
Friday, December 6, 2013

The Hazards of Cleaning

I have noticed a lot of posts online about cleaning products and how hazardous the ones supermarkets sell are.

I already knew this. Anyone who is on my Facebook or Pinterest also knows. But, I wanted to share my feelings on the subject in this week's post.

For the past year, I have been trying to take a more natural approach to life. Less fast food, more homemade products. Less pharmaceutical medicines, more herbal remedies. However, I always thought I was stuck with chemical filled cleaners. Nothing I tried worked well, cut grease as good.

Eventually I came across a "recipe" for an all natural citrus cleaner. Super easy to make, so I decided to try it. It works amazing! I use it in the kitchen and bathroom, to clean windows and dust. It doesn't leave residue, and cuts through grease as good as any heavy duty degreaser. I will share it at the end of this post.

The reason I am trying so hard to be more natural about my life is for a few different reasons. When I was a child, my family had a large backyard filled with fruits, vegetables, and a variety of herbs. Most of the meat we ate was hunted and fished out of nature. It was rare I ever took medicine for anything. We even made our own cleaners. I was healthy.

When I became a teenager, that changed. My mother and I moved to a small apartment, and we started eating fast food, and I became depressed. (Part of the reason was environment, part was diet. If you havent thought about how your diet affects you, please contact me.) I ended up on antidepressants which only made things worse. At 18, I got pregnant and moved back with my dad. I went off my medication, ate better, and felt better. I moved out and went back to the same diet, same depression.

Lately, I've been trying to embrace that natural approach for the sake of my daughter. I have seen what chemicals do to a growing child. And that goes for household cleaners as well. Everything you touch gets absorbed into your skin. All chemicals have some type of airborne fumes. They make you sick. Some are toxic. So why would I use that on surfaces that touch our skin or food?

I won't post my research on here, however I do invite you to do your own. Grab a bottle of your favorite stove cleaner, and look up the ingredients. Even better, read the WARNINGS on the label. Anything that has warnings on it is dangerous and had no place in your home.

My home cleaner

In a glass container, fill halfway with citrus (I use some used peels, as well as pulp and some fresh). Fill the rest of the way with white vinegar. Close container and leave for at least two weeks, shaking every few days. The longer you leave it the stronger it becomes.

After the two weeks, throw into a blender and blender until only small pieces remain. Pour back into container, straining through a cheesecloth (I use a square of an clean old shirt). Mix 1:1 ratio of mixture and water in a spray bottle.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

New Year, New You

Unless you have been living under a rock for your whole life, you know what a New Year's Resolution is. You make a list of goals for the upcoming year. I love this idea. You should have goals. However, there is a big problem with it. Most people write down the goals... and nothing else.

I want to lose 20 pounds.
I will make more money.
I still make a career change.

Have you spotted the issue??

If you don't make a plan of action, you will most likely give up. You will get frustrated that you aren't getting results, and quit. But you can't get those results you long for I'd you don't have a plan.

So, two things to help.

Push by Chalene Johnson
If you are a subscriber, you have seen this book mentioned before. I love Chalene. She is such a successful woman. And the reason she is so successful and amazing is: she plans. Simple as that. This book is a day by day layout of what you need to do to achieve your goals. Totally worth the read, and re-read.

For those of you who are planning on making weight loss or health resolutions, I am offering personal assistance. For the month of January, I will be running a fitness "challenge" through my Facebook page. You will have three workout programs to choose from (TBA) & all three come with a month supply of Shakeology and a meal plan. You get amazing structure, a top of the line program, and accountability from myself and your teammates, all in the comfort of your own home. No gym memberships or nervousness about being in public!

I highly recommend doing BOTH of these options. By doing so you have a greater chance of success, and you are investing in yourself. If it seems daunting, remember that I am following the same advice I am giving you right now. I will not just be running the challenge, I will be living it.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to email me or like my page.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Share The Love

I've noticed that since this month is Thanksgiving, many people are doing daily posts about what they are thankful for. So I wanted to share something I am thankful for, as well as proud to be a part of.

This month, Beachbody is running a "Give and Receive" special. For every challenge pack sold, they are donating $20 to Feeding America, as well as giving the customer $20 towards their next purchase. They are donating a MINIMUM of $250,000. That is amazing! I'm so happy to be part of a company that gives back.

I have also decided to do an "Open Campaign" til December 31st. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns for me (health and fitness related only) please email me at with your name,phone number, and best time to call, and I will call you within three days. If you are not comfortable with giving out your number, I will absolutely answer any questions by email as well.

I want to help as many people as I can. So please share with people you know. You never know who is struggling. Thank you.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


For the month of November, I have decided to push myself to make some changes. Some will be small, others not so much.

Some small changes: revamping my website, making a to-do list every day, and meditating daily.

A few BIG changes: reaching out to at least 2 people a day about Beachbody, doing more challenging workouts weekly, and creating a monthly meal plan.

