Every year around this time, I start thinking about the past and all the little things that led me to where I am today. One of those things is Chase.
Chase was born shortly after midnight on January 1st, 2009. Even though I wasn't there for it, I stayed awake and knew as soon as he was born. It's sad that I remember this, since I only met him once when he was a few months old.
So why do I remember his birth? It's because his birthday was at a pivotal moment in my life. A few weeks before, I had told my husband I wanted a divorce. I had my "dream job" (or at least the job I had been training for my whole life). I was asserting some form of independence for the first time in my adult life. Sad since I was 23.
I feel like everything after Chase's birthdate was a new life for me. Since then, I got into a motorcycle accident, been in numerous relationships, had a few jobs, went to college, had a baby, met new people, and lost a few people, too.
I look back on this time and realize how much my life has changed. I look different, think different, act different. And since I am a nostalgic person, I look back and miss all the incarnations of myself. I also miss the person I thought I would become. I thought I would be married once, never divorced, have 3 kids, live in a nice house in the country, be a hip stay at home mom, and maybe have an animal rescue. Wow, dream big, right? Reality: I am divorced, engaged, mother of 2, live in an apartment in a not-so-nice town, and even though I am a stay at home mom, I am far from hip. (To be fair, I definitely had a hip phase, but it's way too much work right now.
Don't get me wrong, I love my life. I wouldn't trade the experiences I have had for anything. It all led me to this point, where I have an amazing family and I've grown into myself as a pretty cool person. (Trust me, I'm awesome.) But, every year, I will most likely think of my past, and the moment I started chasing Chase.
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Saturday, December 19, 2015
Life Is Short
I have all the time in the world... yet I don't.
Confused? I'll explain.
I am a stay at home mom. My days are filled with diapers, feedings, and cleaning. While it is a lot of work, it also leaves me with tons of free time.
However, as morbid as it sounds, we all have a shelf life. Eventually, we all go into that good night, whether it be gently or raving like a lunatic. (If you don't understand the reference, the poem is included at the end of this post.) And when you have so much time on your hands, you sometimes think about the end of it all.
I watch a decent amount of television. While most of it is children's shows, sometimes I get into a show or movie that makes me ponder the unknown. Today was a mixture of the movie Interstellar and the old show Beverly Hills 90210. Weird combo, right? Interstellar is a movie about the possible extinction of the human race (definitely worth a watch if you haven't seen it, BTW), so it's obvious why I think about the end of time after viewing. 90210 seems random, but I have reached the college years, where there is death, drugs, AIDS, and all sorts of other heavy stuff.
When you think of mortality, especially your own, you look back on your life and tend to dwell on mistakes and things you HAVE NOT DONE. That is a normal process. I think about all the horrible things I have done, even though I try so hard to be a good person. I think about how things would be different if I had made even one choice instead of another.
This is crap, and torture. You can't change the past, only the future. What's more, life is too short to beat yourself up about your regrets. You learn from the past, you don't let it root you.
Life is too short to do any of the following: let someone else control you, dwell so much about the "what ifs" that you become frozen, get stuck in a job you hate, or not follow your passions. Life is too short to stop learning. I'll reiterate this point: NEVER stop learning. Life is too short to not believe in yourself, or to let others bring you down.
One fact that reminds me that life is short: I graduated high school in 2005. Within that small window of time, my daughter turned 10. I got married and divorced. I had another baby. And at least 5 people from my class are dead. In 2009, I was in a motorcycle accident; luckily I was not hurt. Two days later, my friend died in a motorcycle accident on the same road I was on. Two people died due to violent attacks, two from illness.
You don't know what's going to happen from one moment to the next. Try to spend your life living in the moment as much as you can.
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieve it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieve it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Giveaway!! Purxury Hydrating Serum and Cleanser
Giveaway is live! Enter using the widget below!!!
Purxury Hydrating Serum and Cleanser
Hosted by:
Giveaway Dates-12/16-12/30
One winner ARV $59.99
Check Out My Review HERE
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Worth It Wednesday/ Thanksgiving Gift
As I write this, I am playing with my baby and watching the Dawson's Creek series finale. And it made me realize that today's post needs to be special. Worth It Wednesday for the past few weeks has been about gifts and giving that you can pay for. Today's gift is not something money can buy:
If you haven't seen the finale, I won't ruin it for you (even though you probably should watch it since it's been over for years). But, the main point is that we are never giving enough time, and you never know when it will run out, so make the most of it.
I live this way with my daughter. With my eldest, I missed so much because I was working all the time. And when I wasn't working, there wasn't much time to sit back and savor the moments. Eventually I learned to create special moments with her, and to give more time to making memories, even if it meant making a little less money sometimes. (I was blessed with an understanding boss, and had earned a few extra days off after working so hard and long.) I got to be a chaperone for a few school trips, and even went to my daughter's field day, where she hula hooped for a minute during a relay race. (So proud.)
I am now lucky enough to be a stay at home mom. My significant other works so hard, and I appreciate it. I have seen my daughter crawl, heard her first word, and got bitten by her first tooth. There are days when I get nothing done, and I know that's okay, because I am making memories with her. Even if she doesn't remember, I can tell her I was there.
Since she was born, my 10 year old spends Thanksgiving or Christmas with her father's family. This year, it will be a lot different for her. Her grandparents passed away in the past year, a few months apart. I wish I could be there to take the sting out of it, because I know it's going to hurt her a lot.
