Have you ever dreamed about a person in your past?
Of course you have. Everyone has at some point or another. But what happens when they start haunting you? I don't mean like you see in movies where ghosts are following you and scaring you. I mean in your mind.
Lately I have had a few people on my mind, and they just won't leave me alone! Some have passed on, some are just out of my life, but all will never have full closure. While I am okay with that, they still keep popping up and my mind wanders with "what-ifs". So how do I make it stop?
While I have not figured out how to get them out of my dreams, I have been getting better during the day. I think this is due in part to me finally watching Eat Pray Love. (Truth: I have been putting this off forever. I figured it wasn't my type of movie, but it's actually pretty good. I watched about half of it before I had to leave, but I did get something out of it.) The main character was having a hard time letting go of the people she had left behind, and the person she was with told her that when they cross her mind, to send them love and let them pass on by. So I have been working on this.
Sadly, as easy as this sounds, sometimes it is easier to "chase the rabbit". (Yes, I am the nerd that just made a "Pacific Rim" reference.) However, NOTHING GOOD COMES FROM IT!! You can't do anything different with your past, for one simple reason: it has already passed. Trust me, sometimes when I am having a hard day, I love to stroll down memory lane, but it really does not help me. In fact, it tends to make things worse. As much as I love and miss my ghosts, they are gone. They aren't going to help me when new problems arise. They aren't going to pay my bills, or bring me soup when I'm sick, or fix my car. So, when they jump into the foreground of my mind, I send love out into the universe, wish them the best in whatever they are doing, and then wave goodbye and move on.
Dreams are different. Most people cannot control them. (Some people learn "lucid dreaming", but I don't have the patience, nor do I care enough. My dreams are not scary most of the time, but if yours are, it may be worth a shot.) At least once a week, I dream about someone from the past. Usually they are normal, boring dreams, but sometimes I wake up sad. It can be really hard not to dwell on these dreams, and then the people in them. My go-to fix is to distract myself. I'll play a timed game (so that I have to focus), or I'll play with the baby. The trick is to find something you have to pay complete attention to. Dishes are a surefire way to lose yourself in memories.
Another way to deal with dreams is to keep a "dream journal". You leave a notebook next to your bed, and as soon as you wake up (even in the middle of the night), you write down your dreams, or as much as you can remember. Then, you let it go. This works because you are forcing the memory out of you mind in a physical way. I used to try this, but I was didn't have the discipline to keep it up.
If you are still having a hard time letting go, or if it's becoming a hindrance to your life, seek help. This could be a therapist, but you could also confide in a friend to try to work out why these people keep popping up. Never be afraid to ask for assistance.
Have a great day, everyone!
Hey Trish, this has been happening a lot to me too. Two people in particular and in both instances there will never really be closure. In my dreams it's always like I'm trying to make amends with people - even though I'd much rather not. Seems like it's sort of my mind trying to make peace even though I guess I really haven't. I must watch that movie now! I love reading your posts.