All of these are focused on growth, both for myself and my family. I need to make changes if I want to go different places, as we all do. People wonder why they aren't getting the lives they desire. It's because they are afraid of change. I was there too. But, I have realized fear is just worry... about things that may never even happen. If you keep living in fear, nothing will happen, good or bad.

So, I have decided to take a leap of faith. Just push harder and see where it takes me. And when I begin to feel nervous our afraid, I can meditate to regain my center and realize there's nothing to fear.

If you have been thinking about doing something, but are afraid what may happen, DO IT ANYWAY! Something bad may happen, sure, but something amazing could happen as well.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Subscribe and Sign Up!

Just a quick post today. I noticed a lot of readers come from my facebook page, which is good. However, sometimes I don't have the means to post that I wrote something new, so you could be missing something. To make sure you get ALL of the posts, please subscribe to get updates through email.

Also, I wanted to touch on the Beachbody site. If you have not checked it out yet, go have a look. There is so much information and tools to help you on your fitness journey. I know tons of people who are struggling, or want to make a change but don't know where to begin. This is it! They provide you with everything you need, including support. Why would you not take advantage of something this good? Signing up is free!

Thursday, July 18, 2013


Hey everyone. This is just going to be a quick note of apology and filling in.


I'm sorry I haven't been posting lately.

Filling in:

I have been going through some major life changes and decisions lately. I started going to a therapist last week, and in doing so, I have started to think about my life in a clearer way. And I have realized that I need to do better for myself and figure out who I am. Let me tell you, that sucks. I'm proud of myself for finally seeing that; however, it means making big uncomfortable decisions for the first time ever. And it will hurt. But I know it's the right thing for myself. Right now that is what matters. I have to focus on me and stop making everyone else happy at the expense of myself.

I know, horribly short, and not the best ever blog. But I felt like I was neglecting you and I needed to let you know I have not forgotten about my readers. I will be on next week with a better post.

Friday, June 28, 2013

New Stuffs!

Assuming most people reading my blog are not Beachbody Coaches, I will fill you in on some amazingness!!! Last week was Beachbody Summit, a training camp/ fitness party/ release dealie. I'm sad I missed it. But I watched parts live on UStream. And I got to see the releases of the best things ever!!!

I have been waiting on the new Shaun T program, T25 Focus, for months. Now, it's finally here! This program is intense, and 25 minutes long. No more "I don't have time to exercise" excuse. It makes you focus on technique, and push hard through the whole workout. So results, fast. I am waiting to finish my current program, but I can't wait to order this.

The second product unveiled was Vanilla Shakeology. What???? I thought it would never happen. It was supposed to come out 2 years ago, but they couldn't find an all natural source of vanilla that met their flavor standards. I must say, I am glad they waited. I ordered this the day it came out. I love it! It's so versatile. And tasty. And amazing. Happy happy joy joy!

I seriously recommend trying these products. Especially the Shakeology. It is literally the easiest, healthiest meal ever. Order here.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Cleanse Results

In a previous post, I said I was going to do the Shakeology 3 day cleanse. I retract that statement. I did a Shakeology 4 day cleanse, because I screwed up the first day. Technically I messed up the whole thing because I forgot to drink green tea. However, I still saw some results. I'm sure I would have been keeled over the whole time if I had drank the tea.

The first day was a failure. I did okay until dinner, then ate pasta. And a prosciutto stuffed pepper. Shame on me.

The second day was excruciating. I stuck with it. However, as I am broke, I didn't have salad for dinner. I ate just a small piece of fish. I was fine until the end of the day, then I was starving and in pain. I got a migraine and my back and stomach hurt. I do not know if this was because of the cleanse... but I think my body may have been freaking out due to lack of food. I usually have a shake for breakfast, a decent sized lunch and dinner, and tons of snacks in between. I am literally always eating.

The third day was a lot better. I did 3 shakes this day, as well as a piece of fish and a decent helping of steamed corn. No more pain in my body once I exercised a little. I did cheat and have a small amount of popcorn for girls night.

The final day I woke up late. I had 2 shakes during the day, but when I got home I decided that I was going to end early. I got my boyfriend to take my after pictures, then headed to the kitchen. I pigged out on pretzels. So sad lol.

I was not too thrilled by the after shots.... Until this morning. I woke up and saw a difference, so I decided to take two more pictures. I am sorry for the quality. I had to stand awkwardly to get them.

My computer hates uploading pictures, so I put them in a public facebook album. As you can see, there isn't too much of a difference. I do notice my stomach is a little flatter, which is awesome.... my stomach is my trouble area. I lost 4 pounds total.

I do recommend this cleanse because it's not as harsh as others I have heard of/done. you are not missing nutrients, Shakeology is full of them. However, you will be hungry for a few days. Sorry.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Cleanse Update

This will be a quick note just to fill everyone in.