Tomorrow is a day for family. You will go to someone's house, maybe bring a dish to share, and gather around a table to eat. But, don't forget to spend time and make memories. You never know how many more moments you will have with the people you love. Give the gift of love and time, because in the end, that is all that really matters.
Happy Thanksgiving, and love to you all.
If you haven't seen the finale, I won't ruin it for you (even though you probably should watch it since it's been over for years). But, the main point is that we are never giving enough time, and you never know when it will run out, so make the most of it.
I live this way with my daughter. With my eldest, I missed so much because I was working all the time. And when I wasn't working, there wasn't much time to sit back and savor the moments. Eventually I learned to create special moments with her, and to give more time to making memories, even if it meant making a little less money sometimes. (I was blessed with an understanding boss, and had earned a few extra days off after working so hard and long.) I got to be a chaperone for a few school trips, and even went to my daughter's field day, where she hula hooped for a minute during a relay race. (So proud.)
I am now lucky enough to be a stay at home mom. My significant other works so hard, and I appreciate it. I have seen my daughter crawl, heard her first word, and got bitten by her first tooth. There are days when I get nothing done, and I know that's okay, because I am making memories with her. Even if she doesn't remember, I can tell her I was there.
Since she was born, my 10 year old spends Thanksgiving or Christmas with her father's family. This year, it will be a lot different for her. Her grandparents passed away in the past year, a few months apart. I wish I could be there to take the sting out of it, because I know it's going to hurt her a lot.
Tomorrow is a day for family. You will go to someone's house, maybe bring a dish to share, and gather around a table to eat. But, don't forget to spend time and make memories. You never know how many more moments you will have with the people you love. Give the gift of love and time, because in the end, that is all that really matters.
Happy Thanksgiving, and love to you all.
Monday, November 23, 2015
Kicking Soda: Day 1
I have a soda addiction. I know it's bad for me, and I tell myself not to drink it. But, when anyone in my household goes to the store for drinks, that is usually what they come back with. To be fair, it's always on sale, and way cheaper than juices that are available in our immediate area. For someone on a budget, this is the "smart" choice... except it's not. (<<<<Click the link for health issues caused by soda.) Another reason it's not a smart choice: if it is all you drink, you go through it way faster, leading you to spend more money. I have noticed we can go through at least four 2-liter bottles in not even two days, but if we drink water, we drink way less.
So, I have decided to make the smarter choice and cut out soda completely. So far today, I had a few small swigs (because I had no willpower and barely any energy). However, there is now NO SODA IN THE HOUSE. No one else is home, and I have no means to get more. Perfect. This forces me to drink water and teas. I have some great flavor choices of tea from when I stopped drinking soda before, so that will help.
So, I have decided to make the smarter choice and cut out soda completely. So far today, I had a few small swigs (because I had no willpower and barely any energy). However, there is now NO SODA IN THE HOUSE. No one else is home, and I have no means to get more. Perfect. This forces me to drink water and teas. I have some great flavor choices of tea from when I stopped drinking soda before, so that will help.
(Horrible picture editing on my part. Oh well.)
Why is this so important to me? I had gestational diabetes. (For those who don't know, this is diabetes specific to pregnancies. I was borderline with my first child, and was diagnosed with my second. It sucked, I was put on a special diet and had to test my blood 4 times a day. Luckily, I didn't need medicine, and it went away after birth.) The problem with having gestational diabetes is that it increases your risk of getting Type 2 diabetes after pregnancy. (According to this WebMD article based on a study done in 2008, about 19% of women who had gestational diabetes develop Type 2 diabetes within 9 years.) I would prefer to never test my blood ever again, and not be on a restrictive diet. Also, I hated the way I felt. I never had any energy, I felt horribly ill when my levels were off, and because my diet was pretty strict, I felt out of control of my own life. (I had to eat 8 times a day, and everything needed to be portioned. If I had an extra cup of milk, I felt sick.)
Why is this going to be hard? Caffeine dependency is an addiction. If you have had any experience with addiction, you know it's hard to kick. You go through the same processes as someone trying to quit drugs, cigarettes, or alcohol, just on a different, less scary level. (I'm not trying to compare myself to, nor minimize, someone withdrawing from more serious dependencies. I have had people in my life go through each of those addictions, and it is painful to watch.) You can experience headaches, nausea, mood swings, dizziness, sweats, and more while withdrawing from caffeine (and sugar). I usually get hit with headaches, nausea, crabbiness, and exhaustion.
If you decide to kick soda with me, please be careful. It can be painful, especially if you have been drinking soda numerous times a week for years like I have. If you want, you can wean yourself off gradually. I would love to do that, however I never make it through (it takes 21 days to develop a new habit, or break an old one). The easiest way for me is to just stop.
What are the options? To replace soda, you are not limited to just plain water. My favorite thing to do is add frozen fruit to my water instead of ice cubes. As it softens, more flavor gets released. I also add cucumber slices. So refreshing!
For more flavor, you can add a little bit of fruit juice. If you don't like flat water, you can use sparkling water. A great way to make a "fake soda" is to use a few squirts of flavored syrups in a sparkling/mineral water (Torani has amazing flavors as well as sugar-free options. The sugar-free flavors do have Splenda in them, which isn't the healthiest option, and has side effects of its own.)
