My disclaimer for this post: It's not about fitness. It will be somewhat deep. You have been warned.
The past couple days have been pretty heavy. Obviously the tornado in Oklahoma, but there's more. I found out some stuff about my family that I am still trying to process. While I can't go into crazy detail, I can let you know a little.
I found out that someone I love so much may be being abused. (It is not my daughter. If it was I would be in jail already.) I also found out that someone I thought would never leave is nearing the end. I don't know which hurts worse...
But today has been a growing experience. I found two videos that have helped me get through this.
The first one is about surviving, in a way. It talks about how the universe has never given you more than you can handle. I have been watching Mandi's videos for a little while now, and it seems like every time I have an issue, BAM! She uploads a video that helps.
The second video is about living. It is about a young man who lived so fully, knowing he was going to die. And while you may think that is sad, you can see how much joy and love he and everyone around him experienced.
What I have learned from these videos is to live life to the fullest while you have the chance. You never know what will happen tomorrow. Life is not forever. If you have a dream, pursue it. If you are sad that you don't talk to someone anymore, reach out. Go into the next life without regrets or unfinished business.
Another thing I took out of them is YOU WILL MAKE IT. The fact that you are alive today means you have conquered everything that has been thrown at you. Don't be scared of trials. Work through them. You will be okay. WE will be okay.
Thank you for reading, my video will be up by the end of the week, so keep a look out or subscribe to my channel. Love you.
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