I started my Shakeology cleanse Sunday.... and cheated horribly. I really tried hard to stick to it, but my dad made shells with sauce, and I was frustrated and starving. So I caved.

Yesterday I did better, so I am going to count that as day one. I stuck to the plan, with only one slipup. Same as today. It's going to take a decent amount of willpower to get through tonight since I am doing movie night at a friends house.

I have come to realize I eat a lot of food during the day. I was hungry all day because I am so used to snacking literally all day. No wonder I carry a little excess fat.

So tomorrow will be the final day of the cleanse, and I will post my results including a before and after comparison on Thursday!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Shakeology 3 Day Cleanse

I read something today on one of the Beachbody pages that I follow that I can't believe I have didn't know about.... The Beachbody Cleanse. It is a three day program that kickstarts your weight loss process. WHAT?!?!

Many people do not understand that doing cleanses are NECESSARY for proper body function. I found this out years ago while working with one of those "weight loss hypnotists". I will tell you right now, that stuff does work.... in a way. All they do is teach you to change your thinking, and load you up with products. One of those: a detox cleanse! The reason for doing these cleanses is simple: to clean your intestines and colon. EEWWWW, right? Not as gross as if you don't do it.

Most people don't chew their food as much as they should. I know I don't. They assume that the stomach acids will break it all down and it'll pass through super easy. Nope. If you don't chew your food into a paste, little bits and pieces will be left to pass through your intestines and colon, and a lot of the time they get stuck. And they sit there until they are forced out by some form of cleansing. This is why a lot of people carry excess weight around with them.

So a cleanse will get rid of that stuff. In doing so, you lose a little weight, gain more energy, and help your body process the food you put into it a little easier. YAY!

I have done a few cleanses that are readily available. I have drank teas and taken pills. Both did not get me the results that I knew I needed. However, I am going to try another: Shakeology. I have already seen what this nutrient-dense shake can do just by drinking it once a day. I am confident that the results of this cleanse will be amazing. Here is the breakdown:

-1 scoop Shakeology
-1 serving fruit
-ice + 8-10 oz water

Morning Snack
-1 piece fruit (can be saved for lunch)
-1 cup green tea or a detox tea

-1 scoop Shakeology
-fruit if not used for morning snack
-ice + 8-10 oz water

Afternoon Snack
-1 cup green tea or a detox tea

-salad with low calorie dressing and a serving of grilled fish/poultry
-1 cup green tea or detox tea

Evening Snack (if desired)
-1 scoop Shakeology
-ice + 8-10 oz water

*Drink plenty of water, absolutely no dairy!!!

Pretty straightforward, right? Kind of like a juice cleanse, except better. Juices have added sugar unless you do it yourself, and they only provide a little of the required daily vitamins and nutrients for your body to work optimally.

I will be starting this once my Vegan Tropical Strawberry package comes in, which should be by the middle of next week. I will post before and after photos on here, as well as a "review" of the cleanse.

If you would like to join in on this cleanse, or try Shakeology for yourself, click here.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

For the One I Have Lost. Disclaimer:SAD!

For the One I Have Lost.

I love you.
I miss you.
I want you back.

This post is about my beautiful cousin, Carrie Lynn. She would have been 30 today. Every year her birthday sneaks up on me, as does the anniversary of her death. Dead. That hurts to think, even after her being gone for 9 years. She was the most alive person I have ever met. She loved everyone, and you could see her light shining, even if you didn't know her. Brilliant. That is a good word for Carrie.

She was a singer. Just like I am. In a way she drives me to sing more now that she's gone. I remember when my grandmother died, we sang "How Can I Help You Say Goodbye". Carrie was a strong singer during rehearsals, but I couldn't bear it. But she made me stronger. When it came time to perform, she broke down and I held her hand and kept going. When I heard about her death, I sang that song for days, just to feel close to her.

How did she die? She was stolen out of the world. Two men brutally murdered her in her home.

I don't want to talk about that.

I want to talk about how amazing she was. She was a 4H girl. Loved all animals, but especially horses. When she was buried, her casket was pulled by a horse drawn carriage. Fitting.

She was in love. I have never met Jimmy. But I know Carrie. She loved him.

She would have been a great mother. She was amazing with children. She had a soothing nature. Any time I was scared, she could calm me down.

She was horrible at schoolwork when we were younger. I'm 4 years younger, and we used to switch homework. Guess that secret is out!

She was funny. She managed to always make people laugh and feel joy.
I still feel that joy when I think of her.

But I feel sorrow too. Because I miss her so much. I try to live my life the way she would, because she can't do it anymore. But sometimes, most times, I wish she was here to share all these amazing things with me.

I still love you Carrie, and I will never let you be forgotten.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

July "Beachbody Mommy" Challenge **free**

Hey everyone! Just letting you guys know that I am running a Beachbody Challenge for mommies only during the month of July. I hear tons of people say they wish they could get their pre-baby body back, or have enough energy to keep up with their little ones. I was the same way. But then I signed up to be a coach, and started working out and drinking Shakeology every morning. I feel and look great!