Another great option for the colder months is tea! There are so many options, from black to green to detox and more. I love Celestial Seasonings Natural Detox, which sadly does not seem to be available on their site. I make it hot and iced. If you need your tea a little sweet, you can add sugar, or honey! (Tip: you can steep a few bags in a large pot of water to make pitchers of iced tea. Steep for a few hours and allow to cool. Also, you can steep tea bags in cold water, you just have to let it sit for a longer amount of time.)
In two weeks, I will be updating on my progress, and what I've been doing to make the transition easier. Please comment if you decide to detox with me, so we can continue the journey together.
See you Wednesday for Worth It Wednesday!!
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Worth It Wednesday: Black Friday Sales
This is going to be a quick post today.
I was thinking about how many people go Black Friday shopping each year, and how much work can go into it. You have to look at ads, plan out where you are going, what you are getting, and when. It's a lot, especially when some stores have certain sales at specific times. Last year, we went to BJ's, Kohls, Target, Walmart, GameStop, and Best Buy. There may have been more, but it was a blur. We were out from around 8pm Thanksgiving night to 3am Black Friday, and then we went to visit family for the weekend. (I will say, I do not like going shopping on Thanksgiving. I feel that people in retail positions should have off to spend time with family. I was with other people last year, so it was out of my control.)
This year, I went searching for a list of stores that are having sales, and I found a great one! This Black Friday site tells you the stores that are having sales, what time the sale starts, and what items are discounted. They also show Cyber Monday deals and which stores are closed on Thanksgiving so you don't waste a trip!
Please be careful if you partake in Black Friday shopping. People turn into jerks when big sales are involved. I was almost run over by a cart at least 4 times, even while I was pregnant and holding a giant box (I was pretty hard not to notice). Also, there are inconsiderate people on the road, so be aware of your surroundings. Your life is more important than any sale! Good luck and happy shopping!
I was thinking about how many people go Black Friday shopping each year, and how much work can go into it. You have to look at ads, plan out where you are going, what you are getting, and when. It's a lot, especially when some stores have certain sales at specific times. Last year, we went to BJ's, Kohls, Target, Walmart, GameStop, and Best Buy. There may have been more, but it was a blur. We were out from around 8pm Thanksgiving night to 3am Black Friday, and then we went to visit family for the weekend. (I will say, I do not like going shopping on Thanksgiving. I feel that people in retail positions should have off to spend time with family. I was with other people last year, so it was out of my control.)
This year, I went searching for a list of stores that are having sales, and I found a great one! This Black Friday site tells you the stores that are having sales, what time the sale starts, and what items are discounted. They also show Cyber Monday deals and which stores are closed on Thanksgiving so you don't waste a trip!
Please be careful if you partake in Black Friday shopping. People turn into jerks when big sales are involved. I was almost run over by a cart at least 4 times, even while I was pregnant and holding a giant box (I was pretty hard not to notice). Also, there are inconsiderate people on the road, so be aware of your surroundings. Your life is more important than any sale! Good luck and happy shopping!
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Worth It Wednesday: Giving to Receive!
I am so sorry, I realize I am way late posting, but I am so glad for this. Yesterday I discovered a great website that I wanted to share with you guys.
The holidays are about giving. Most people buy gifts and donate food to charities. However, I found a great place to give items you aren't using or don't need, and in return, you receive! Here's how it works:
Yerdle is like a giant online yard sale. When you sign up (using the link), you receive $35 "reusable cash" and free shipping on your first item. You can then use the money to buy items on the site. You can earn more by posting your items (this is where the giving part comes in). Because you cannot cash out the online currency, it gets reused over and over again (you can add money if you find an item but don't have enough for it). Also, you can gift money to friends.
Added bonus: when your friends sign up, you get $10 in your account. When the post their first item, you get another free shipping offer!
While you are shopping for loved ones this year, don't forget to declutter and make someone else's day!!!
The holidays are about giving. Most people buy gifts and donate food to charities. However, I found a great place to give items you aren't using or don't need, and in return, you receive! Here's how it works:
Yerdle is like a giant online yard sale. When you sign up (using the link), you receive $35 "reusable cash" and free shipping on your first item. You can then use the money to buy items on the site. You can earn more by posting your items (this is where the giving part comes in). Because you cannot cash out the online currency, it gets reused over and over again (you can add money if you find an item but don't have enough for it). Also, you can gift money to friends.
Added bonus: when your friends sign up, you get $10 in your account. When the post their first item, you get another free shipping offer!
While you are shopping for loved ones this year, don't forget to declutter and make someone else's day!!!
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Worth It Wednesday: Where To Get Original Gifts
I have been in a gift-giving rut. My father has always been hard to shop for. I know everything he likes, but mostly, he likes watching movies. He also likes coffee. So, for the past, umm, 6 years I have gotten him dvds and mugs. Granted, they are cool, like Harry Potter mugs and old school movies, but it's a pattern. I thought that I was branching out by getting him coffee beans by Joey Kramer, but that also included a mug. Ugh.
This year, I started way early, and still almost fell into my rut. I managed to stop myself, and I have plenty of time to figure it out. But, I do know where I am going: Etsy. If you haven't heard about this amazing site yet, it's a marketplace for unique, mostly handmade gifts. Usually I go on there for baby stuff, but this time I figured looking for something my father would like was worth a shot. My dad has been on a Star Trek kick, so I started there. And ended there... because there is so much amazing stuff! I found uniforms, pillows, plates, and an amazing desk lamp. I am torn between a few options, but I do know that he will not be getting a mug this year.
