I hate resolutions. I feel like any time I make a list of resolutions for the new year, I fail miserably. So I set a list of goals, as well as how I can achieve them. If you don't have a plan, you don't know where to start!
-Be able to hold a conversation in Greek. I swear, one day I will do this! I'm going to download an app as well as get at least one book, and choose a day to study.
-Save as much money as possible. We plan on moving into a new place around April, and with it will come added expenses. So this is especially important. I think the best course of action is to have at least $10 from each check go straight into a savings account, and to stop spending all of our change. Another good idea is to cut a daily expense out (like buying coffee at a shop) and putting that money aside instead. In my case it might end up being soda money (I am trying to quit it anyway, so saving that money is an added incentive!)
-Try a new recipe every month. I have actually started doing this already, but I want to keep it up. Today is crock pot steak and potatoes, and also homemade tortilla chips in an array of flavors.
-Work out at least 4 days a week. Ugh. I hate working out, but love the results. This is going to take a routine. I need to set an alarm on scheduled days, and just get the heck up and do it.
-Eat better. I have a bad habit of eating junk a lot. Or eating in excess. This results in me being 20 pounds over my target weight. Not good for my self esteem. So I need to really hunker down and limit myself and change my eating patterns. I need to get more healthy options (sauerkraut and homemade cucumber salad are already a staple in my fridge, but I need more.) I need to eat breakfast every day, even if it's a smoothie. And then, I have to remember to not eat 10 snacks right after.
-Write a book. This freaking goal. I got a great idea for a story a few weeks back, and now I'm sitting on it. I even told my writer friend about it, and they suggested we collaborate. Heck yes! Except I'm lazy, and more a proofreader than a writer. But, this story is so awesome, I must write it. So, my goal is to write 8-10 pages a week. I'm not sure how long I want it to be yet, either. Will it be a series? And boom, my head explodes.
So, I hope you have enjoyed my "resolutions". If you have trouble keeping to yours, I highly recommend reading PUSH by Chalene Johnson. It helps you not only set goals, but achieve them.
Friday, December 30, 2016
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Eyeliner Review: Avon Glimmersticks vs CoverGirl Perfect Point Plus
I felt like doing something different, random, and a little weird today, so you get a review!!
I recently got my PinchMe box, which included eyeliner. Instead of just wearing it like a normal person, I decided to run an experiment. For a whole day, I'd wear the CoverGirl eyeliner on my left eye, and my favorite eyeliner on the right eye. Before I start, the CoverGirl is black, and the Glimmerstick is a metallicy purple, but for what I was testing, this works fine.
Both of these eyeliners are "self-sharpening", which basically means you twist them to get more out. First thing I noticed, the CoverGirl clicks so you get the right amount, but the Avon just... goes. However, you can also retract the Avon, which I like better.
The CoverGirl goes on very smooth and is highly pigmented, so you don't need much. The Glimmerstick needs a little more when you do your waterline, but my eyelid again didn't need much to show up. I used about the same amount on both eyes.
Here is where I have issues: longevity. This review was supposed to be after a full day of wear, but I didn't need that long. After a few hours of wear, I knew what I was going to tell you. The CoverGirl pissed me off. I noticed after about an hour that the CoverGirl had smudged onto my upper lid without me even touching it. A little later, I tapped my eye (I have itchy eyes, but when I wear makeup I try not to rub), and the black instantly smudged and got all over TWO of my fingers, not just the one I tapped with. Here's the fun part: I am sitting here RUBBING my right eye (the Glimmersticks one), and it ain't budging. To reiterate, I barely touched my left eye after hours of letting this stuff set, and it went buhbye crazy fast, yet the one with Avon on it is staying put like nobody's business. Below are pictures, both open and closed eyes, of when I first put it on and right before I sat down to write this.
Before anyone points out that I am biased because I sell Avon, just, NO. I will try out any makeup. I even have a budget black eyeliner, which I was hoping to replace with the CoverGirl. I love Avon, but I'm not an Avon-snob. I used Avon as a comparison, fully expecting them both to hold up around the same. Yeah, that obviously didn't happen.
Also, the CoverGirl has one of those little smudgy tools on the end of it. I understand that is to create a softer look, but I'd be afraid to use it after this experience. Personally, I like bold looks when it comes to my eye makeup, since I consider them my best feature.
Conclusion: I'll be sticking to my Avon Glimmerstick as my go-to eyeliner. (I was going to also link the shop for the CoverGirl as well, but like 85% of the reviews are 5 stars... from other PinchMe people, who are technically required to review the products they receive. The reviews I feel were honest all said it never dries. If you truly want to try it, you can find it in any drugstore.)
***Disclaimer: I was not compensated for this review. I received the CoverGirl eyeliner as a sample, and Avon sent me the Glimmerstick when I signed up as a rep.***
I recently got my PinchMe box, which included eyeliner. Instead of just wearing it like a normal person, I decided to run an experiment. For a whole day, I'd wear the CoverGirl eyeliner on my left eye, and my favorite eyeliner on the right eye. Before I start, the CoverGirl is black, and the Glimmerstick is a metallicy purple, but for what I was testing, this works fine.
Both of these eyeliners are "self-sharpening", which basically means you twist them to get more out. First thing I noticed, the CoverGirl clicks so you get the right amount, but the Avon just... goes. However, you can also retract the Avon, which I like better.
The CoverGirl goes on very smooth and is highly pigmented, so you don't need much. The Glimmerstick needs a little more when you do your waterline, but my eyelid again didn't need much to show up. I used about the same amount on both eyes.
Here is where I have issues: longevity. This review was supposed to be after a full day of wear, but I didn't need that long. After a few hours of wear, I knew what I was going to tell you. The CoverGirl pissed me off. I noticed after about an hour that the CoverGirl had smudged onto my upper lid without me even touching it. A little later, I tapped my eye (I have itchy eyes, but when I wear makeup I try not to rub), and the black instantly smudged and got all over TWO of my fingers, not just the one I tapped with. Here's the fun part: I am sitting here RUBBING my right eye (the Glimmersticks one), and it ain't budging. To reiterate, I barely touched my left eye after hours of letting this stuff set, and it went buhbye crazy fast, yet the one with Avon on it is staying put like nobody's business. Below are pictures, both open and closed eyes, of when I first put it on and right before I sat down to write this.
Before anyone points out that I am biased because I sell Avon, just, NO. I will try out any makeup. I even have a budget black eyeliner, which I was hoping to replace with the CoverGirl. I love Avon, but I'm not an Avon-snob. I used Avon as a comparison, fully expecting them both to hold up around the same. Yeah, that obviously didn't happen.
Also, the CoverGirl has one of those little smudgy tools on the end of it. I understand that is to create a softer look, but I'd be afraid to use it after this experience. Personally, I like bold looks when it comes to my eye makeup, since I consider them my best feature.
Conclusion: I'll be sticking to my Avon Glimmerstick as my go-to eyeliner. (I was going to also link the shop for the CoverGirl as well, but like 85% of the reviews are 5 stars... from other PinchMe people, who are technically required to review the products they receive. The reviews I feel were honest all said it never dries. If you truly want to try it, you can find it in any drugstore.)
***Disclaimer: I was not compensated for this review. I received the CoverGirl eyeliner as a sample, and Avon sent me the Glimmerstick when I signed up as a rep.***
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Best Recipe Book For The Holidays
I love to cook, bake... and collect cookbooks. I've been collecting since I was a teen. It started when I "inherited" a doctor's collection after he died (reality: my mother was given a bunch of junk, and I claimed all the cooking items). Side note: if you ever come across a tiny whisk, get it. It makes creating personalized dips sooooo much easier. Anyway, he had a Winnie the Pooh cookbook, which I used a lot, and a full recipe index in two volumes. That is how I became obsessed with all things culinary.
So, the year after my eldest daughter was born, her grandparents gifted me my favorite cookbook: Favorite Brand Name: Old-Fashioned Holiday Recipes.
Why my favorite? It has something for EVERYONE. My two favorite recipes are Spinach Cheese Puffs and the Peppermint Ice Cream Pie (I shared a simplified version of the pie HERE, as well as the Puffs HERE). These two always run out first. At one point I made 5 different pies, including 2 of the ice cream pies, and I had leftovers of everything EXCEPT THOSE. Also, I made the puffs for a dinner party, and they were eaten before I was done reheating the main course! There's desserts, drinks, meat and cheese recipes, and so much more!
Sadly, my book got destroyed, and then lost (yes, I absolutely attempted to fix it, lol) but I am going to replace it after the holidays are over. I found it HERE at a discount. I highly recommend signing up for that site (thriftbooks.com), because they have so many books at a crazy low price.
I really hope you check this book out, you won't regret it! Keep an eye out in the next few days for my eyeliner review!!!!
Friday, November 25, 2016
Boss Life!
I quit my "9-5" (more like 7-6 lol) to be with my girls, and I'm so glad I did! I never would have had my own business, because I was always slaving for someone else, Now, I make my own hours, choose who I work with, and make my customers (as well as my family) happy. I don't have to check my schedule anymore, because I am my OWN BOSS!
I spent hundreds of dollars "hitching a ride" with one of my friends and her business. Guess what? I quit. Why? Because people don't want to hear a 20 year old talk about anti-aging products that cost $300 a set!! I had plenty of customers... buying a $26 body wash kit.
That is why I am in love with Avon. It's not just beauty products, although that is exactly how they started. Now, they offer SO MUCH MORE!! The baby loves Disney, and she has stolen my books screaming "Mickey!" because they have Disney (and Frozen lol) everything. My preteen loves all the scents of body wash and sprays, as well as some of the clothes. My husband loves the colognes and men's jewelry. And I love the clothes and candles.
Seriously, if you haven't looked lately, go to my store and check it out. If you are interested in buying, or if you want to find out how to join, please hit the "contact me" button on my site. I'm here to help!
Also, go like my Facebook page for some great deals going on this month, just in time for holiday shopping!!!
(Sorry for the weird background stuff today, I wrote this in a different program and it apparently did not translate well)
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Holiday Bazaar/Giveaways! UPDATED
The Holiday Bazaar is now set up!