Now is the perfect time to do this challenge! You need that extra energy to keep up with kids that are out of school for summer. Also, for those who don't know where to start, this is the opportunity of a lifetime. You get coaching from me, plus a group to hold you accountable and provide support.

If you are interested in learning more please contact me on Facebook or shoot me an email. In the meantime please check out the Challenge Packs available. You get a full workout set, plus a month supply of Shakeology to start you of on the right foot! Hope to hear from you soon.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Aftermath of Burn Circuit 1

So this is going to be a review of Chalean Extreme's Burn Circuit 1. If interested in purchasing the Challenge pack for this program, or checking out the Summer Sale that is going on this week,
click here.

For those of you that are new to this program:

Chalean Extreme is broken into three phases: Burn, Push, and Lean. The burn phase teaches you how to do the moves correctly, as well as how to control the movements. You do 10-12 reps of each move. The push phase has you lift heavier, but do only 6-8 reps. Finally, the lean phase sculpts and leans you out by working numerous muscles at the same time.

A few days ago, I pushed through Burn Circuit 1 at 11pm. Like I said in a previous post, NO MORE EXCUSES! Here is the list of moves, and I will touch on a few of them in detail.

-Sumo Squat with Hip Lift
-Lunge with Posterior Fly
-Pushup with Leg Lift
-Dead Lift with Posterior Fly
-Lunge with Core Rotation
-Bench Press with Leg Lower
-Squat with Side Bend
-Lunge with Double Posterior Fly
-Chest Fly with Hip Lift

My favorite moves from this series are The Squat with Side Bend and the Lunge with Core Rotation, because they both work my core, which is my trouble area. The hardest move for me is the Pushup with Leg Lift. It is done exactly the way it sounds. You do a pushup, then lift a leg. Anything pushup is hard for me, and I end up doing 8 out of 12 on my knees.

The best part of this program is that you can use any type of resistance (weights, bands, or just body weight). There is always someone doing the modified version so you can follow with them if you need to. The program came with a resistance band as well as a toner band, which helps build even more resistance. Also included in this weight training regimen is a few stretch modules, and some cardio for a well rounded routine.

The only thing I don't like about this is the music. I started out with TurboFire, which has Chalene's remixed music. It is awesome. So when I got this one, I figured it would have some motivating beats. Nope. Fast paced elevator music. BOOOOO! But it gives you the option to forgo the music, so I usually do that and pump up the Pandora.

All in all, great program for people looking for a weight training routine. To get the most out of it, you do need to follow the schedule and food guidelines (you do not have to, I am doing the schedule but sticking with my own diet).

If you are interested in learning about one of the other programs or signing up for the free coaching, please email me.

Super sale

Quick post today. Beachbody is running a week sale to kickstart your summer! Go to my site and click the summer deals link at the bottom!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Beachbody Profile Update!

I have updated my Beachbody profile. I decided not to do new before photos, I am basically back to the way I looked before starting out. I did, however, remeasure myself. And I will share it with you.

-weight:128 lbs
-waist: 36.5 inches
-hips: 38.5 inches
-chest: 35 inches
-right/left arm: 10.5 inches
-right/left thigh: 20 inches
BMI: 35%

Basically, except for my weight, I am bigger than when I started my fitness journey. Which sucks, but it's entirely my fault. I started eating more junk food because I thought working out would counteract it, then I stopped working out but kept the bad eating habits. Oops.

So now I am revamping my diet and workout regimen. No excuses. I'm determined to get my body fabulous for the summer, and stay that way. That means that even if I have to work out at 11pm, I will. There's no stopping me now!

Now I pose a question to you. What's stopping you?
The answer is simple. YOU.

You are your own worst enemy. You make excuses as to why you can't work out or eat better. You can make the time. You can do this with me. But you have to stop telling yourself you can't, you don't have time, you aren't strong enough.

If you would like help starting or continuing your fitness journey, please go to my site, and sign up under the Join link. Use my name (Patricia Dehart) as your coach, and I will send you an email. I will work with your goals and help you in any way you need.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Reality Check Time

Uh oh. Somewhere along my fitness journey, I got derailed. I am drinking my Shakeology every day. However, I barely work out and eat junk a lot. I didn't know how bad I was getting until tonight.... I did a body fat check. Ugh.

I went from 30% to 40%! What?!

Now is the time I need to look at my lifestyle. Do I really need two bowls of tuna macaroni salad? NO. Could I manage to get my workout done before work every day? YES.

This is going to become my new routine. Questioning every decision I make healthwise. I'm not saying I won't give in every now and then. I deserve a treat sometimes. However, I will no longer say "well I ate a banana for breakfast, I can have a whole bag of chips." I am not 16 anymore. I don't walk to school 2 miles both ways. I need to get my life in order now, while it is still relatively easy.