If you are stuck trying to find a gift for a loved one, check Etsy out. I have found some really great things on there (like Walking Dead Converse, which combines two things I love!)
This year, I started way early, and still almost fell into my rut. I managed to stop myself, and I have plenty of time to figure it out. But, I do know where I am going: Etsy. If you haven't heard about this amazing site yet, it's a marketplace for unique, mostly handmade gifts. Usually I go on there for baby stuff, but this time I figured looking for something my father would like was worth a shot. My dad has been on a Star Trek kick, so I started there. And ended there... because there is so much amazing stuff! I found uniforms, pillows, plates, and an amazing desk lamp. I am torn between a few options, but I do know that he will not be getting a mug this year.
If you are stuck trying to find a gift for a loved one, check Etsy out. I have found some really great things on there (like Walking Dead Converse, which combines two things I love!)
Friday, October 23, 2015
Holiday Recipe: Spinach Cheese Puffs
Quick Disclaimer: I do not have this recipe written down. Anywhere. So I don't have exact measurements or cooking times. But I feel this is a great simple recipe and want to share it.
I made these amazing appetizers for a dinner party one night. I was short on time, wanted something super simple, and didn't cost a lot of money to make. This is what I came up with.
Spinach Cheese Puffs
-fresh baby spinach (I usually use about 1/2 cup once it's diced)
-a container of herbed spreadable cheese (i.e. Laughing Cow)
-puff pastry sheets
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Grease a baking sheet and set aside. Dice baby spinach. Stir into cheese. Put puff pastry onto a lightly floured counter. Roll out until it is a 12 inch square. Cut into 3 inch squares. Put a spoonful of mixture in center of each square. Gather corners and twist into a little satchel. Place on baking sheet about 2 inches apart. Bake until golden brown.
Like I said, super easy, and super tasty! Enjoy!
I made these amazing appetizers for a dinner party one night. I was short on time, wanted something super simple, and didn't cost a lot of money to make. This is what I came up with.
Spinach Cheese Puffs
-fresh baby spinach (I usually use about 1/2 cup once it's diced)
-a container of herbed spreadable cheese (i.e. Laughing Cow)
-puff pastry sheets
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Grease a baking sheet and set aside. Dice baby spinach. Stir into cheese. Put puff pastry onto a lightly floured counter. Roll out until it is a 12 inch square. Cut into 3 inch squares. Put a spoonful of mixture in center of each square. Gather corners and twist into a little satchel. Place on baking sheet about 2 inches apart. Bake until golden brown.
Like I said, super easy, and super tasty! Enjoy!
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Worth It Wednesday: Nerd Edition!!!!
OMG! It's Back To The Future Day! As a nerd, this excites and horrifies me. It makes me feel so old, because my first time watching the movies, I felt like today was so far away, and now IT'S HERE!
In honor of today, today's post is going to focus on gifts for the nerds in your life. As a goth/hippy/nerd, I know it is hard sometimes to shop for us weirdos. So let me offer some assistance with a few awesome-sauce ideas.
Nerd Block
This is a really cool service. Nerd Block is a subscription service (like Julep, BirchBox, etc.). Unlike these, you get, not beauty products, but collectables! You choose a category, like arcade or girls jr., and they send you a box each month. It costs $14-$20 depending on which package you choose. This is the gift that keeps on giving, and makes it super simple for you.
Before I start on this site, I must say: this is a great idea for more than just nerds. TeeFury is a clothing site. What makes them different is the designs on their shirts. They are created by independent artists, and they range from Disney to Walking Dead. There are mash-up designs, and even the ones that focus on one subject are wild. You will be hard-pressed to find something this original in stores.
Every day they offer a daily special, which is $11. After the time period for the daily design, it goes into the shop, which ranges from $17-$50. If you want $5 off your first order, click here.
Perpetual Kid
Finally, I acknowledge that not all nerds are sci-fi loving gamers. Some are the goofy, in-touch-with-their-inner-child types. Perpetual Kid is perfect for them. I ran across this site when I was maybe 20 (I can't remember exactly, it was that long ago, lol). I love this site so much! It's got so much crazy stuff that my head spins, in a good way of course.
Because they have such a wide array of gifts, I can't really cover all of the categories. A few that I think are awesome are mood nail polish, a hugging T-Rex ring, and a solar system necklace. Obviously those are really girly, but there are tons of options for guys as well as kids (including babies).
Another good thing about buying from this site is they offer 10% off your first order when you use that link, and they have a rewards program that you can use towards more coupons!
I hope that this helps you shop for your nerdy loved ones. Please comment with your favorite finds!
In honor of today, today's post is going to focus on gifts for the nerds in your life. As a goth/hippy/nerd, I know it is hard sometimes to shop for us weirdos. So let me offer some assistance with a few awesome-sauce ideas.
Nerd Block
This is a really cool service. Nerd Block is a subscription service (like Julep, BirchBox, etc.). Unlike these, you get, not beauty products, but collectables! You choose a category, like arcade or girls jr., and they send you a box each month. It costs $14-$20 depending on which package you choose. This is the gift that keeps on giving, and makes it super simple for you.
