me the results that I knew I needed. However, I am going to try another: Shakeology. I have already seen what this nutrient-dense shake can do just by drinking it once a day. I am confident that the results of this cleanse will be amazing. Here is the breakdown:

-1 scoop Shakeology
-1 serving fruit
-ice + 8-10 oz water

Morning Snack
-1 piece fruit (can be saved for lunch)
-1 cup green tea or a detox tea

-1 scoop Shakeology
-fruit if not used for morning snack
-ice + 8-10 oz water

Afternoon Snack
-1 cup green tea or a detox tea

-salad with low calorie dressing and a serving of grilled fish/poultry
-1 cup green tea or detox tea

Evening Snack (if desired)
-1 scoop Shakeology
-ice + 8-10 oz water

*Drink plenty of water, absolutely no dairy!!!

Pretty straightforward, right? Kind of like a juice cleanse, except better. Juices have added sugar unless you do it yourself, and they only provide a little of the required daily vitamins and nutrients for your body to work optimally.

I will be starting this once my Vegan Tropical Strawberry package comes in, which should be by the middle of next week. I will post before and after photos on here, as well as a "review" of the cleanse.

If you would like to join in on this cleanse, or try Shakeology for yourself, click here.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

For the One I Have Lost. Disclaimer:SAD!

For the One I Have Lost.

I love you.
I miss you.
I want you back.

This post is about my beautiful cousin, Carrie Lynn. She would have been 30 today. Every year her birthday sneaks up on me, as does the anniversary of her death. Dead. That hurts to think, even after her being gone for 9 years. She was the most alive person I have ever met. She loved everyone, and you could see her light shining, even if you didn't know her. Brilliant. That is a good word for Carrie.

She was a singer. Just like I am. In a way she drives me to sing more now that she's gone. I remember when my grandmother died, we sang "How Can I Help You Say Goodbye". Carrie was a strong singer during rehearsals, but I couldn't bear it. But she made me stronger. When it came time to perform, she broke down and I held her hand and kept going. When I heard about her death, I sang that song for days, just to feel close to her.

How did she die? She was stolen out of the world. Two men brutally murdered her in her home.

I don't want to talk about that.

I want to talk about how amazing she was. She was a 4H girl. Loved all animals, but especially horses. When she was buried, her casket was pulled by a horse drawn carriage. Fitting.

She was in love. I have never met Jimmy. But I know Carrie. She loved him.

She would have been a great mother. She was amazing with children. She had a soothing nature. Any time I was scared, she could calm me down.

She was horrible at schoolwork when we were younger. I'm 4 years younger, and we used to switch homework. Guess that secret is out!

She was funny. She managed to always make people laugh and feel joy.
I still feel that joy when I think of her.

But I feel sorrow too. Because I miss her so much. I try to live my life the way she would, because she can't do it anymore. But sometimes, most times, I wish she was here to share all these amazing things with me.

I still love you Carrie, and I will never let you be forgotten.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

July "Beachbody Mommy" Challenge **free**

Hey everyone! Just letting you guys know that I am running a Beachbody Challenge for mommies only during the month of July. I hear tons of people say they wish they could get their pre-baby body back, or have enough energy to keep up with their little ones. I was the same way. But then I signed up to be a coach, and started working out and drinking Shakeology every morning. I feel and look great!

Now is the perfect time to do this challenge! You need that extra energy to keep up with kids that are out of school for summer. Also, for those who don't know where to start, this is the opportunity of a lifetime. You get coaching from me, plus a group to hold you accountable and provide support.

If you are interested in learning more please contact me on Facebook or shoot me an email. In the meantime please check out the Challenge Packs available. You get a full workout set, plus a month supply of Shakeology to start you of on the right foot! Hope to hear from you soon.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Aftermath of Burn Circuit 1

So this is going to be a review of Chalean Extreme's Burn Circuit 1. If interested in purchasing the Challenge pack for this program, or checking out the Summer Sale that is going on this week,
click here.

For those of you that are new to this program:

Chalean Extreme is broken into three phases: Burn, Push, and Lean. The burn phase teaches you how to do the moves correctly, as well as how to control the movements. You do 10-12 reps of each move. The push phase has you lift heavier, but do only 6-8 reps. Finally, the lean phase sculpts and leans you out by working numerous muscles at the same time.

A few days ago, I pushed through Burn Circuit 1 at 11pm. Like I said in a previous post, NO MORE EXCUSES! Here is the list of moves, and I will touch on a few of them in detail.

-Sumo Squat with Hip Lift
-Lunge with Posterior Fly
-Pushup with Leg Lift
-Dead Lift with Posterior Fly
-Lunge with Core Rotation
-Bench Press with Leg Lower
-Squat with Side Bend
-Lunge with Double Posterior Fly
-Chest Fly with Hip Lift

My favorite moves from this series are The Squat with Side Bend and the Lunge with Core Rotation, because they both work my core, which is my trouble area. The hardest move for me is the Pushup with Leg Lift. It is done exactly the way it sounds. You do a pushup, then lift a leg. Anything pushup is hard for me, and I end up doing 8 out of 12 on my knees.

The best part of this program is that you can use any type of resistance (weights, bands, or just body weight). There is always someone doing the modified version so you can follow with them if you need to. The program came with a resistance band as well as a toner band, which helps build even more resistance. Also included in this weight training regimen is a few stretch modules, and some cardio for a well rounded routine.

The only thing I don't like about this is the music. I started out with TurboFire, which has Chalene's remixed music. It is awesome. So when I got this one, I figured it would have some motivating beats. Nope. Fast paced elevator music. BOOOOO! But it gives you the option to forgo the music, so I usually do that and pump up the Pandora.

All in all, great program for people looking for a weight training routine. To get the most out of it, you do need to follow the schedule and food guidelines (you do not have to, I am doing the schedule but sticking with my own diet).

If you are interested in learning about one of the other programs or signing up for the free coaching, please email me.

Super sale

Quick post today. Beachbody is running a week sale to kickstart your summer! Go to my site and click the summer deals link at the bottom!