New goal: get back down to 30% body fat. Tomorrow, I am going to restart TurboFire and Chalean Extreme. I will be following the hybrid schedule. And I will be counting my calories and drinking ONLY water and hot tea. Shakeology for breakfast every morning. Fruit or veggies as snacks. Time to kick my butt in gear! And to help that, I will be redoing my "before" photos.

I'll keep you posted on my progress. Love you!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A Few Ideas On Life

My disclaimer for this post: It's not about fitness. It will be somewhat deep. You have been warned.

The past couple days have been pretty heavy. Obviously the tornado in Oklahoma, but there's more. I found out some stuff about my family that I am still trying to process. While I can't go into crazy detail, I can let you know a little.

I found out that someone I love so much may be being abused. (It is not my daughter. If it was I would be in jail already.) I also found out that someone I thought would never leave is nearing the end. I don't know which hurts worse...

But today has been a growing experience. I found two videos that have helped me get through this.

The first one is about surviving, in a way. It talks about how the universe has never given you more than you can handle. I have been watching Mandi's videos for a little while now, and it seems like every time I have an issue, BAM! She uploads a video that helps.

The second video is about living. It is about a young man who lived so fully, knowing he was going to die. And while you may think that is sad, you can see how much joy and love he and everyone around him experienced.

What I have learned from these videos is to live life to the fullest while you have the chance. You never know what will happen tomorrow. Life is not forever. If you have a dream, pursue it. If you are sad that you don't talk to someone anymore, reach out. Go into the next life without regrets or unfinished business.

Another thing I took out of them is YOU WILL MAKE IT. The fact that you are alive today means you have conquered everything that has been thrown at you. Don't be scared of trials. Work through them. You will be okay. WE will be okay.

Thank you for reading, my video will be up by the end of the week, so keep a look out or subscribe to my channel. Love you.

Friday, May 17, 2013


So I have a problem. Im having issues keeping up with my workouts and water intake. I try really hard, but it's so hard for me to be likd, "ok I've played enough WoW, let's do some lifting". Last time I worked out was last Saturday. I'm obviously not happy about it.

I also know I am not the only one who has had this problem. So I ask: what helped you grt over your slump?

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Dread misconceptions

Crappy picture. Sorry.

So this post will not be formatted since I am doing it from my phone.

I wanted to make a short post about the ridiculous things I have heard since I put my dreads in. It's been almost 2 months, and I love them, but I'm tired of so much judgement! What do tou get from it?! Here's a few things I would like to clear up...

-I did not do this because I'm trying to "be black". And yes that is exactly how people say it to me. I put my dreads in after I had been soul searching for a while. I had tried to do it sooner, but the judgement stopped me. Now I realized I was compelled by my own nature.

-Along that same line of thinking, no, I cannot ask that dude with the awesome dreads where he got it done, for two reasons. One, I do not have the same hair type as African-Americans. Two, I want to do it myself, my own way. I can look at myself and be proud that I did it myself, with positivity weaved into all of it.

-I wash my hair. Not as much as I used to, however. I used to wash my hair every other day. Now, it's once a week. Which is good! Come to find out, I was making my hair oily by washing it more. Also, my hair is growing way faster now.

-No, I don't have lice. Just because my head itches does not mean bugs are living in my hair. I would freak out and shave it all off if that ever happened. I work in an environment that is crazy dusty which makes me itch.

-Also, it's normal for me to have dandruff. Whenever the weather changes my scalp freaks out. The only reason it's more noticeable now is cuz I can't just rub a heavy moisturizer into my hair.

Ok. That's it for my crazy rant. Next week I will post a normal entry, as well as a new youtube video.

Love you all!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

New video

Watch "Be yourself" on YouTube
Hey guys! Just a quick link to the video I said I would do today!

My Plans Today + Excitement!

Good morning everyone!

I should so not be awake right now. I worked til 1:15am, and didn't get to sleep til around 3. But I woke up at 8 and couldn't get back to sleep, so here I am!

So I have a crazy amount of ideas for what I want to do today. Will I do them all? NOPE. But if I get some done I will be happy.

  • study for my ASE exam... which is in a week
  • learn all I can about "The High Priestess" tarot card (it's the one I pulled today)
  • work out
  • make a video and post to youtube
  • look for a suitable board to use as my altar
  • do dishes
  • paint my nails
  • go for a walk
  • hula hoop
  • watch some Warehouse 13 episodes
Fun stuff, right? Yeah my life is boring.

Now for all the exciting things going on for me. I am expecting 5 packages in the mail within the week. One is my Shakeology, which I saved money on by signing up for HomeDirect. Two are movies (Mulan 1 and 2 + Three Men and a Baby). The last two are necklaces. I bought a chakra pendant for me, and a rose quartz heart for my daughter.

Another exciting thing: my dreads. They are coming along quite nicely. Which is why I want to make a video showing them off.