Event starts November 28th (Monday) and lasts for four days.
Every day there will be two vendors showcasing their products, and every morning TWO giveaways will be posted!
You can either go to the bazaar's page or my page to be invited.
Event starts November 28th (Monday) and lasts for four days.
Every day there will be two vendors showcasing their products, and every morning TWO giveaways will be posted!
You can either go to the bazaar's page or my page to be invited.
Monday, November 21, 2016
Great Ebates Deal!!!!
This is going to be a quick post, for my Ebates users.
I was made aware of a great deal on Ebates today! For those who don't know, Ebates is a shopping site that gives you cash back. You go to their site, and search for the store you want to shop at. (If you aren't a member yet, sign up here.)
The Deal: Avon of course!!!! You get 4% cash back, as well as $5.95 shipping (shipping is free on orders of $40 or more). Also, there are a ton of extra sales listed that require NO CODE!!!
How to get this deal: First, go to my site and sign up as a customer (This ensures that you don't get thrown to a random rep. I promise, I am amazing lol.) Then, go to Ebates. log in or sign up, and search for Avon. Click shop now, and you're in!
Another great deal: use code WELCOME at checkout to get 20% off of your order (must be $50+). Right now there are two showcase items: the Eye Daydream of Glam Eyeshadow Set and the Pro Makeup Artist Easel. (Buying these two puts you over $50 normally, but right now the set is on sale, so it's $2.02 short of the 20% off. It does put you into free shipping, though!)
I was made aware of a great deal on Ebates today! For those who don't know, Ebates is a shopping site that gives you cash back. You go to their site, and search for the store you want to shop at. (If you aren't a member yet, sign up here.)
The Deal: Avon of course!!!! You get 4% cash back, as well as $5.95 shipping (shipping is free on orders of $40 or more). Also, there are a ton of extra sales listed that require NO CODE!!!
How to get this deal: First, go to my site and sign up as a customer (This ensures that you don't get thrown to a random rep. I promise, I am amazing lol.) Then, go to Ebates. log in or sign up, and search for Avon. Click shop now, and you're in!
Another great deal: use code WELCOME at checkout to get 20% off of your order (must be $50+). Right now there are two showcase items: the Eye Daydream of Glam Eyeshadow Set and the Pro Makeup Artist Easel. (Buying these two puts you over $50 normally, but right now the set is on sale, so it's $2.02 short of the 20% off. It does put you into free shipping, though!)
Obviously these are two makeup items, but Avon is so much more than that. There's makeup and skin items, but also, household items, clothing, and stuff for the littles as well! Go check it out, and get a great deal or two!
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Gift baskets are here!
I lied, because they are ready today!!!!
The Avon Senses baskets come with a bath puff, a bubble bath, a shower gel, a body lotion, and a body spray. ($32 retail value)
The FootWorks baskets come with a 4-in-one foot tool, a deep moisturizing cream, an intensive moisture cream, a sole support cushion cream, and a reviving leg gel. ($32.50 retail value)
Each basket is $20 plus shipping**. Please email me or message me on my Facebook page to order.
*Pomegranate has a pomegranate peony bubble bath, and pomegranate mango body lotion, body spray, and shower gel.
**If you are in my area, I am willing to deliver for free or a small fee depending on how far you are from me.
Monday, November 14, 2016
Available Now! 3 Piece Gift Sets
Hello, everyone! I am very excited to announce that the 3-piece sets are ready for purchase!
Isn't that beautiful? (Rhetorical question, of course it is.)
The 3-piece sets include a body spray, a body lotion, and a shower gel. The only exception is the Apple Set; it comes with bubble bath, shower gel, and body lotion.
I am offering these sets for $15 plus shipping.** The retail value is $24. That is a great deal, and it makes an amazing gift :)
If you would like to order a set, please email me or message me on Facebook.
Update: gift baskets are now available here!!
**If you are in my area, I am willing to deliver for free or a small fee depending on how far you are from me.
Sunday, October 23, 2016
Facebook Giveaway!!
Hey guys! Wanted to share a giveaway I am doing on my Facebook page. It requires a certain amount of shares, but that's super easy!
Here is the photo you are looking for on the page:
The winner will have a choice of a few different bundles, but you can't win if you don't enter! Don't forget to like the page for the announcement of the winner.
Here is the photo you are looking for on the page:
The winner will have a choice of a few different bundles, but you can't win if you don't enter! Don't forget to like the page for the announcement of the winner.
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Coming Soon To Facebook (Avon Post)
Hello, everyone! I just wanted to share my new offering, which comes just in time for holidays, but will continue way past that: gift baskets!!!
I'm extremely excited to start this, and I had a lot of fun picking out the products and scents for my baskets. I will be getting them in the next few weeks, and once they are put together, I will be posting them on my Facebook page.
Right now there will be a set selection, but I will eventually be taking custom orders and expanding the selection. Also, next year I will be going to craft shows and events! Exciting stuff, I know.
If you haven't already done so, please go like my Avon page or sign up as a customer (both are free to do), so that you can see the baskets when they are released as well as some great deals!
Update: 3 piece sets available here, and gift baskets available here!
Update: 3 piece sets available here, and gift baskets available here!
Friday, September 30, 2016
As I read, I laugh.
I see the writer, same as I always have. And I read the jabs directed at me. Cute, really. I'm sure you will read this soon, writer. And, so, I write for you.
No matter what happens, I believe in you. You could shoot me and I'd still believe in you. I ALWAYS HAVE, you damn idiot.
Your writing is amazing. Small issues, like always. But when I read it, it comes alive. I may cry before the book is done, and you know why. I have seen what it was, and now I get to see what it has become. I fell in love with that character on day one, when he was in a notebook and the female lead was based on her.
Things went bad, and that's on me. I get it. I am the worst person on Earth and in the universe. I don't need the fighting to know that. Actually, I quite enjoy it, for once.
Because of what is there, you could be in China and I could touch your hand. Creepy, yes, but that's just the way it is. I have no faith in anything anymore, except one thing. YOU. You jerk. You've done unspeakable things (so have I), yet it's still right there.
I remember every stupid little thing about you. I haven't seen you in years, or heard your voice, but I remember. I remember college. I remember Fishy Kisser. And the worst things ever. Still very unfair. I remember the longest bike ride ever. And Vampire games that don't exist anymore.
I was there. I'll continue to be there, in one form or another. And I will believe in you, no matter what. So believe in yourself, or I'll pee on your shoes. (You know why, you dick.)
I see the writer, same as I always have. And I read the jabs directed at me. Cute, really. I'm sure you will read this soon, writer. And, so, I write for you.
No matter what happens, I believe in you. You could shoot me and I'd still believe in you. I ALWAYS HAVE, you damn idiot.
Your writing is amazing. Small issues, like always. But when I read it, it comes alive. I may cry before the book is done, and you know why. I have seen what it was, and now I get to see what it has become. I fell in love with that character on day one, when he was in a notebook and the female lead was based on her.
Things went bad, and that's on me. I get it. I am the worst person on Earth and in the universe. I don't need the fighting to know that. Actually, I quite enjoy it, for once.
Because of what is there, you could be in China and I could touch your hand. Creepy, yes, but that's just the way it is. I have no faith in anything anymore, except one thing. YOU. You jerk. You've done unspeakable things (so have I), yet it's still right there.
I remember every stupid little thing about you. I haven't seen you in years, or heard your voice, but I remember. I remember college. I remember Fishy Kisser. And the worst things ever. Still very unfair. I remember the longest bike ride ever. And Vampire games that don't exist anymore.
I was there. I'll continue to be there, in one form or another. And I will believe in you, no matter what. So believe in yourself, or I'll pee on your shoes. (You know why, you dick.)
Thursday, September 29, 2016
What I Pulled From the Ashes
You are the writer, I'm not. So sorry if it is crap lol.
We burned our world down, but some things will always remain. The cars we owned, the songs we sang, running away. We held on too tight and let go too fast. We both have scars, some worse than others. But I'm still here, as I always have been, Waiting. Not now, though. It's too much and we know it. We are Broken and bent. (Sorry but bent makes me laugh.) My shoes are gone and forgotten. But I remember the dragons. We may never make it out of this hole we created, never get the trust back. But I'll keep fighting for at least some shred of it. The past can't be changed. The future is still there. We didn't die at 25, we won't be married at 40. There are no more flowers, or stupid dances. It's just us, fighting as we always manage to do, until it's no longer fighting, just pain.
The pain is fine, I'll hold your hand forever, whether I'm there or not. Bound, connected, pulled. Sucks for us lol.
We burned our world down, but some things will always remain. The cars we owned, the songs we sang, running away. We held on too tight and let go too fast. We both have scars, some worse than others. But I'm still here, as I always have been, Waiting. Not now, though. It's too much and we know it. We are Broken and bent. (Sorry but bent makes me laugh.) My shoes are gone and forgotten. But I remember the dragons. We may never make it out of this hole we created, never get the trust back. But I'll keep fighting for at least some shred of it. The past can't be changed. The future is still there. We didn't die at 25, we won't be married at 40. There are no more flowers, or stupid dances. It's just us, fighting as we always manage to do, until it's no longer fighting, just pain.
The pain is fine, I'll hold your hand forever, whether I'm there or not. Bound, connected, pulled. Sucks for us lol.
Thursday, September 22, 2016
The World We Live In
I am not going to use special fonts and colors today. This post doesn't need anything taking away from the message. Also, I apologize that this is not one coherent thought. I am fighting tears as I write this, because it means so much.
The world sucks. More importantly, the people in it suck. If you don't agree, you can get off my page right now, because you are the damn problem.
We are living in what should be the BEST TIME. We have self driving cars, are making breakthroughs in every industry, and could easily make living conditions better for everyone if we put our minds to it.
Instead, we are filled with HATE. People are protesting the national anthem, and instead of asking why, we say they should be shot in the head?! 'We need to build a wall." WHAT?!?! When did it become popular opinion that homeless people are there because they are lazy? Did I miss the memo? How did we erase years and years of protests, speeches, and laws for equality? Where did all this racism and prejudice come from AGAIN? Calm down, Hitler Jrs.