Before I start on this site, I must say: this is a great idea for more than just nerds. TeeFury is a clothing site. What makes them different is the designs on their shirts. They are created by independent artists, and they range from Disney to Walking Dead. There are mash-up designs, and even the ones that focus on one subject are wild. You will be hard-pressed to find something this original in stores.
Every day they offer a daily special, which is $11. After the time period for the daily design, it goes into the shop, which ranges from $17-$50. If you want $5 off your first order, click here.
Perpetual Kid
Finally, I acknowledge that not all nerds are sci-fi loving gamers. Some are the goofy, in-touch-with-their-inner-child types. Perpetual Kid is perfect for them. I ran across this site when I was maybe 20 (I can't remember exactly, it was that long ago, lol). I love this site so much! It's got so much crazy stuff that my head spins, in a good way of course.
Because they have such a wide array of gifts, I can't really cover all of the categories. A few that I think are awesome are mood nail polish, a hugging T-Rex ring, and a solar system necklace. Obviously those are really girly, but there are tons of options for guys as well as kids (including babies).
Another good thing about buying from this site is they offer 10% off your first order when you use that link, and they have a rewards program that you can use towards more coupons!
I hope that this helps you shop for your nerdy loved ones. Please comment with your favorite finds!
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Friday, October 16, 2015
Holiday Recipe: Peppermint Ice Cream Pie
Today's recipe is a personal favorite for both me and my family. It's super simple and so tasty!
This ice cream pie has numerous ways to make it. I'll include a few of the substitutions. Also, if you are diabetic, you can substitute sugar free candy and ice cream!
-1 carton vanilla ice cream (can use peppermint ice cream and omit candies)
-20 starlight mints
-2 premade Graham cracker crust (can use plain or chocolate)
-chocolate syrup (I think dark chocolate tastes best, but you can use any)
Super easy directions:
Crush mints into a fine powder. If you want, leave very small pieces underused. Stir into softened ice cream until well mixed. Gently spread into pie crusts. Freeze for at least 4 hours.
To serve, run a knife under hot water, dry, and then slice the pie. Drizzle chocolate syrup over top of each slice.
You can use this recipe for any ice cream, so feel free to get creative! (I did chocolate ice cream with chopped mini Reeses.
Monday, October 12, 2015
Holiday Help!
Oh my goodness. In 3 days, we will be halfway through October. I don't know about you, but my life is stuck on fast forward! My investor and I had a financial discussion and agreed it would be prudent to plan out the next few months in advance, as there are a few big purchases in the future. (Ahem.... my fiancé and I decided to budget for Christmas because we want to do something awesome this year, lol.) I am becoming an extreme bargain shopper, so starting at least a month ahead lets me find the best deals for what we want to do.
Why the heck am I telling you guys this? Well, I figured that I could pass on my deals and amazing finds to you!!!
As you already know, I run a feature called Worth It Wednesday. To aid in your search for the perfect gift, I am going to showcase gift ideas in the Wednesday post. For example, this week is about a site that offers out of the ordinary items!
Also, I will be adding a feature on Fridays for activities or recipes to make your holidays shine. Keep an eye out this week for the first one!
Don't forget to follow me on BlogLovin so you don't miss anything!
Why the heck am I telling you guys this? Well, I figured that I could pass on my deals and amazing finds to you!!!
As you already know, I run a feature called Worth It Wednesday. To aid in your search for the perfect gift, I am going to showcase gift ideas in the Wednesday post. For example, this week is about a site that offers out of the ordinary items!
Also, I will be adding a feature on Fridays for activities or recipes to make your holidays shine. Keep an eye out this week for the first one!
Don't forget to follow me on BlogLovin so you don't miss anything!
Worth It Wednesday: Crazy Items Edition
So, this week I decided to be lazy and just search for interesting things on Google. Holy cow, did it pay off. The first site I found is a goldmine for wacky items that I didn't know existed!
Here's the site, which is full of not-your-average items. Instead of being a store, it is more like a showcase. When you click on an item, it takes you to Amazon.com to learn more and purchase.
There are a few items I have seen before, like the color-changing showerhead and the whiskey stones. But, it also features stuff like a jellyfish tank, a tree root chandelier, and a lockpick training kit. My personal favorite is the hidden door kit, which helps you make a bookshelf with a hidden doorway. I'm sorry, but I totally need that.
Hopefully this helps you find something creative for the people on your Christmas list! (hint: no one wants sweaters or socks when they could have a Batarang knife.)
Here's the site, which is full of not-your-average items. Instead of being a store, it is more like a showcase. When you click on an item, it takes you to Amazon.com to learn more and purchase.
There are a few items I have seen before, like the color-changing showerhead and the whiskey stones. But, it also features stuff like a jellyfish tank, a tree root chandelier, and a lockpick training kit. My personal favorite is the hidden door kit, which helps you make a bookshelf with a hidden doorway. I'm sorry, but I totally need that.
Hopefully this helps you find something creative for the people on your Christmas list! (hint: no one wants sweaters or socks when they could have a Batarang knife.)
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Worth It Wednesday: Free gift cards!
Christmas is coming!!! I don't know about you, but I start to panic at the end of September. The next few months fly by for me, with my daughter's birthday, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and my birthday happening in rapid succession. So, if there is anything I can do to save money, I am all for it.