Lastly, in a little over a month, I get to see my boyfriend's parents. After two years of dating. Ugh. I already know how it will go. BADLY. But that is perfectly okay, because at least I can say I made every attempt to reach out to them, and they refused to try.

Alright, time to get moving. WHOOOO!!!!

Have a blessed day, love you!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Facebook Page Shoutout!

Today's post is going to be a shameless plug. Not for me. For my amazing best friend, Ari.

This is her wearing a wrap she made. Awesome! Sorry, I am so totally in love with these things. This style is a mei tai carrier. Super easy to use, and not bulky.

She also makes ring slings, soaps, breastfeeding shirts, and most recently, CLOTH DIAPERS!!! Yay!

So yeah, I totally love her and her products, so go check her out, and like her page!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

I don't know where to begin

This is just an update.

I put dreads in my hair! I needed a change and to have a way to ground myself. So far working pretty well. It's been one month, and I feel a lot more centered.

Also, I have started writing poems again.... and fully embracing who I am. And that is, not a Christian. OMG WHAT?!

I have realized that although I believe in Christ as my savior, I believe in nature more. It heals me. As horrible as it sounds, prayer has never worked for me. It has always been so unnatural to me. Going outside and absorbing the energy of nature has brought me peace, and comfort.

I am not religious. I am spiritual. I do not worship the devil. I believe in balance in everything.

Sorry to those who now hate me and are offended by my beliefs. I will leave you with this. It is not your place to judge. If I am wrong in my beliefs, when I meet God he will judge me accordingly. Our job is to love everyone, because we have all been created for a purpose.

Thank you.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Things I Can't Live Without

I know I'm falling behind on my posts.... again. I have such a hard time keeping a schedule. So I have decided to do a post about all the things I cannot live without.


This is obvious. I use my phone to stay connected. I have a Samsung Galaxy S3. Wheee!!! Smartphones are awesome. The apps save my life. My favorites are: Facebook, Shopkick, MyFitnessPal, Pandora, Alice of Hearts, Soundhound, and of course my flashlight. Trust me, when you are trying to find a plug in a dark car with a customer hovering over you, it comes in handy.


I love, love, love to read. It calms my mind, and gets me away from my stress. Right now I am reading this one.

I had read the first book in this series a few years ago, and just now got around to reading the sequel. Pretty good so far. It's about a girl who hunts evil, all while trying to keep a cop from falling in love with her.
I used to be into just fantasy books, but lately I've gotten into murder mysteries as well.
Music literally rules my life. I can't function properly without it. I do all my chores with headphones on. When I get super angry (because of my Bipolarness) I put on music and rock out. It calms me down, and gives me energy when I need it.
I am a hardcore animal lover. Since I was born, I have always had at least one cat or dog.

This was my cat Gussy. He was my partner in crime til I was about 13. He let me do ridiculous things to him and still loved me. He died when he was about 28 years old, or so I'm told by my father. He was the last cat from his litter (we had the mom and 3 kittens). I was devastated when he died. A year later my dad got me two new kittens. I still have one, along with 4 of their offspring, plus a dog and two lizards.

My Family

This is pretty obvious. These people are my whole world. I would be lost without them. Actually, this picture is missing two people: my father, who is my hero, and my Earthson, Declan. Declan was just born at the end of February. I love him and his big sister as if they were my own. It's funny how I am closer to my "friendfamily" than my blood relatives.

Notice I did not list my car. Because I don't need it. I love to walk. Nature is soothing and is meant to be enjoyed and protected. Now that it's warm out again I can be outside more! Yay!

Alright, I will wrap up here by saying I hope you have a wonderful week!

Friday, March 29, 2013

One Step Closer

This is gonna be short, simple, and oh so sweet.

I weighed myself yesterday. I'm up 5 pounds. However, I also measured myself. I am shrinking! So that means I'm heavy with muscle. Yay!!!! I'm going to have to make a FitTip on this today. The scale can be misleading. But measuring tape and mirrors will show you your true progress.

Another reason why I am excited today: I am picking up my breadmaker!!! A family of 4 goes through bread really fast. Especially when we eat sandwiches for lunch every day. So I figured making bread at home would save money. And I can know exactly what is going into my family's mouth. Which is good because when my daughter is not with me, she eats horribly... or not at all.

My daughter has anxiety that makes her stomach hurt sometimes. Food does not affect it in any way. Yet, a lot of times, she will come home saying she didn't eat. Which upsets me. I trust people to take care of my daughter. That means making sure she gets the right nutrition. But, I am ignored. Instead I hear: "We know how to raise a child", "She is your first child", etc. Why should that make a difference? She is MY child. I know what's good for her. Not you.

Sorry for the mini rant. Trust me, I stopped with way more to say.

Back to good.

I have decided to get up earlier to fit out a workout first thing in the morning! Started yesterday. It felt amazing to get it done, and I had energy all day! Totally worth a go for the procrastinators out there.