I can't even watch the news anymore. There is so much death and hatred that it is slowly killing my soul. I have two girls, and I don't want them growing up in a world where they can be raped and have it be their fault. I was raped as a teenager, and in an abusive marriage. Guess what? It was NEVER my fault.
People are being shot in the streets, and apparently the answer is MORE VIOLENCE. Peaceful protests are being met with death threats, and riots are met with just death. STOP KILLING EACH OTHER! And we are breeding the next generation, which is going the same route. Have you seen all those videos of little kids beating each other up while adults just laugh? WTF. How are you even surprised that people are killing their kids and doing horrific acts to them?
This year is election year. Both main candidates are ridiculous. Instead of focusing on trying to make the country better, it's all about personal attacks and idiocy. I watched a clip today where a Trump supporter said Obama didn't do enough during 9/11, when he wasn't even president. I wanted to scream. (Shut up, shut up, shut up! Presidents have a tough job, and like it or not, they are doing what they think is right. Get over it, because you would do a hell of a lot worse if you were in office.)
We are headed for a civil war. Sadly, that is exactly what the hate filled people want. IT DOESN'T END THE WAY YOU WANT! It ends in death of people you love, and no one truly being happy. There is no reason for this crap. People are people, even when they are different. There is no need for hatred, and clowns, and murders. We need LOVE. LOVE. LOVE.
If you help others, it will help everyone. Love grows if you cultivate it, as does hate. Thanksgiving is coming up, when everyone loves to donate food and clothes and money to the needy. Why do we only do that one time a year?? Food banks and donation drives are year round. DO MORE.
What upset me a lot (as well as my husband) is that there are all these empty houses and lots, and tons of homeless. Why are we not providing housing to these people? The majority had jobs and homes and just hit a rough patch, and now are facing discrimination because they can't get a shower every day or wash their clothes. Not every person on the street is bad or lazy. Where I used to live, there was a homeless man who slept on the same bench every night. They removed the bench.
Other countries made it mandatory for grocery stores to donate outdated food instead of throwing it away (outdated food can actually last a lot longer than they will sell it for, especially if you freeze it). Why are we not doing this? So much food goes to waste, and yet we are still telling our kids that there are kids starving in Ethiopia. THEY ARE STARVING HERE TOO.
Again, I apologize for "bringing you down". But if you aren't already depressed about the world our children are growing up in, and what they are learning, then you either live in a bubble or are part of the problem. We are on the path to destruction, and only we can fix it. One person can change the world, if they believe they can. Whether you change it for better or worse is up to you.
The world sucks. More importantly, the people in it suck. If you don't agree, you can get off my page right now, because you are the damn problem.
We are living in what should be the BEST TIME. We have self driving cars, are making breakthroughs in every industry, and could easily make living conditions better for everyone if we put our minds to it.
Instead, we are filled with HATE. People are protesting the national anthem, and instead of asking why, we say they should be shot in the head?! 'We need to build a wall." WHAT?!?! When did it become popular opinion that homeless people are there because they are lazy? Did I miss the memo? How did we erase years and years of protests, speeches, and laws for equality? Where did all this racism and prejudice come from AGAIN? Calm down, Hitler Jrs.
I can't even watch the news anymore. There is so much death and hatred that it is slowly killing my soul. I have two girls, and I don't want them growing up in a world where they can be raped and have it be their fault. I was raped as a teenager, and in an abusive marriage. Guess what? It was NEVER my fault.
(This book is extremely powerful, especially in a time when so many victims are blamed.)
This year is election year. Both main candidates are ridiculous. Instead of focusing on trying to make the country better, it's all about personal attacks and idiocy. I watched a clip today where a Trump supporter said Obama didn't do enough during 9/11, when he wasn't even president. I wanted to scream. (Shut up, shut up, shut up! Presidents have a tough job, and like it or not, they are doing what they think is right. Get over it, because you would do a hell of a lot worse if you were in office.)
We are headed for a civil war. Sadly, that is exactly what the hate filled people want. IT DOESN'T END THE WAY YOU WANT! It ends in death of people you love, and no one truly being happy. There is no reason for this crap. People are people, even when they are different. There is no need for hatred, and clowns, and murders. We need LOVE. LOVE. LOVE.
(They got it right.)
If you help others, it will help everyone. Love grows if you cultivate it, as does hate. Thanksgiving is coming up, when everyone loves to donate food and clothes and money to the needy. Why do we only do that one time a year?? Food banks and donation drives are year round. DO MORE.
What upset me a lot (as well as my husband) is that there are all these empty houses and lots, and tons of homeless. Why are we not providing housing to these people? The majority had jobs and homes and just hit a rough patch, and now are facing discrimination because they can't get a shower every day or wash their clothes. Not every person on the street is bad or lazy. Where I used to live, there was a homeless man who slept on the same bench every night. They removed the bench.
Other countries made it mandatory for grocery stores to donate outdated food instead of throwing it away (outdated food can actually last a lot longer than they will sell it for, especially if you freeze it). Why are we not doing this? So much food goes to waste, and yet we are still telling our kids that there are kids starving in Ethiopia. THEY ARE STARVING HERE TOO.
Again, I apologize for "bringing you down". But if you aren't already depressed about the world our children are growing up in, and what they are learning, then you either live in a bubble or are part of the problem. We are on the path to destruction, and only we can fix it. One person can change the world, if they believe they can. Whether you change it for better or worse is up to you.
Monday, September 19, 2016
Oh, crap. The holidays are coming.
Uh-oh. It's almost that time of year again.
Family, gift-giving, shopping, and celebrations.
I don't know about you, but I always stress out so much, trying to make everything perfect, making sure everyone has the perfect presents. Most of my family will be happy no matter what... but my oldest... she is so hard to shop for sometimes. Every year she changes (obviously). Different colors, styles, etc. This year, I think I have her number, though. She swears she wants this damn stuffed dog, but someone else can get her that. I found such special things (I can't give away too much in case someone she knows reads this lol). I will say, most of her stocking stuffers will be of the pretty variety, which is made way too easy for me because of Avon. Seriously, if you have girls, pretty and smelly things are uber cheap.
Anyway, I always look for really creative things for each person. It's lost on the tiny one, but last year, I got my dad signed pictures from Star Trek, my hubby skull salt and pepper shakers as well as tiny Pokemon figurines, and my daughter a ton of vintage books as well as art supplies. This year, I am stumped for the guys. Ugh.
Then there is holiday cooking. I share my daughter with her father for holidays, and this year I get her for both big dinners. No clue how I'm pulling that off. I am a baker, I suck at cooking turkeys, hams, whatever. Still going to attempt it, and if it is awful, I guess there's always chicken wings!
Full disclosure: Halloween is my favorite holiday. This year, it falls on a Monday, and with piano practice and work and blahblahblah, it's not possible to go trick-or-treating. So, we are doing a celebration on the weekend, with fun baking, dressup, and scary movies (or Halloweentown).
I know this post is crazy random, but I've been mulling all this over for DAYS and needed to get it out. Obviously, I will be posting closer to each holiday with special features and such. Also, maybe a giveaway (hosted by me, not someone else), but not positive yet.
Have a wonderful day!!!
Family, gift-giving, shopping, and celebrations.
I don't know about you, but I always stress out so much, trying to make everything perfect, making sure everyone has the perfect presents. Most of my family will be happy no matter what... but my oldest... she is so hard to shop for sometimes. Every year she changes (obviously). Different colors, styles, etc. This year, I think I have her number, though. She swears she wants this damn stuffed dog, but someone else can get her that. I found such special things (I can't give away too much in case someone she knows reads this lol). I will say, most of her stocking stuffers will be of the pretty variety, which is made way too easy for me because of Avon. Seriously, if you have girls, pretty and smelly things are uber cheap.
Anyway, I always look for really creative things for each person. It's lost on the tiny one, but last year, I got my dad signed pictures from Star Trek, my hubby skull salt and pepper shakers as well as tiny Pokemon figurines, and my daughter a ton of vintage books as well as art supplies. This year, I am stumped for the guys. Ugh.
Then there is holiday cooking. I share my daughter with her father for holidays, and this year I get her for both big dinners. No clue how I'm pulling that off. I am a baker, I suck at cooking turkeys, hams, whatever. Still going to attempt it, and if it is awful, I guess there's always chicken wings!
Full disclosure: Halloween is my favorite holiday. This year, it falls on a Monday, and with piano practice and work and blahblahblah, it's not possible to go trick-or-treating. So, we are doing a celebration on the weekend, with fun baking, dressup, and scary movies (or Halloweentown).
I know this post is crazy random, but I've been mulling all this over for DAYS and needed to get it out. Obviously, I will be posting closer to each holiday with special features and such. Also, maybe a giveaway (hosted by me, not someone else), but not positive yet.
Have a wonderful day!!!
Monday, August 29, 2016
Walmart gift card giveaway!
Enter to win a $100 Walmart gift card, courtesy of Lil' Blog and More, Coupons and Freebies Mom, and Daily Deals from a Nerd Mom!
Welcome to the Walmart Gift Card Giveaway Event! A big, fun event, brought to you by a lot of great bloggers!
And an extra thanks, to the great co-hosts: Animal Bliss, Cha Ching Queen, and Deliciously Savvy.
This is a great prize, to help with anything you need, from back to school, and more!
Good luck everyone!
The Giveaway!
One lucky winner will receive a $100 Walmart gift card! Open to Worldwide entries. Ends 9/20/2016. Enter using the GiveawayTools form, below:
This is a great prize, to help with anything you need, from back to school, and more!
Good luck everyone!
The Giveaway!
One lucky winner will receive a $100 Walmart gift card! Open to Worldwide entries. Ends 9/20/2016. Enter using the GiveawayTools form, below:
The bloggers involved in this giveaway were not compensated, and are
not responsible for prize fulfillment. Lil' Blog and More will be sending the
prize out. Must be 18 years of age or older to enter this giveaway.