Amazon gift cards are my go-to for saving cash. They are easy to get if you know where to look, and can be used for so many great things. Today I am going to touch on a few of my favorite sites to get them for free!
1. Bing
If you don't know something, what do you do? Chances are you Google it. BUT, you don't get anything from it, besides information. With Bing, you can get paid to search. You get daily points that can be used for gift cards, sweepstakes, or travel points. Also, if you want to give back, you can donate to charity.
It takes a little over 2 weeks to earn a $5 Amazon card just by searching. You can earn it faster by referring friends!
2. MemoLink
This is a newer site for me, but so far I like it. Within 2 days, I have earned $5. Once you hit $10 you can cash out for gift cards. MemoLink has various ways to earn, like shopping, surveys, and trials. Right now they have point deals for Halloween costumes, which is great because I will be buying 2 this month. Also, they have a bonus "game" that you earn by doing a 100+ point transaction (which is extremely easy).
3. InstaGC
This site is the easiest option for cashing out. You earn points by doing surveys, listening to radio stations, shopping, etc. Once you reach 100 points, you can trade it for a gift card, or build up your earnings. Also, you can get points by referrals, and by codes from this site.
Bonus Earnings!
If you are looking to earn money while having fun, I personally like Inbox Dollars. You can earn money for searching, playing games, surveys, even downloading apps. It takes a little bit of time to cash out (you have to reach $30 before you get the option), but you can get a check mailed to you, or a virtual gift card. Also, the games are through Game Show Network's site, which has opportunities to win money as well as cash out points earned for prizes.
I hope you enjoyed this week's post, and I hope it helps! Good luck and happy earning!!!
Amazon gift cards are my go-to for saving cash. They are easy to get if you know where to look, and can be used for so many great things. Today I am going to touch on a few of my favorite sites to get them for free!
1. Bing
If you don't know something, what do you do? Chances are you Google it. BUT, you don't get anything from it, besides information. With Bing, you can get paid to search. You get daily points that can be used for gift cards, sweepstakes, or travel points. Also, if you want to give back, you can donate to charity.
It takes a little over 2 weeks to earn a $5 Amazon card just by searching. You can earn it faster by referring friends!
2. MemoLink
This is a newer site for me, but so far I like it. Within 2 days, I have earned $5. Once you hit $10 you can cash out for gift cards. MemoLink has various ways to earn, like shopping, surveys, and trials. Right now they have point deals for Halloween costumes, which is great because I will be buying 2 this month. Also, they have a bonus "game" that you earn by doing a 100+ point transaction (which is extremely easy).
3. InstaGC
This site is the easiest option for cashing out. You earn points by doing surveys, listening to radio stations, shopping, etc. Once you reach 100 points, you can trade it for a gift card, or build up your earnings. Also, you can get points by referrals, and by codes from this site.
Bonus Earnings!
If you are looking to earn money while having fun, I personally like Inbox Dollars. You can earn money for searching, playing games, surveys, even downloading apps. It takes a little bit of time to cash out (you have to reach $30 before you get the option), but you can get a check mailed to you, or a virtual gift card. Also, the games are through Game Show Network's site, which has opportunities to win money as well as cash out points earned for prizes.
I hope you enjoyed this week's post, and I hope it helps! Good luck and happy earning!!!
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Worth It Wednesday + Review: Arbor Teas
I am so behind on my posts! So sorry, but life has a way of zooming by me right now. I think it's the newness of being a SAHM when everyone else is gone all day... I have no clue what month it is half the time, let alone the day.
Anyway, onward through the fog!!!
Today is a twofer: I ordered a few teas months ago, and finally got to try them, so I can review this as well. YAY!!
Today's Worth It Wednesday is Arbor Teas.
I have been on a crazy tea kick for about a year now, and I am always on the lookout for quality products without a steep price. This mama is on a budget! I stumbled onto Arbor Teas by accident. I went on a search binge after reading an article about loose leaf teas (yes, I am that lame, lol).
I only had a small amount of money to work with, but wanted to try something new. I looked at a few other companies (including a few well-known ones) but they were too pricey. I cannot afford to pay $15 for a full-sized tea I have never tried. If I don't like it, it gets wasted. I am the only tea lover in my house.
Wait... OMG!!! Arbor Teas has sample sizes?!?! Yup. You have the option of getting a small package of tea for a reasonable price. I ordered Crimson Berry Fruit Tisane and Vanilla Bean Black Tea. Both came in a mini bag (about the size of an average smartphone) with 6-8 servings. Both have instructions on the bag for how much to use and how hot your water should be.
Crimson Berry
I will admit, I am not a big fan of many fruit teas. I decided to give this a shot because it was the beginning of Summer, already hot, and reviews said this was good iced. The first time I made it, it was way too strong... because of a user error. I used too much tea and steeped it too long. Oops. I tried again, this time using a little less than recommended, for less time, and added sugar. Perfect. It is tangy and sweet without being bitter. This is a great tea for during the day.
Vanilla Bean
I chose this flavor on a whim. I wanted something rich and comforting. This is like a blanket to me. I love this tea! I have never had a vanilla black tea before, and I doubt I will find another one I like more than this one. The vanilla flavor is very mild, so the black tea flavor is more pronounced. It is a little strong (because black tea is strong, duh), but with a sweetener or even a dash of milk it is a perfect replacement for morning coffee. I also like it before bed (it does have caffeine, so if you are sensitive to its effects, I do not recommend drinking this at night).
