
Thursday, February 18, 2016

Eating for Fifteen

I want to say this now, this post is coming from my phone, so forgive the unpolished look.

You may be reading the title and saying, is Trish pregnant?!?! No, I am not, thank god. However, I feel like I have numerous tapeworms, lol. I have been eating so much, and even though I know why, sometimes it bothers me.

I am breastfeeding. Any mom who had gone through this process immediately understands where I'm coming from, but let me enlighten the masses (especially the guys telling their significant others that they need to stop eating so much).

BABIES STEAL EVERYTHING!!!! They steal your heart, your space, but most of all your calories. If I don't eat 5,000,000  calories a day, I feel famished and sick. Even though I haven't done it (yet), I could probably eat a jar of peanut butter in one sitting. As a matter of fact, I am craving it right now. (Yep, cravings continue after birth!)

So why am I being so open about eating like Bruce in Matilda? Because it's not being talked about. Right now, breastfeeding is a HUGE topic. But no one really mentions the "side effects". The books say it will hurt, and that you may be a little hungrier. They don't tell you it's hard. It's work. Once baby gets older, it turns into a workout (I liken it to wrestling an octopus). It's no wonder we are so hungry!!

Also, I should tell you that I stopped worrying about my "pre-baby body". Pardon my language, but fuck that noise. I weigh less than I did before I got pregnant, but my belly somehow manages to be squishy. I just really don't care anymore. I have time to be fit later. (I do hula hoop a little, but it's mainly a stress reliever)

I guess, as I sit here late at night, eating pretzels, that I want women to know it's okay. You aren't the only one eating like food is going to be dumped in the ocean tomorrow. It's also okay to feel out of control sometimes. Truth is, you probably are. Whatever, do better tomorrow. Today, the baby gets an added treat.

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