This giveaway starts August 29th, 2016, and will end on September 20th, 2016 at
11:59 pm. The winner will be emailed, and have 48 hours to respond, or a
new winner will be chosen. Once a winner is drawn and confirmed, the
name will be announced on the GiveawayTools form.
Friday, August 26, 2016
Avon Product Review: FootWorks Lavender Set
*Disclaimer: I ordered this set while it was on sale as a special product. As of right now, the products are sold separately, but they go on sale often.
The other day, we received the Avon FootWorks Lavender Set, and it was amazing!
The other day, we received the Avon FootWorks Lavender Set, and it was amazing!
(shown: clay mask, pampering oil, softening balm, 4 in 1 tool, and overnight cream)
I am far from a girly girl. I do my nails myself, and have NEVER had a pedicure. My husband was the one who mentioned getting this set. He works hard all day long, and it takes a toll on his feet. So, as a treat, I ordered it for him, as well as the callus cream (which smells like peppermint).
The day my order came in, we the products out. We skipped the clay mask, but we soaked our feet, used the tool, massaged and everything. I may have a new addiction LOL. I wish I had taken before and after photos of his feet. He had really bad calluses and rough patches, and they are now gone. I love the overnight cream, but not for my feet. I actually have been using it on my hand (I have eczema that even medicated cream wouldn't heal. Washing dishes and cleaning clothes by hand took a toll on me. This cream healed it in two days!)
If you can't shell out the cash for a pedicure, I highly recommend getting these products, as well as the others in the footcare line. As a mom to a toddler, time is in short supply, but I had time to do a pedicure on myself, and it was super simple! (Also, I mentioned this post to my husband, and he said "Good, I love that stuff. People should know about it.")
To order these or any other products, go to MY STORE and click "Shop Now". Also, if you are interested in selling Avon, or have any questions, feel free to contact me through my page (the link is in the top left corner).
Have a great day!
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
Diaper Bag Giveaway!
Awesome Giveaway!!!! Make sure to enter starting 7/7/16!
Sponsored by timi & leslie
Hosted by MomJunky
Co-Hosted by Deliciously Savvy
Starts 7/7/16-7/21/2016
U.S. only
One winner will choose one of these awesome bags from the Marcelle Collection.
Each Set features:
- An adjustable cross body, detachable strap so you can wear the bag hands free;
- Our specially designed changing pad with a front mesh pocket to store your diapers, wipes or cream when you need to make a quick diaper change trip;
- A zippered sac to hold soiled clothes;
- A stylish clutch that you can use as your purse (who wants to carry a purse and a bebe bag?) with interior credit card slots and an inside zipper pocket;
- An insulated bottle tote to keep your baby's bottles warm or cool;
- Coordinated stroller straps to hang your bebe bag from your stroller;
- Water-resistant, light colored lining so you can easily see everything in your bag;
- 3 exterior pockets;
- 6 interior organizational pockets;
- Inside key fob – never lose your keys again!
- Bag Measures: 14"H x 17” W x 8” D and a 10.5” handle drop
One winner will choose which color - Black Edition, Teal/Saddle, Copper/Saddle, Sand/Saddle, or Black/Saddle
ARV $169
The winner will be notified by e-mail and will have 48 hours to respond or forfeits the prize. This giveaway is not associated with Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media. All participating blogs are not responsible for prize fulfillment. All entries are optional. Void where prohibited by law.
Friday, June 17, 2016
Avon Product Reviews: Nail Pro+ Enamel & Anew Vitale Gel Cleanser
Last post I told you that I became an Avon rep. This week I am going to tell you about two of the products I am using!
Wait, I'm lying. Three.
The first one is going to be really short, but I love it so much so I needed to include it. The Flavor Saver lip balm comes in 3 flavors. I bought the melon one. It stays on until I manually wipe it off. It smells amazing. I usually hate lip balm but I am glad I gave this one a shot. (Added bonus: it is $.99 on the site)
Next up: Nail Pro+ Nail Enamel
I am horribly tough on nail polish. I haven't painted my nails in about a year, simply because I always chip it so fast. I figured I'd give this a shot since it was cheaper than the ones in the stores by me ($8, but at that point I think it was on sale for $6)
Day One
I like how smooth the polish went on, and the color matched the swatch on the site. It dried very quickly, and the only reason it smudges is because I accidentally bumped the table right after painting them. I also have brittle nails on my left hand, so I was extremely happy with how well it covered. I did 3 coats, just to be sure of full coverage, and because I didn't use a base or top coat.
Day Three
After numerous dishes, scrubbing the toilet and tub, playing with the baby, opening cans, and typing constantly, there was MAYBE one small chip on my nails. (Hint: it's on my ring finger)
Day Five
A few more chips, but only at the tips. Normally at this point I have at least one nail with half natural exposed, but not with this polish.
Overall, I was extremely pleased with this nail polish and how well it held up. It was worth the price. (I know gel lasts longer, but it is also more expensive.)
Final product: Anew Vitale Gel Cleanser
I received this product in a kit that is available to new Avon reps. It retails for $10.
Normally, I probably would not have purchased this, I have acne prone skin, so I tend to use medicated or gentle washes. This product is to tighten and even skin color. But, whatever, my face wash wasn't working properly anymore, so I figured I'd give it a shot.
The recommended use is twice daily, which is exactly how I use it. I wish I had taken a before and after photo, because this wash definitely makes a difference. My face feels tighter, and cleaner, but also, I have less breakouts. WHAT?! I've used anti-aging skin LINES before, and they have not had anywhere near the results this one does. I will definitely be replacing once I run out.
Another note: I use a pea sized amount on my face, and it works wonderfully. Not too soapy, but extremely cleansing.
If you are interested in purchasing these products, or want to see what else Avon offers (they have A LOT), please go to my site and click SHOP NOW. Also, if you want more information about joining the Avon family, you can contact me through the site by using the link in the UPPER LEFT HAND CORNER.
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Yay For A New Business Opportunity!
Recently, I have struggled with financial issues. My hubby has a great new job, but even with that, our income was lacking. We live with my father, and while it is nice to not have to worry about him as much (he is getting older and I'm his only family), I would like to have a home of my own. It isn't really doable with just one person bringing in paychecks (at least not for what we need).
So, I sat down and did some research about direct sales. I have done a few home-based businesses with success before. My main concern this time was start up costs (as well as monthly maintenance) and ease of selling. Most of the companies out there have great products, but you have to host parties or meet people while you are out. As I have attained hermit status lately, especially with a baby, I felt it would be hard for me to do this. Also, I wanted to find a company that had affordable products that I could stand behind. As much as I loved my time with [a beauty company that will remain nameless], they were a hard sale because of how much each product costs. Everyone loved them, but most people I met had a difficult time justifying a purchase of $50+ for one product.
After much searching and and a totally "duh" moment, I rediscovered Avon. I have used their products pretty much my whole life, so I know they are great. I remember my friend's mom doing Avon when we were little, and how much she enjoyed it. The company has been around for 130 years! A lot has changed since then.
The biggest change is the online store. This makes it super easy to sell, but it also makes it easier for customers to contact you. Each representative gets their own personal site FOR FREE, and there is no maintenance required.
Another change is that Avon is no longer just cosmetics! They still carry a wide array of skin care, but they also now have clothing, toys, home decor, and more!
So, I sat down and did some research about direct sales. I have done a few home-based businesses with success before. My main concern this time was start up costs (as well as monthly maintenance) and ease of selling. Most of the companies out there have great products, but you have to host parties or meet people while you are out. As I have attained hermit status lately, especially with a baby, I felt it would be hard for me to do this. Also, I wanted to find a company that had affordable products that I could stand behind. As much as I loved my time with [a beauty company that will remain nameless], they were a hard sale because of how much each product costs. Everyone loved them, but most people I met had a difficult time justifying a purchase of $50+ for one product.
After much searching and and a totally "duh" moment, I rediscovered Avon. I have used their products pretty much my whole life, so I know they are great. I remember my friend's mom doing Avon when we were little, and how much she enjoyed it. The company has been around for 130 years! A lot has changed since then.
The biggest change is the online store. This makes it super easy to sell, but it also makes it easier for customers to contact you. Each representative gets their own personal site FOR FREE, and there is no maintenance required.
Another change is that Avon is no longer just cosmetics! They still carry a wide array of skin care, but they also now have clothing, toys, home decor, and more!
(I love candles, and who doesn't like red velvet?!)
As I said, part of my comparison was the price of startup. I simply cannot afford a ridiculous amount to start as well as a monthly fee. Most of the companies I looked at wanted $60-100 as a starting price, and that was just a basic package. One wanted $299!!! Also, some companies had extra monthly fees for a website, and some had a minimum PERSONAL order to keep you active. I understand that you have to spend money to make money, but that feels a little crazy to me.
Avon's basic startup kit is $15. It comes with brochures, samples, 2 full-sized products (you can try them, or save them as bonus items for your customers), and a few other necessities to start your business. They also offer "booster kits" once you are officially signed up, but they aren't necessary. You can choose to have it shipped to you, or you can meet up with a rep in your area.
Avon is just like any other business: you get out what you put in. The harder you work your business, the more you make. If you are looking for a way to earn extra money from home, please feel free to contact me here or go to my site and hit contact me for information about how to join the Avon family!
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Real Talk About Cloth Diapers
I will preface this post with a fact: I am not an expert in cloth diapers. I am constantly learning, and make mistakes sometimes.
I wanted to share my experience with diapers, both disposable and cloth. Everyone has seen the memes with the price facts: you can save a lot using cloth diapers. What they don't tell you is that everyone will have an opinion, and if you don't have a friend who uses cloth, it can become overwhelming.
Cloth diapering is actually pretty easy, but starting can be difficult. There are so many different types, and patterns, and inserts! Then, there's what detergent to use, and how to clean them. If you tell anyone that you plan to use cloth, most people will tell you it's sooo hard and expensive. It's enough to make you quit before you even try it.
I let myself be convinced that disposables were a better fit for us, and now I regret it somewhat. I say somewhat because there was an upside to what I eventually decided to do, which was use both. I will tell you how I overcame my own personal obstacles... I had quite a few.