The Company
Arbor Teas is a family-owned business out of Ann Arbor, Michigan. That being said, the customer service is amazing! I had issues with payment (my bank's fault), and I emailed them to make sure I didn't get overcharged. I wasn't really expecting a fast response, but Sarah responded within an hour. She not only addressed my worries, she told me that she had already packed up my order! Amazing.
(As a disclaimer, because this is a small company, and the family has small children, this may not always be the case. However, I mention this experience because it shows that they CARE about their customers, which is always worth talking about.)
Making Loose Leaf Tea Easier
This was a big concern for me when I was shopping. I didn't know if I had a tea strainer, and I was looking to spend less than $20. My solution: T-Sac Paper Filters. I had never heard of these before, but I am so glad I found them. It provides the ease of the tea bags you get in supermarkets while giving you the benefits of loose leaf tea. (If you don't know how loose is better, bag teas have preservatives as well as a muted flavor, among other things.) I like the convenience of these filters, and just like with a strainer, you can use the bags twice to get more bang for your buck. Then, you just toss them in the trash. Eventually I will get a strainer or diffuser, because I hate having more garbage. But, for now, this is a good option.
My Recommendations
If you like tea, or even if you want to try to incorporate tea into your daily life, I highly recommend trying out this company. Even if you try a sample and hate it, you only made a small investment. (If you don't like strong flavors, a good option is green tea with flavor. It's naturally lighter than black tea with a milder flavor.)
Also, Arbor Teas offers a Tea Of The Month Club. Each month, you get a full-sized tea (you can see the list on their page) sent to your door. When you do the math, it comes out to $16/month. Not a bad price. Avid tea lovers should check it out!
Anyway, onward through the fog!!!
Today is a twofer: I ordered a few teas months ago, and finally got to try them, so I can review this as well. YAY!!
Today's Worth It Wednesday is Arbor Teas.
I have been on a crazy tea kick for about a year now, and I am always on the lookout for quality products without a steep price. This mama is on a budget! I stumbled onto Arbor Teas by accident. I went on a search binge after reading an article about loose leaf teas (yes, I am that lame, lol).
I only had a small amount of money to work with, but wanted to try something new. I looked at a few other companies (including a few well-known ones) but they were too pricey. I cannot afford to pay $15 for a full-sized tea I have never tried. If I don't like it, it gets wasted. I am the only tea lover in my house.
Wait... OMG!!! Arbor Teas has sample sizes?!?! Yup. You have the option of getting a small package of tea for a reasonable price. I ordered Crimson Berry Fruit Tisane and Vanilla Bean Black Tea. Both came in a mini bag (about the size of an average smartphone) with 6-8 servings. Both have instructions on the bag for how much to use and how hot your water should be.
Crimson Berry
I will admit, I am not a big fan of many fruit teas. I decided to give this a shot because it was the beginning of Summer, already hot, and reviews said this was good iced. The first time I made it, it was way too strong... because of a user error. I used too much tea and steeped it too long. Oops. I tried again, this time using a little less than recommended, for less time, and added sugar. Perfect. It is tangy and sweet without being bitter. This is a great tea for during the day.
Vanilla Bean
I chose this flavor on a whim. I wanted something rich and comforting. This is like a blanket to me. I love this tea! I have never had a vanilla black tea before, and I doubt I will find another one I like more than this one. The vanilla flavor is very mild, so the black tea flavor is more pronounced. It is a little strong (because black tea is strong, duh), but with a sweetener or even a dash of milk it is a perfect replacement for morning coffee. I also like it before bed (it does have caffeine, so if you are sensitive to its effects, I do not recommend drinking this at night).
The Company
Arbor Teas is a family-owned business out of Ann Arbor, Michigan. That being said, the customer service is amazing! I had issues with payment (my bank's fault), and I emailed them to make sure I didn't get overcharged. I wasn't really expecting a fast response, but Sarah responded within an hour. She not only addressed my worries, she told me that she had already packed up my order! Amazing.
(As a disclaimer, because this is a small company, and the family has small children, this may not always be the case. However, I mention this experience because it shows that they CARE about their customers, which is always worth talking about.)
Making Loose Leaf Tea Easier
This was a big concern for me when I was shopping. I didn't know if I had a tea strainer, and I was looking to spend less than $20. My solution: T-Sac Paper Filters. I had never heard of these before, but I am so glad I found them. It provides the ease of the tea bags you get in supermarkets while giving you the benefits of loose leaf tea. (If you don't know how loose is better, bag teas have preservatives as well as a muted flavor, among other things.) I like the convenience of these filters, and just like with a strainer, you can use the bags twice to get more bang for your buck. Then, you just toss them in the trash. Eventually I will get a strainer or diffuser, because I hate having more garbage. But, for now, this is a good option.
My Recommendations
If you like tea, or even if you want to try to incorporate tea into your daily life, I highly recommend trying out this company. Even if you try a sample and hate it, you only made a small investment. (If you don't like strong flavors, a good option is green tea with flavor. It's naturally lighter than black tea with a milder flavor.)
Also, Arbor Teas offers a Tea Of The Month Club. Each month, you get a full-sized tea (you can see the list on their page) sent to your door. When you do the math, it comes out to $16/month. Not a bad price. Avid tea lovers should check it out!
