
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Daydreaming on Paper prompt

So, my mentor wrote a blog post, and mentioned Daydreaming on Paper. They have a prompt generator that gives you something to think and write about. Hers was 10 things she can't live without. Mine is this:

List 10 pieces of advice you would give to someone just starting out.

I'm going to do this in general, not focusing on one specific aspect of life.

1. Try to do one random act of kindness a day. Even if everyone treats you like dirt, you can have the satisfaction of knowing you changed someone's day a little.

2. Don't worry about what other people think of you. Yes, some days they will get to you, but in the end, you will be happiest by being yourself to the fullest extent.

3. Dance/sing a little every day. Even if you suck at it, it will make you feel better. Promise.

4. Try new foods. You will undoubtedly hate some, but there's a 100% guarantee that you will find something you love that you were terrified to try.

5. At least once a year, do a new activity. Breaking out of your comfort zone is vital to existance.

6. Read books. Escaping to new worlds is exciting, and can relieve stress without any danger.

7. Meditate. Take a break every day to just be. Don't think, don't talk. Just breathe.

8. Open your mind. Don't be so focused on your own way; you may miss something great.

9. Love. Don't be afraid of getting hurt. It's part of the process.

10. Go outside. Nature is beautiful and healing. The world is a gift to us. Love it and take care of it.

These are just things that matter in my life, that I wish I was told. I hope they help someone :)

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