I started out crazy about cloth, mainly because I had used them with my godson. They were fun, and cute, and OMG JUST AWESOME! Yeah, that argument doesn't win you any points with the naysayers. As soon as I mentioned it, I heard "That's disgusting", "You can't afford it", and my personal favorite, "I tried it and hated it, so you will too." All wrong, but I was discouraged. I did buy prefolds before the baby was born, but mainly as burp cloths. I already had a few covers, so I thought I would just try it out. Maybe. I still didn't know how I would wash them (I lived with other people who told me I couldn't wash them in the washer, or sink, or tub. Thanks for crushing my dreams.) Now, I will share the crap I faced (pun not intended... okay maybe a little, lol.)
How the heck do I buy diapers with no money?!
My first problem was finding "extra" cash to buy a stash. Baby was already here, so I didn't have time to wait for shipping, and there are no stores in my area that offer cloth. All the diaper money was going to disposables. Fine, whatever. I'll work around that. I ended up earning Amazon gift cards (I explain how in an earlier post), and using that towards my stash.
I started out small, one cover at a time, and started using the prefolds I had bought before. Immediately I was discouraged again. I couldn't figure out why the diapers were leaking. Come to find out, not all inserts are created equal. My prefolds were not as great as I had hoped. For anyone who wants to know, I got Gerber's prefold diapers. They were a nice size to begin with, but very thin, and when I washed them they shrunk a lot, even in cold water. It ended up that I could only use them as pocket inserts, and as soon as I could I replaced them. (More on that later.)
For my covers, I started out with "China Cheapies", which are no-name diapers that ship from overseas. They were about $4 each with free shipping. Later, I added a few Alva diapers, which are around $5-10. We now have 2 minky covers, 4 cheapies, and our personal favorite, a sweet designed cover with elephants on it. I learned something very important: try different styles. All of these are pocket diapers, which I prefer,but they are all different. For example, my cheapies asked if I wanted it with mesh or without. I assumed without mesh was just a straight cover with nothing to hold the insert in. Turns out, it comes as a nice pocket diaper with a plush piece where the mesh was. Silly me.
As for the inserts, I replaced my junk prefolds with flour sack towels, quickly followed by charcoal bamboo inserts. The towels were about $8 for a pack of 6, and the inserts were $4 for 6. I already had a few inserts that came with my Alvas, but I am in love with the bamboo ones. They hold so much! So, obviously it is doable to cloth diaper on a budget. I spent maybe $10 of my own money so far, and it gives me about 18-24 hours worth of diapers.
I have no washer!
So here is where the ick factor hits. I live in an apartment with no washer and dryer. I can't exactly go to the laundromat every day to wash dirty diapers, so I wash by hand. There are many different ways to do this. I have big tupperware containers, and I rinse my diapers, soak them for a while in soapy water, and then do 3 rinses to be sure they are clean. Sometimes I have to wash twice. Pretty simple. Then, I hang them to dry. Covers are dry the next day, inserts are usually done in 2 days. If you get 3 times my stash, you will be covered for the amount of time it takes to dry. I use disposables during dry time and also if my child needs diaper rash cream (usually we use coconut oil, but sometimes it's not enough).
I don't know what I'm doing!
Early on, I made numerous mistakes with my diapers. I put them on wrong, I ruined a few prefolds, and I thought I screwed up a cover by washing it wrong (I didn't). A few things I learned: you can't use Desitin with cloth, you should wash with warm to cold water with the correct soap, and always check the fit.
A smart move is to do research. But, there is A LOT out there, so it can be hard to tell what to listen to and what to discard. Soap is important to check, because some types will destroy your diapers. There are many lists that aren't hard to find. Look up how to put on covers correctly, and if you are using prefolds, look up a few folds and practice to figure out which one works for you. If you decide to use microfiber inserts, remember that it cannot touch the child's skin for a prolonged period of time because it will irritate it.
Everything is a learning experience with kids. Don't be afraid to make mistakes and messes. Don't listen to anyone who doubts you, because in the end, you are the parent and it is your decision on how to raise your child. Good luck with your cloth diapering adventures.
I wanted to share my experience with diapers, both disposable and cloth. Everyone has seen the memes with the price facts: you can save a lot using cloth diapers. What they don't tell you is that everyone will have an opinion, and if you don't have a friend who uses cloth, it can become overwhelming.
Cloth diapering is actually pretty easy, but starting can be difficult. There are so many different types, and patterns, and inserts! Then, there's what detergent to use, and how to clean them. If you tell anyone that you plan to use cloth, most people will tell you it's sooo hard and expensive. It's enough to make you quit before you even try it.
I let myself be convinced that disposables were a better fit for us, and now I regret it somewhat. I say somewhat because there was an upside to what I eventually decided to do, which was use both. I will tell you how I overcame my own personal obstacles... I had quite a few.
I started out crazy about cloth, mainly because I had used them with my godson. They were fun, and cute, and OMG JUST AWESOME! Yeah, that argument doesn't win you any points with the naysayers. As soon as I mentioned it, I heard "That's disgusting", "You can't afford it", and my personal favorite, "I tried it and hated it, so you will too." All wrong, but I was discouraged. I did buy prefolds before the baby was born, but mainly as burp cloths. I already had a few covers, so I thought I would just try it out. Maybe. I still didn't know how I would wash them (I lived with other people who told me I couldn't wash them in the washer, or sink, or tub. Thanks for crushing my dreams.) Now, I will share the crap I faced (pun not intended... okay maybe a little, lol.)
How the heck do I buy diapers with no money?!
My first problem was finding "extra" cash to buy a stash. Baby was already here, so I didn't have time to wait for shipping, and there are no stores in my area that offer cloth. All the diaper money was going to disposables. Fine, whatever. I'll work around that. I ended up earning Amazon gift cards (I explain how in an earlier post), and using that towards my stash.
I started out small, one cover at a time, and started using the prefolds I had bought before. Immediately I was discouraged again. I couldn't figure out why the diapers were leaking. Come to find out, not all inserts are created equal. My prefolds were not as great as I had hoped. For anyone who wants to know, I got Gerber's prefold diapers. They were a nice size to begin with, but very thin, and when I washed them they shrunk a lot, even in cold water. It ended up that I could only use them as pocket inserts, and as soon as I could I replaced them. (More on that later.)
For my covers, I started out with "China Cheapies", which are no-name diapers that ship from overseas. They were about $4 each with free shipping. Later, I added a few Alva diapers, which are around $5-10. We now have 2 minky covers, 4 cheapies, and our personal favorite, a sweet designed cover with elephants on it. I learned something very important: try different styles. All of these are pocket diapers, which I prefer,but they are all different. For example, my cheapies asked if I wanted it with mesh or without. I assumed without mesh was just a straight cover with nothing to hold the insert in. Turns out, it comes as a nice pocket diaper with a plush piece where the mesh was. Silly me.
As for the inserts, I replaced my junk prefolds with flour sack towels, quickly followed by charcoal bamboo inserts. The towels were about $8 for a pack of 6, and the inserts were $4 for 6. I already had a few inserts that came with my Alvas, but I am in love with the bamboo ones. They hold so much! So, obviously it is doable to cloth diaper on a budget. I spent maybe $10 of my own money so far, and it gives me about 18-24 hours worth of diapers.
I have no washer!
So here is where the ick factor hits. I live in an apartment with no washer and dryer. I can't exactly go to the laundromat every day to wash dirty diapers, so I wash by hand. There are many different ways to do this. I have big tupperware containers, and I rinse my diapers, soak them for a while in soapy water, and then do 3 rinses to be sure they are clean. Sometimes I have to wash twice. Pretty simple. Then, I hang them to dry. Covers are dry the next day, inserts are usually done in 2 days. If you get 3 times my stash, you will be covered for the amount of time it takes to dry. I use disposables during dry time and also if my child needs diaper rash cream (usually we use coconut oil, but sometimes it's not enough).
I don't know what I'm doing!
Early on, I made numerous mistakes with my diapers. I put them on wrong, I ruined a few prefolds, and I thought I screwed up a cover by washing it wrong (I didn't). A few things I learned: you can't use Desitin with cloth, you should wash with warm to cold water with the correct soap, and always check the fit.
A smart move is to do research. But, there is A LOT out there, so it can be hard to tell what to listen to and what to discard. Soap is important to check, because some types will destroy your diapers. There are many lists that aren't hard to find. Look up how to put on covers correctly, and if you are using prefolds, look up a few folds and practice to figure out which one works for you. If you decide to use microfiber inserts, remember that it cannot touch the child's skin for a prolonged period of time because it will irritate it.
Everything is a learning experience with kids. Don't be afraid to make mistakes and messes. Don't listen to anyone who doubts you, because in the end, you are the parent and it is your decision on how to raise your child. Good luck with your cloth diapering adventures.
Monday, May 2, 2016
Mistakes Were Made
Anyone who uses Facebook knows that there is a memories feature. It shows you what you posted on the same day in the past.
Lately, I have been hit with some doozies. It's easy to look back at your life and skim over glaringly obvious facts, and wonder why things didn't work out the way you wanted... until you have those facts show up in your own words from the past.
I won't get into specifics, but today, I saw work and relationships that are so far from where I am today. And, it's funny, but when I look back, I don't remember all those flaws in my life. I forget about the happy days where I loved my job, and the bad days where my ex-friends were giant jerks. I look back and always see myself miserable and worn out, or blaming myself for not talking to people anymore. In my head, I am always at fault for everything.
It's so easy to blame yourself for every tiny problem in the past. They say that hindsight is 20/20, but I find that that's a lie. Even knowing exactly where things went wrong doesn't stop me from seeing it way differently. As a person with bipolar disorder, it gets even worse when I hit a low point. I know my life is good, and I'm blessed to stay home and watch my baby grow up. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. But, if I'm depressed, it's far too easy to look back and kick myself for not being a better person. It's hard to remember the facts: that some of the people who used to be in my life didn't care about me as much as I did them, and made me miserable.