Alright I'm done, gotta go work out! Have a beautiful day everyone!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

ShakeO review

So, with part of my tax return, I bought two... yes you read that right, TWO Shakeology packs. One is the Tropical Strawberry, which I have tried before and love, and one was the improved Chocolate. This is my review of these.

Tropical Strawberry

This was the first ever Shakeology I tried. And it is great! It's got a great flavor on its on, but it's also so versatile. It can be mixed with juice, water, milk, fruits, veggies, and a lot more. Even with just milk, it's filling, and thick like a shake you would have to blend with ice cream. AMAZING!!!!


So, I was nervous to try this one, for numerous reasons. I am not a huge fan of chocolate, especially homemade chocolate shakes. They taste funky to me. Also, the old "improved" chocolate was getting a lot of bad reviews on taste. Luckily they have fixed it. I am addicted to it! I have drank it mixed with just milk every day for about two weeks, and am so happy with it. It's rich, smooth, and filling.

General Info

These shakes are amazing. Not only do they taste great, they are filling and healthy. But that is not my favorite part. They help you lose weight in numerous ways. It helps curb cravings, and is made from natural ingredients with no added crap. I drink one in the morning, and am good till around 2pm. I also have issues with snacking. I have noticed lately that my insatiable appetite has decreased significantly... which is a good thing since I am surrounded by candy all day long. Bleh!

Needless to say, I am hooked on this product. It helps me maintain a healthy weight, and keeps me strong and awake all day. And, it's safe for children as well! Plus, when you do the math, it's so much cheaper than trying to buy everything that makes up the vitamins and nutrients in it.

Is it worth it to have a better, healthier life? I think so.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Quick update

So. I have a secret! It's crazy, and life changing, and I'm so excited!!!!

But I can't tell. Sorry.

I can say that I have low self esteem, and this is one of the many things I am moving forward on to help that.

Also, I have been thinking about getting more tattoos. I have a few in mind, just need the funds.

In other craziness... my daughter. It's so hard to raise her to be her own person and follow her own path when there is always someone telling her she MUST believe certain things. They fill her head with "facts" that aren't true, but because of who tells her these things, she now believes everyone else is lying. I don't know how to handle this, other than to just push forward and try to open her mind little by little.

Ok, that's all I got. Hopefully I will blog again soon!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Daydreaming on Paper prompt

So, my mentor wrote a blog post, and mentioned Daydreaming on Paper. They have a prompt generator that gives you something to think and write about. Hers was 10 things she can't live without. Mine is this:

List 10 pieces of advice you would give to someone just starting out.

I'm going to do this in general, not focusing on one specific aspect of life.

1. Try to do one random act of kindness a day. Even if everyone treats you like dirt, you can have the satisfaction of knowing you changed someone's day a little.

2. Don't worry about what other people think of you. Yes, some days they will get to you, but in the end, you will be happiest by being yourself to the fullest extent.

3. Dance/sing a little every day. Even if you suck at it, it will make you feel better. Promise.

4. Try new foods. You will undoubtedly hate some, but there's a 100% guarantee that you will find something you love that you were terrified to try.

5. At least once a year, do a new activity. Breaking out of your comfort zone is vital to existance.

6. Read books. Escaping to new worlds is exciting, and can relieve stress without any danger.

7. Meditate. Take a break every day to just be. Don't think, don't talk. Just breathe.

8. Open your mind. Don't be so focused on your own way; you may miss something great.

9. Love. Don't be afraid of getting hurt. It's part of the process.

10. Go outside. Nature is beautiful and healing. The world is a gift to us. Love it and take care of it.

These are just things that matter in my life, that I wish I was told. I hope they help someone :)

Arm bar excitement!

As anyone who even loosely follows MMA news knows.... Ronda Rousey is famous for the arm bar. She is badass with it.

4 year old arm bars Ronda

Yes I did link a child doing an arm bar. Cuz it's cute. And every video of Ronda doing it features someone's arm breaking.

She described how it feels as "when you rip the leg off a turkey"... eww and awesome!

So here's the excitement... my bf is teaching me how to do it!!!! We started last night, and only did it once. We will be doing more tonight. I plan on getting so phenomenal at it that people won't even want to shake my hand lol.

Alright that's it for now. I will probably do a more substantial post later this week, or early next.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Just got done my core day workout. I figured I'd share it with the world.

-weighted crunches
-weighted leg raises
-training camps
-plank with leg raises
-single leg lifts with stretch
-uneven arm situps
-elevated crunches
-ab wheel
-hip dips
-standing side crunches

I did two sets of each, as many reps as i could. For warmup and cooldown I hooped. I pushed so hard that:
a) i couldn't keep the hoop up during cooldown
b) i fell off my step while grabbing the mail

So, pretty intense workout. I plan on doing this every core day, which is about once a week.

