Crappy picture. Sorry.
So this post will not be formatted since I am doing it from my phone.
I wanted to make a short post about the ridiculous things I have heard since I put my dreads in. It's been almost 2 months, and I love them, but I'm tired of so much judgement! What do tou get from it?! Here's a few things I would like to clear up...
-I did not do this because I'm trying to "be black". And yes that is exactly how people say it to me. I put my dreads in after I had been soul searching for a while. I had tried to do it sooner, but the judgement stopped me. Now I realized I was compelled by my own nature.
-Along that same line of thinking, no, I cannot ask that dude with the awesome dreads where he got it done, for two reasons. One, I do not have the same hair type as African-Americans. Two, I want to do it myself, my own way. I can look at myself and be proud that I did it myself, with positivity weaved into all of it.
-I wash my hair. Not as much as I used to, however. I used to wash my hair every other day. Now, it's once a week. Which is good! Come to find out, I was making my hair oily by washing it more. Also, my hair is growing way faster now.
-No, I don't have lice. Just because my head itches does not mean bugs are living in my hair. I would freak out and shave it all off if that ever happened. I work in an environment that is crazy dusty which makes me itch.
-Also, it's normal for me to have dandruff. Whenever the weather changes my scalp freaks out. The only reason it's more noticeable now is cuz I can't just rub a heavy moisturizer into my hair.
Ok. That's it for my crazy rant. Next week I will post a normal entry, as well as a new youtube video.
Love you all!
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