If you are the same way, try to remember that you aren't fully at fault for all of the "bad things" that have happened in your life. There are memories hat get glossed over to make things make sense. Also, the reverse: everything that has happened in your life is not someone else's fault. People can influence your life, but only so much. You are in control of yourself, and you can't blame other people for everything. Either way, try to see things clearly, and keep moving forward with the reality that you can't change your past, but you are always shaping your future. :)
Lately, I have been hit with some doozies. It's easy to look back at your life and skim over glaringly obvious facts, and wonder why things didn't work out the way you wanted... until you have those facts show up in your own words from the past.
I won't get into specifics, but today, I saw work and relationships that are so far from where I am today. And, it's funny, but when I look back, I don't remember all those flaws in my life. I forget about the happy days where I loved my job, and the bad days where my ex-friends were giant jerks. I look back and always see myself miserable and worn out, or blaming myself for not talking to people anymore. In my head, I am always at fault for everything.
It's so easy to blame yourself for every tiny problem in the past. They say that hindsight is 20/20, but I find that that's a lie. Even knowing exactly where things went wrong doesn't stop me from seeing it way differently. As a person with bipolar disorder, it gets even worse when I hit a low point. I know my life is good, and I'm blessed to stay home and watch my baby grow up. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. But, if I'm depressed, it's far too easy to look back and kick myself for not being a better person. It's hard to remember the facts: that some of the people who used to be in my life didn't care about me as much as I did them, and made me miserable.
If you are the same way, try to remember that you aren't fully at fault for all of the "bad things" that have happened in your life. There are memories hat get glossed over to make things make sense. Also, the reverse: everything that has happened in your life is not someone else's fault. People can influence your life, but only so much. You are in control of yourself, and you can't blame other people for everything. Either way, try to see things clearly, and keep moving forward with the reality that you can't change your past, but you are always shaping your future. :)
Sunday, March 13, 2016
Happiness Is A time Of Day
Happy Daylight Savings! Oh wait, no, it's not happy. We lost an hour!!!
Yesterday, I spent all day baking. When I say all day, I don't mean a few hours here and there. I mean a full 8 hours! I went to bed sore and exhausted at 11pm (I had to take the hubby to work, otherwise I would have went to bed earlier.) Then, an hour of sleep was stolen from me, and I woke up sore and exhausted... Umm, forgive me, but what the crap?!
A cup of Almond Joy coffee later, I feel a little better. I got to watch the baby run around and laugh for an extra hour, and today I am taking the time to relax a little extra. As I do so, I will look at this day as a blessing. Even though we may wake up so tired, it only lasts for a day or two while we acclimate. But, we get a little more time to enjoy life and have fun. I saw a meme asking why they change the time in the middle of the weekend instead of on a weeknight. I think it is better this way. Most people don't work on Sundays, so we get one more hour to enjoy a day off! If we did it on a Thursday (or another weekday), we would be an hour closer to going back to work. Ugh.
So, today, look for the joy of your extra hour. Unless you "slept in". In that case, screw you, lol.
Have a wonderful Sunday!!!
Yesterday, I spent all day baking. When I say all day, I don't mean a few hours here and there. I mean a full 8 hours! I went to bed sore and exhausted at 11pm (I had to take the hubby to work, otherwise I would have went to bed earlier.) Then, an hour of sleep was stolen from me, and I woke up sore and exhausted... Umm, forgive me, but what the crap?!
A cup of Almond Joy coffee later, I feel a little better. I got to watch the baby run around and laugh for an extra hour, and today I am taking the time to relax a little extra. As I do so, I will look at this day as a blessing. Even though we may wake up so tired, it only lasts for a day or two while we acclimate. But, we get a little more time to enjoy life and have fun. I saw a meme asking why they change the time in the middle of the weekend instead of on a weeknight. I think it is better this way. Most people don't work on Sundays, so we get one more hour to enjoy a day off! If we did it on a Thursday (or another weekday), we would be an hour closer to going back to work. Ugh.
So, today, look for the joy of your extra hour. Unless you "slept in". In that case, screw you, lol.
Have a wonderful Sunday!!!
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Covergirl Giveaway!
Here is a great giveaway hosted by Mom Junky! Good luck!

Win these three awesome COVERGIRL MAKEUP Items!
This Covergirl Collection includes, Oh Sugar in “Jelly,” Trunaked Palette in “Roses” and Ageless 3 in 1 Foundation in “260”
Co-hosted by:
One Winner
Starts 3/9-3/23
U.S. only
ARV $34
The winner will be notified by e-mail and will have 48 hours to respond or forfeits the prize .This giveaway is not associated with Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media.All participating blogs are not responsible for prize fulfillment. All entries are optional. Void where prohibited by law.
Sunday, February 21, 2016
Finding Your Happy Place
I recently re-stumbled on the secret to a happy life... or at least a non-chaotic one:
I say re-stumbled because I knew this at one point, and lost sight of it. My way of reaching peace is by hula hooping. It may seem childish or simple, but it works. While I am hooping, my mind becomes clear, and I simply focus on movement. It's very comforting. I can even do it while watching tv. Added bonus: it's a good workout. There are plenty of hoopers on Youtube to keep me motivated (my favorite is Safire). Here is a video I made when I was first starting out (sorry, it's a bit crappy, but I was very new, and I don't have the time to make a new one right now).
Obviously, hooping is not for everyone (I had a friend that refused to even try it). So, here are some suggestions to help you find your own happy place:
- start a garden
- write in a journal
- read a book
- knit/crochet
- dance
- create a scrapbook
- coupon
- meditate
There are many more things that work. The key is to get so engrossed in something that you forget your problems, or get your mind clear enough to find solutions to them. If you have any more suggestions, or have something you do to reach nirvana, please leave a comment!
you need a "happy place".
Mind you, it doesn't actually have to be a place, but it could be something you do to clear your head.I say re-stumbled because I knew this at one point, and lost sight of it. My way of reaching peace is by hula hooping. It may seem childish or simple, but it works. While I am hooping, my mind becomes clear, and I simply focus on movement. It's very comforting. I can even do it while watching tv. Added bonus: it's a good workout. There are plenty of hoopers on Youtube to keep me motivated (my favorite is Safire). Here is a video I made when I was first starting out (sorry, it's a bit crappy, but I was very new, and I don't have the time to make a new one right now).
Obviously, hooping is not for everyone (I had a friend that refused to even try it). So, here are some suggestions to help you find your own happy place:
- start a garden
- write in a journal
- read a book
- knit/crochet
- dance
- create a scrapbook
- coupon
- meditate
There are many more things that work. The key is to get so engrossed in something that you forget your problems, or get your mind clear enough to find solutions to them. If you have any more suggestions, or have something you do to reach nirvana, please leave a comment!
Thursday, February 18, 2016
Eating for Fifteen
I want to say this now, this post is coming from my phone, so forgive the unpolished look.
You may be reading the title and saying, is Trish pregnant?!?! No, I am not, thank god. However, I feel like I have numerous tapeworms, lol. I have been eating so much, and even though I know why, sometimes it bothers me.
I am breastfeeding. Any mom who had gone through this process immediately understands where I'm coming from, but let me enlighten the masses (especially the guys telling their significant others that they need to stop eating so much).
BABIES STEAL EVERYTHING!!!! They steal your heart, your space, but most of all your calories. If I don't eat 5,000,000 calories a day, I feel famished and sick. Even though I haven't done it (yet), I could probably eat a jar of peanut butter in one sitting. As a matter of fact, I am craving it right now. (Yep, cravings continue after birth!)
So why am I being so open about eating like Bruce in Matilda? Because it's not being talked about. Right now, breastfeeding is a HUGE topic. But no one really mentions the "side effects". The books say it will hurt, and that you may be a little hungrier. They don't tell you it's hard. It's work. Once baby gets older, it turns into a workout (I liken it to wrestling an octopus). It's no wonder we are so hungry!!
Also, I should tell you that I stopped worrying about my "pre-baby body". Pardon my language, but fuck that noise. I weigh less than I did before I got pregnant, but my belly somehow manages to be squishy. I just really don't care anymore. I have time to be fit later. (I do hula hoop a little, but it's mainly a stress reliever)
I guess, as I sit here late at night, eating pretzels, that I want women to know it's okay. You aren't the only one eating like food is going to be dumped in the ocean tomorrow. It's also okay to feel out of control sometimes. Truth is, you probably are. Whatever, do better tomorrow. Today, the baby gets an added treat.
You may be reading the title and saying, is Trish pregnant?!?! No, I am not, thank god. However, I feel like I have numerous tapeworms, lol. I have been eating so much, and even though I know why, sometimes it bothers me.
I am breastfeeding. Any mom who had gone through this process immediately understands where I'm coming from, but let me enlighten the masses (especially the guys telling their significant others that they need to stop eating so much).
BABIES STEAL EVERYTHING!!!! They steal your heart, your space, but most of all your calories. If I don't eat 5,000,000 calories a day, I feel famished and sick. Even though I haven't done it (yet), I could probably eat a jar of peanut butter in one sitting. As a matter of fact, I am craving it right now. (Yep, cravings continue after birth!)
So why am I being so open about eating like Bruce in Matilda? Because it's not being talked about. Right now, breastfeeding is a HUGE topic. But no one really mentions the "side effects". The books say it will hurt, and that you may be a little hungrier. They don't tell you it's hard. It's work. Once baby gets older, it turns into a workout (I liken it to wrestling an octopus). It's no wonder we are so hungry!!
Also, I should tell you that I stopped worrying about my "pre-baby body". Pardon my language, but fuck that noise. I weigh less than I did before I got pregnant, but my belly somehow manages to be squishy. I just really don't care anymore. I have time to be fit later. (I do hula hoop a little, but it's mainly a stress reliever)
I guess, as I sit here late at night, eating pretzels, that I want women to know it's okay. You aren't the only one eating like food is going to be dumped in the ocean tomorrow. It's also okay to feel out of control sometimes. Truth is, you probably are. Whatever, do better tomorrow. Today, the baby gets an added treat.
Thursday, February 4, 2016
How to let go... or not.
Have you ever dreamed about a person in your past?
Of course you have. Everyone has at some point or another. But what happens when they start haunting you? I don't mean like you see in movies where ghosts are following you and scaring you. I mean in your mind.