If you have any questions about how to do these moves, leave a comment and I will either describe them or provide a link for a video!

Monday, January 21, 2013

new goal + leg day

So I now have a new idol....

Ronda Rousey!!!!

I was going to post a picture, but this computer has decided not to work...


So, Ronda is super pretty, and super badass. She has done judo in the past, and is now an mma fighter. Her signature move: the arm bar. Basically she tears people's arms off. BADASS.

So my new goal is to be like her. I obviously will never get into the mma. But I can learn the moves, and get a banging body like hers. So I'm working on it.


I have started a pretty rigorous routine to get the results I want. It's structured and I have kept to it. However I hit a problem today.... Leg day. I need ideas. I have looked online, but can't find too much I can do at home. Please, if you have awesome leg moves, leave a comment below.... Don't let me be the top heavy girl with scrawny legs!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

What are you waiting for?

Whatever your goal is, wherever you want your life to go, what are you waiting for?

This is the time to start. Not tomorrow, next week, etc. If you start today, you will be one day closer to your dreams. If you put it off for anyother day, you will most likely keep putting it off. What do you have to lose?

Also, tax season is upon us! Instead of blowing all of your money towards something frivolous, why don't you invest in yourself and your goals? Buy a new workout program, save money towards a new business, or anything else to get you where you want to go.

To help you along the way to your goals, a good idea is to sign up for free coaching. I can help you find a workout that is right for you, and give you some great ideas for managing any goals you might have.

Click the tab at the top of this page, and sign up (use Patricia DeHart as the coach). There is no time like RIGHT NOW to get started!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Clean Eating progress, week 2

Hey Everyone! So, just a quick note to let everyone know how I am doing on the clean eating thing. I have cut out all soda, and candy. I did have ice cream last week, and some mini cupcakes. Hoever The soda thing is HUGE progress. I used to drink about 2 liters by myself every day. I also went to the store today and got quinoa, cucumbers, yams, fresh organic salsa, lime juice, and garlic powder, as well as some canned veggies in case of emergency. Yay me!!!

In other news, I injured my toe. I don't know how, but it feels like I partially ripped my toenail off. I say feels because it's impossible to see. I broke my toe/nail when I was young... I ran into a full briefcase. So yeah, that sucks.

In great news, I ordered "America's Cheapest Family" the other day! It should be here this week. Super excited, and hopefully it will help me rein in my spending, and help me to budget better.

Alright, time for me to do my pushups and squats (I have a personal challenge to do a certain amount each day..... 45 squats today and 8 pushups, working up to 100 squats and 20 pushups.)
Goodnight to everyone out there, and push harder, because you can do more than you think!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


No, this is not a post about my resolutions. I don't make resolutions at the beginning of the year. I set them throughout the year, and then work on them in steps.

This is a post about your resolutions, and how to actually reach them. Many people set goals for the new year, hoping that they will reach them, and fully intending to do so. However, after a few weeks of working their hardest, they give up. Cuz it just isn't working, and they don't understand why.


It's super simple. The reason it doesn't work is they don't have a plan. Let me rephrase. they don't have a plan THAT WORKS. You can say you will work out 3 days a week, and eat better, etc. However, you need to lay out a master plan. Otherwise, you will get lost. A master plan is basically a road map. It helps get you where you want to go. Chalene Johnson taught me something called "reverse engineering". What that is: you choose a goal, then make a master list of everything that needs to be done, or questions you may have. Then, you sort through those items, and put each into one of 4 columns: research, first, during, and later. Research is things that will help you know how to do whatever your goal is. First is stuff to do before you start, to prepare yourself. During is steps you need to take while you reach your goal. Later is for all those little things that can wait til everything else is done.

After you do this, you work through it. You put one or two items on your daily to-do list, and you do them. simple as that. I will give you my personal example.

Clean Eating Reverse Engineering
-define clean eating
-shopping list
-read Tosca book
-tell Joel and Dad goal
-premake food
-invest in cooler
-No Junk Food!
-organize fridge
-clean out pantry
-budget for food
-buy and install shelves
-subscribe to Oxygen

(There could be way more on this list. However, this is what worked for me)
Now for the columns... which will be in list form since my diagram won't load. BOOOO!

define clean eating
read Tosca, take notes

get rid of junk food
make shopping list
buy cooler
organize fridge
organize pantry
tell my goal

premake food
pack lunches
create budget for food

install shelves
Oxygen subscription

As you can see, some of this is already done. Super easy to do, super easy to follow. You make tiny steps, that way you can do a little at a time. I also have started reading the book, and have been taking food with me to work. I bought Oxygen for this month, once I get paid I will subscribe. We are going shopping in a few weeks to get food.

This is how you reach your dreams. If you need help, feel free to email me or join the free coaching program.

free coaching program

Also, I highly recommend getting Push by Chalene Johnson. It's a great book that helps you learn to set and reach goals in any aspect of your life.

Happy New Year!!!!