
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Shakeology 3 Day Cleanse

I read something today on one of the Beachbody pages that I follow that I can't believe I have didn't know about.... The Beachbody Cleanse. It is a three day program that kickstarts your weight loss process. WHAT?!?!

Many people do not understand that doing cleanses are NECESSARY for proper body function. I found this out years ago while working with one of those "weight loss hypnotists". I will tell you right now, that stuff does work.... in a way. All they do is teach you to change your thinking, and load you up with products. One of those: a detox cleanse! The reason for doing these cleanses is simple: to clean your intestines and colon. EEWWWW, right? Not as gross as if you don't do it.

Most people don't chew their food as much as they should. I know I don't. They assume that the stomach acids will break it all down and it'll pass through super easy. Nope. If you don't chew your food into a paste, little bits and pieces will be left to pass through your intestines and colon, and a lot of the time they get stuck. And they sit there until they are forced out by some form of cleansing. This is why a lot of people carry excess weight around with them.

So a cleanse will get rid of that stuff. In doing so, you lose a little weight, gain more energy, and help your body process the food you put into it a little easier. YAY!

I have done a few cleanses that are readily available. I have drank teas and taken pills. Both did not get me the results that I knew I needed. However, I am going to try another: Shakeology. I have already seen what this nutrient-dense shake can do just by drinking it once a day. I am confident that the results of this cleanse will be amazing. Here is the breakdown:

-1 scoop Shakeology
-1 serving fruit
-ice + 8-10 oz water

Morning Snack
-1 piece fruit (can be saved for lunch)
-1 cup green tea or a detox tea

-1 scoop Shakeology
-fruit if not used for morning snack
-ice + 8-10 oz water

Afternoon Snack
-1 cup green tea or a detox tea

-salad with low calorie dressing and a serving of grilled fish/poultry
-1 cup green tea or detox tea

Evening Snack (if desired)
-1 scoop Shakeology
-ice + 8-10 oz water

*Drink plenty of water, absolutely no dairy!!!

Pretty straightforward, right? Kind of like a juice cleanse, except better. Juices have added sugar unless you do it yourself, and they only provide a little of the required daily vitamins and nutrients for your body to work optimally.

I will be starting this once my Vegan Tropical Strawberry package comes in, which should be by the middle of next week. I will post before and after photos on here, as well as a "review" of the cleanse.

If you would like to join in on this cleanse, or try Shakeology for yourself, click here.

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