Lately I have had a few people on my mind, and they just won't leave me alone! Some have passed on, some are just out of my life, but all will never have full closure. While I am okay with that, they still keep popping up and my mind wanders with "what-ifs". So how do I make it stop?
While I have not figured out how to get them out of my dreams, I have been getting better during the day. I think this is due in part to me finally watching Eat Pray Love. (Truth: I have been putting this off forever. I figured it wasn't my type of movie, but it's actually pretty good. I watched about half of it before I had to leave, but I did get something out of it.) The main character was having a hard time letting go of the people she had left behind, and the person she was with told her that when they cross her mind, to send them love and let them pass on by. So I have been working on this.
Sadly, as easy as this sounds, sometimes it is easier to "chase the rabbit". (Yes, I am the nerd that just made a "Pacific Rim" reference.) However, NOTHING GOOD COMES FROM IT!! You can't do anything different with your past, for one simple reason: it has already passed. Trust me, sometimes when I am having a hard day, I love to stroll down memory lane, but it really does not help me. In fact, it tends to make things worse. As much as I love and miss my ghosts, they are gone. They aren't going to help me when new problems arise. They aren't going to pay my bills, or bring me soup when I'm sick, or fix my car. So, when they jump into the foreground of my mind, I send love out into the universe, wish them the best in whatever they are doing, and then wave goodbye and move on.
Dreams are different. Most people cannot control them. (Some people learn "lucid dreaming", but I don't have the patience, nor do I care enough. My dreams are not scary most of the time, but if yours are, it may be worth a shot.) At least once a week, I dream about someone from the past. Usually they are normal, boring dreams, but sometimes I wake up sad. It can be really hard not to dwell on these dreams, and then the people in them. My go-to fix is to distract myself. I'll play a timed game (so that I have to focus), or I'll play with the baby. The trick is to find something you have to pay complete attention to. Dishes are a surefire way to lose yourself in memories.
Another way to deal with dreams is to keep a "dream journal". You leave a notebook next to your bed, and as soon as you wake up (even in the middle of the night), you write down your dreams, or as much as you can remember. Then, you let it go. This works because you are forcing the memory out of you mind in a physical way. I used to try this, but I was didn't have the discipline to keep it up.
If you are still having a hard time letting go, or if it's becoming a hindrance to your life, seek help. This could be a therapist, but you could also confide in a friend to try to work out why these people keep popping up. Never be afraid to ask for assistance.
Have a great day, everyone!
Of course you have. Everyone has at some point or another. But what happens when they start haunting you? I don't mean like you see in movies where ghosts are following you and scaring you. I mean in your mind.
Lately I have had a few people on my mind, and they just won't leave me alone! Some have passed on, some are just out of my life, but all will never have full closure. While I am okay with that, they still keep popping up and my mind wanders with "what-ifs". So how do I make it stop?
While I have not figured out how to get them out of my dreams, I have been getting better during the day. I think this is due in part to me finally watching Eat Pray Love. (Truth: I have been putting this off forever. I figured it wasn't my type of movie, but it's actually pretty good. I watched about half of it before I had to leave, but I did get something out of it.) The main character was having a hard time letting go of the people she had left behind, and the person she was with told her that when they cross her mind, to send them love and let them pass on by. So I have been working on this.
Sadly, as easy as this sounds, sometimes it is easier to "chase the rabbit". (Yes, I am the nerd that just made a "Pacific Rim" reference.) However, NOTHING GOOD COMES FROM IT!! You can't do anything different with your past, for one simple reason: it has already passed. Trust me, sometimes when I am having a hard day, I love to stroll down memory lane, but it really does not help me. In fact, it tends to make things worse. As much as I love and miss my ghosts, they are gone. They aren't going to help me when new problems arise. They aren't going to pay my bills, or bring me soup when I'm sick, or fix my car. So, when they jump into the foreground of my mind, I send love out into the universe, wish them the best in whatever they are doing, and then wave goodbye and move on.
Dreams are different. Most people cannot control them. (Some people learn "lucid dreaming", but I don't have the patience, nor do I care enough. My dreams are not scary most of the time, but if yours are, it may be worth a shot.) At least once a week, I dream about someone from the past. Usually they are normal, boring dreams, but sometimes I wake up sad. It can be really hard not to dwell on these dreams, and then the people in them. My go-to fix is to distract myself. I'll play a timed game (so that I have to focus), or I'll play with the baby. The trick is to find something you have to pay complete attention to. Dishes are a surefire way to lose yourself in memories.
Another way to deal with dreams is to keep a "dream journal". You leave a notebook next to your bed, and as soon as you wake up (even in the middle of the night), you write down your dreams, or as much as you can remember. Then, you let it go. This works because you are forcing the memory out of you mind in a physical way. I used to try this, but I was didn't have the discipline to keep it up.
If you are still having a hard time letting go, or if it's becoming a hindrance to your life, seek help. This could be a therapist, but you could also confide in a friend to try to work out why these people keep popping up. Never be afraid to ask for assistance.
Have a great day, everyone!
Monday, February 1, 2016
This Crazy World
I just really need to vent right now.
I don't really watch the news because it's mainly negative. Yet, I still manage to know what is going on in my area, as well as across the country. I do daily searches and I am told the rest. But, even if I didn't, I'd still know how crazy the world really is. (As I write this, a news report flashed up saying man punched and stabbed randomly at a restaurant... I am watching MTV. You can't get away from it.)
I've seen 2 car accidents in the past week, both due to people not paying attention. A month ago, someone hit a person riding a bike right outside my house. There was NO WAY he didn't see her.
My town has a pretty high crime rate. Not as bad as a few others nearby, but for such a small town, it's a little excessive. Most of it is drug-oriented, but there was an armed robbery right down the street the other day!
I know the world has changed since I grew up, but I remember not being so afraid to step out the front door. I knew my neighbors, and it was rare we had to worry about keeping the doors locked at all times. Even in a "bad area", we didn't worry so much about crime. We knew it was happening, but we still felt safe enough to walk to the store or keep our front door open during the day.
The reason I felt the need to vent is because I feel sad about my girls, as well as my friends' children, growing up in this scary, sometimes horrifying world. Society as a whole is less empathetic and more selfish. (Easy example: if someone cuts you off while driving, and you beep, they will cuss you out and blame you for being on the road in the first place.) There is so much more anger now, and not enough caring. There are tons of videos of people, including children, getting beaten up, and no one stops it. Everyone is worried about getting video hits or whatever, they don't even stop to think, "Is this okay?"
I have an insane amount of empathy. I have stopped watching all those violent videos because they make me cry, and I can't fix it. I have to change the channel when those sad commercials come on (you know which ones I mean). So when I think about how horrible the world has become, it really breaks my heart. I just feel like it's going to get worse as time goes on, because how do you come back from evil?? Crime is easier than work, and being selfish gets you more.
I guess all I can do is be as nice, loving and selfless as I can, and teach my girls to do the same. But, at the same time, I have to teach them to not be naïve, and to guard themselves, because there are plenty of people who will take advantage if you let them.
How do you deal with raising kids at a time so different from when you grew up?
I don't really watch the news because it's mainly negative. Yet, I still manage to know what is going on in my area, as well as across the country. I do daily searches and I am told the rest. But, even if I didn't, I'd still know how crazy the world really is. (As I write this, a news report flashed up saying man punched and stabbed randomly at a restaurant... I am watching MTV. You can't get away from it.)
I've seen 2 car accidents in the past week, both due to people not paying attention. A month ago, someone hit a person riding a bike right outside my house. There was NO WAY he didn't see her.
My town has a pretty high crime rate. Not as bad as a few others nearby, but for such a small town, it's a little excessive. Most of it is drug-oriented, but there was an armed robbery right down the street the other day!
I know the world has changed since I grew up, but I remember not being so afraid to step out the front door. I knew my neighbors, and it was rare we had to worry about keeping the doors locked at all times. Even in a "bad area", we didn't worry so much about crime. We knew it was happening, but we still felt safe enough to walk to the store or keep our front door open during the day.
The reason I felt the need to vent is because I feel sad about my girls, as well as my friends' children, growing up in this scary, sometimes horrifying world. Society as a whole is less empathetic and more selfish. (Easy example: if someone cuts you off while driving, and you beep, they will cuss you out and blame you for being on the road in the first place.) There is so much more anger now, and not enough caring. There are tons of videos of people, including children, getting beaten up, and no one stops it. Everyone is worried about getting video hits or whatever, they don't even stop to think, "Is this okay?"
I have an insane amount of empathy. I have stopped watching all those violent videos because they make me cry, and I can't fix it. I have to change the channel when those sad commercials come on (you know which ones I mean). So when I think about how horrible the world has become, it really breaks my heart. I just feel like it's going to get worse as time goes on, because how do you come back from evil?? Crime is easier than work, and being selfish gets you more.
I guess all I can do is be as nice, loving and selfless as I can, and teach my girls to do the same. But, at the same time, I have to teach them to not be naïve, and to guard themselves, because there are plenty of people who will take advantage if you let them.
How do you deal with raising kids at a time so different from when you grew up?
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Losing Myself
Truth time.
Sometimes I look at myself and don't see myself. I see "mom" or "wife", but not myself.
It is so easy to lose sense of who you are once you stop doing everything that defines you. Think about it: Who are you? How do you define yourself? I bet you one of the first three things is your job. Then comes what you look like, what your values are, etc. But what happens when it's all gone?
I became a stay-at-home mom when I got pregnant. Before that, I could tell you exactly who I was: a senior sales rep and driver for Autozone. I wore jeans most of the time, and dyed my hair and cut it when I was stressed. My nails tended to be short and painted random colors. I worked out at least 3 times a week, and even if I didn't, I walked so much and lifted so many heavy parts that it counted as exercise. Sometimes I wore makeup, but most of the time I didn't feel I needed it.
Now, I couldn't begin to tell you who I am. I don't work out, I haven't had a haircut in over a year, haven't dyed it in the same amount of time, my nails are long and unpainted because I don't have time, besides the baby would try to eat the paint, I don't even think I own makeup anymore, and there is no reason to dirty clothes if I'm not going anywhere, so I wear pajamas. My main priority is to keep the baby happy, and everything else can wait.
I am not saying this because I am unhappy. I love my life, and I feel extremely lucky to be able to stay home. But, you don't realize how full your life is until you stop doing everything. (I will say, I stopped exercising because pregnancy was not kind to me. I got almost every crappy symptom, and for the first 4 months, I could barely move without pain and vomiting. Now, it's so hard to find time. See previous post for details!)
I am writing this post because I know I am not the only person who feels this way. I am not depressed, but I know this... nothingness?... can send people into a downward spiral. If even one person reads this post and decides to seek help, then it is worth it to me.
I am embracing the person I have become. It's hard sometimes, but you have to find joy in little things. When I clean, it makes me happy, because I am making an important contribution to the household. (It seems ridiculous, but I have always had a job. Without it, I sometimes feel like I am not helping enough.) When I can't clean, I know it's because I was bonding with my child. When I do something for myself (like read or crochet), I know it is to keep my mind healthy and clear. I try to take time to look at myself and see me as I am now, not comparing to who I was.
Please, if you ever feel like you have lost yourself, try to find little things to be grateful and happy about. If you can't or ever feel like you are at the bottom of a pit, do not be afraid to GET HELP. Talking to someone does not make you weak or broken. It means you are strong enough to take control.
I am sorry if this post was a bunch of rambling nothingness, but I needed to get it out. Have a nice week!
Sometimes I look at myself and don't see myself. I see "mom" or "wife", but not myself.
It is so easy to lose sense of who you are once you stop doing everything that defines you. Think about it: Who are you? How do you define yourself? I bet you one of the first three things is your job. Then comes what you look like, what your values are, etc. But what happens when it's all gone?
I became a stay-at-home mom when I got pregnant. Before that, I could tell you exactly who I was: a senior sales rep and driver for Autozone. I wore jeans most of the time, and dyed my hair and cut it when I was stressed. My nails tended to be short and painted random colors. I worked out at least 3 times a week, and even if I didn't, I walked so much and lifted so many heavy parts that it counted as exercise. Sometimes I wore makeup, but most of the time I didn't feel I needed it.
Now, I couldn't begin to tell you who I am. I don't work out, I haven't had a haircut in over a year, haven't dyed it in the same amount of time, my nails are long and unpainted because I don't have time, besides the baby would try to eat the paint, I don't even think I own makeup anymore, and there is no reason to dirty clothes if I'm not going anywhere, so I wear pajamas. My main priority is to keep the baby happy, and everything else can wait.
I am not saying this because I am unhappy. I love my life, and I feel extremely lucky to be able to stay home. But, you don't realize how full your life is until you stop doing everything. (I will say, I stopped exercising because pregnancy was not kind to me. I got almost every crappy symptom, and for the first 4 months, I could barely move without pain and vomiting. Now, it's so hard to find time. See previous post for details!)
I am writing this post because I know I am not the only person who feels this way. I am not depressed, but I know this... nothingness?... can send people into a downward spiral. If even one person reads this post and decides to seek help, then it is worth it to me.
I am embracing the person I have become. It's hard sometimes, but you have to find joy in little things. When I clean, it makes me happy, because I am making an important contribution to the household. (It seems ridiculous, but I have always had a job. Without it, I sometimes feel like I am not helping enough.) When I can't clean, I know it's because I was bonding with my child. When I do something for myself (like read or crochet), I know it is to keep my mind healthy and clear. I try to take time to look at myself and see me as I am now, not comparing to who I was.
Please, if you ever feel like you have lost yourself, try to find little things to be grateful and happy about. If you can't or ever feel like you are at the bottom of a pit, do not be afraid to GET HELP. Talking to someone does not make you weak or broken. It means you are strong enough to take control.
I am sorry if this post was a bunch of rambling nothingness, but I needed to get it out. Have a nice week!
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
My Own Personal Challenge
I suck at being organized.
I really do try. I have calendars, and lists, and all the stuff that is supposed to help you be prepared. I just suck at using them. I leave things for the last minute (my mother used to say I was a heavy procrastinator... I say it's ADD. Look up the symptoms for girls. Go ahead, I'll wait.) I just always find something else to do, and when I look up, 5 hours is gone. Yesterday, my baby woke up from her nap, and I swore it was around 4pm. All of a sudden, it's 6pm and the dishes are staring me down. Oops.
So, this year it is my intention to be more organized, and set specific goals to help benefit my family. I want to save money, be more productive, and be healthier. Here's the first few steps of my plan.
Save Money
1. Set up a budget. I have already done this at everydollar.com. It is incomplete, but it has a few of my bills as well as my savings account plugged into it. This site gives tips for how to budget, save, and prepare for the future.
2. Build up my savings account. This one is huge. I plan on putting at least $10 into savings each month. It may not seem like much, but as a person who had $1 in there for a year, it definitely adds up. Also, I WILL NOT WITHDRAW IT. We have a habit of transferring money out as soon as we put it in. So, I plan on breaking that habit. The longer I leave it in there and build it up, the more interest it will earn. (Capital One has a decent savings account with no minimum balance, and Bank Of America offers a "Keep The Change" program that rounds up your purchases and deposits it into your savings account from checking.)
3. Sign up for cash back sites. There are plenty of these around if you know where to look.
If you have kids, Upromise is great. You can not only start saving for your kids' college, but it will help you set up an account to use once your kid is ready to go.
Inbox Dollars gives you a ridiculous amount of ways to earn money. You do tasks and once you hit $35, you can cash out for a gift card or check. Also, they link to the Game Show Network site as well as Bing, which gives you even more ways to earn money.
Then, there's Ebates, which gives you cash back to shop. You just have to go to their site and find the store you want to shop at.
Be More Productive
1. Reread Push. This may seem like more procrastinating, but it's actually a really crucial step. Push is set up as a step by step guide to aid productivity and allow you to reach your goals.
2. Download a task app. I already have a to-do list on my phone, as well as a calendar. However, I don't look at either of these. So, I am experimenting with a few different apps on my phone to streamline the process.
3. Make a daily list and stick to it. Every night before I go to sleep, I will make a list of the things I want to get done the next day, and I will make sure it is all done before 6pm. To take it a step farther, I will set alerts to remind me throughout the day that certain things need to be done.
Be Healthier
1. Make sure to eat breakfast every day. I constantly forget to do this! I wake up at 7:30am, and before I know it, it's noon and I still haven't eaten. Even if it's a shake, at least I am getting some nutrients.
2. Work out at least 3 days a week... to start. It is pretty hard to find time to work out unless it is 10pm. At that point I just don't want to do it. So, I am going to ease back into it. I will even add it to my planner so I don't forget.
3. Drink more water. So far this year I am doing good with this. I used to drink soda the majority of the time. Now I have soda maybe once a week at most. When I want flavor I make iced tea, or sometimes have juice. Eventually I hope to get my snacks on track as well.
Hopefully this year goes well and I can update you in a few months with my progress! What are your goals for this year? Comment below!
I really do try. I have calendars, and lists, and all the stuff that is supposed to help you be prepared. I just suck at using them. I leave things for the last minute (my mother used to say I was a heavy procrastinator... I say it's ADD. Look up the symptoms for girls. Go ahead, I'll wait.) I just always find something else to do, and when I look up, 5 hours is gone. Yesterday, my baby woke up from her nap, and I swore it was around 4pm. All of a sudden, it's 6pm and the dishes are staring me down. Oops.
So, this year it is my intention to be more organized, and set specific goals to help benefit my family. I want to save money, be more productive, and be healthier. Here's the first few steps of my plan.
Save Money
1. Set up a budget. I have already done this at everydollar.com. It is incomplete, but it has a few of my bills as well as my savings account plugged into it. This site gives tips for how to budget, save, and prepare for the future.
2. Build up my savings account. This one is huge. I plan on putting at least $10 into savings each month. It may not seem like much, but as a person who had $1 in there for a year, it definitely adds up. Also, I WILL NOT WITHDRAW IT. We have a habit of transferring money out as soon as we put it in. So, I plan on breaking that habit. The longer I leave it in there and build it up, the more interest it will earn. (Capital One has a decent savings account with no minimum balance, and Bank Of America offers a "Keep The Change" program that rounds up your purchases and deposits it into your savings account from checking.)
3. Sign up for cash back sites. There are plenty of these around if you know where to look.
If you have kids, Upromise is great. You can not only start saving for your kids' college, but it will help you set up an account to use once your kid is ready to go.
Inbox Dollars gives you a ridiculous amount of ways to earn money. You do tasks and once you hit $35, you can cash out for a gift card or check. Also, they link to the Game Show Network site as well as Bing, which gives you even more ways to earn money.
Then, there's Ebates, which gives you cash back to shop. You just have to go to their site and find the store you want to shop at.
Be More Productive
1. Reread Push. This may seem like more procrastinating, but it's actually a really crucial step. Push is set up as a step by step guide to aid productivity and allow you to reach your goals.
2. Download a task app. I already have a to-do list on my phone, as well as a calendar. However, I don't look at either of these. So, I am experimenting with a few different apps on my phone to streamline the process.
3. Make a daily list and stick to it. Every night before I go to sleep, I will make a list of the things I want to get done the next day, and I will make sure it is all done before 6pm. To take it a step farther, I will set alerts to remind me throughout the day that certain things need to be done.
Be Healthier
1. Make sure to eat breakfast every day. I constantly forget to do this! I wake up at 7:30am, and before I know it, it's noon and I still haven't eaten. Even if it's a shake, at least I am getting some nutrients.
2. Work out at least 3 days a week... to start. It is pretty hard to find time to work out unless it is 10pm. At that point I just don't want to do it. So, I am going to ease back into it. I will even add it to my planner so I don't forget.
3. Drink more water. So far this year I am doing good with this. I used to drink soda the majority of the time. Now I have soda maybe once a week at most. When I want flavor I make iced tea, or sometimes have juice. Eventually I hope to get my snacks on track as well.
Hopefully this year goes well and I can update you in a few months with my progress! What are your goals for this year? Comment below!
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