Thursday, September 17, 2015
A Tale Of Two (Lost) Kitties
This is not a happy post. If you are sensitive to animal loss, please do not read.
At 3am, We lost my Goober. I knew it. I woke up to my father moving around in the living room, but couldn't bring myself to check. He had gotten worse the past few days, and even as we planned to take him to the vet, I knew he probably wouldn't make it through the night. Yesterday was spent sitting next to him, making sure he knew how much I loved him.
He had diabetes, and had been in the vet twice the past month because he wouldn't eat. This time around, it got bad way too fast. I had been handfeeding him. I figured out he couldn't see much anymore. Yesterday he could barely move, where he day before he was walking, even though he had been shaky.
It's hard when you feel helpless. Our car doesn't work, so we had to find someone who could take us to the vet. He just couldn't hold on anymore. He was an older cat, and his entire life had been full of medical problems. His body had had enough.
This hurts even more because a month ago, my dad lost his best friend, Buster. Buster was one of a kind. He was wild when we got him, and it took a lot of work to tame him. He was a jerk, and insisted on having his own way, and we loved him. He had diabetes, but the day before he died, he went into shock. He had gone into remission. On top of that, he had an infection that caused problems. He was having frequent seizures, and my dad decided to end his suffering. He held Buster, and even though the tech said he wouldn't know dad was there, in between the seizures, he put his paw on dad's chest like he always did.
Buster was Goober's father. I raised Goober from birth, and he and his brother were my partners in crime. His favorite food was peanut butter, and he could smell it a mile away. He was my shadow and his absence will be felt just as we feel Buster's.
At 3am, We lost my Goober. I knew it. I woke up to my father moving around in the living room, but couldn't bring myself to check. He had gotten worse the past few days, and even as we planned to take him to the vet, I knew he probably wouldn't make it through the night. Yesterday was spent sitting next to him, making sure he knew how much I loved him.
He had diabetes, and had been in the vet twice the past month because he wouldn't eat. This time around, it got bad way too fast. I had been handfeeding him. I figured out he couldn't see much anymore. Yesterday he could barely move, where he day before he was walking, even though he had been shaky.
It's hard when you feel helpless. Our car doesn't work, so we had to find someone who could take us to the vet. He just couldn't hold on anymore. He was an older cat, and his entire life had been full of medical problems. His body had had enough.
This hurts even more because a month ago, my dad lost his best friend, Buster. Buster was one of a kind. He was wild when we got him, and it took a lot of work to tame him. He was a jerk, and insisted on having his own way, and we loved him. He had diabetes, but the day before he died, he went into shock. He had gone into remission. On top of that, he had an infection that caused problems. He was having frequent seizures, and my dad decided to end his suffering. He held Buster, and even though the tech said he wouldn't know dad was there, in between the seizures, he put his paw on dad's chest like he always did.
Buster was Goober's father. I raised Goober from birth, and he and his brother were my partners in crime. His favorite food was peanut butter, and he could smell it a mile away. He was my shadow and his absence will be felt just as we feel Buster's.
This photo is Buster, Goober, and Peabody, taken a few years ago in my room. They sat on my bed for about an hour looking out the window, and I still don't know why. Peabody passed a little over a year ago.
I am no stranger to pet loss. Over the years, I have had 16 cats, 3 dogs, and 7 lizards. Each one hurt when they were gone, whether they died, ran away, or was taken by someone else. I still remember each one by name, and remember what they looked like. I will always love them. I will also always know that they felt love from me. And that gives me peace.
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Worth It... Tuesday??? A Chomp Plate giveaway
I know, I'm a day early. I just needed to share this with you! I'll also find something good to share tomorrow. But this is too good to miss!
I found a giveaway for something called a Chomp Plate. Simply put, it's a plate that turns into a storage container. Anyone with kids knows that they ALWAYS have leftovers. This makes it way easier to save the food they can't eat.
Go enter now, mainly because I am unsure of the end date!
I found a giveaway for something called a Chomp Plate. Simply put, it's a plate that turns into a storage container. Anyone with kids knows that they ALWAYS have leftovers. This makes it way easier to save the food they can't eat.
Go enter now, mainly because I am unsure of the end date!
Friday, August 21, 2015
How To Do What's Best
In the past month, I have read a ridiculous amount of articles. Mainly because I have no life, but also because I have an insane amount of questions. The internet is the perfect place to get answers, right?
Everything I look up has advice, counter-advice, and crazy people saying that it's common sense and people are stupid to be looking for answers. It gets worse when you are searching for health symptoms. Everything comes down to YOU ARE DYING.
My main problem right now is with my baby. To be clear: my baby is not the problem. She is perfect, even when she isn't (parents understand this statement without explanation). My problem is the advice. I do not go one day without seeing at least 5 articles on my Facebook about how to raise babies (I am guilty of sharing them, too; I'll explain the reason later.) They range from how to feed your baby> where baby should sleep> how to carry baby> HOW OFTEN TO TOUCH BABY?!?! It's too much.
Add on to this that there are people in your face about how to raise your child as well, and it's overwhelming. You have well-meaning parents, friends, strangers, and doctors telling you what's best, and asking personal questions. If you let it, you will start to second guess yourself.
So... how do you know what's best for you?
Stop listening.
No one knows your life better than you. If you don't time your baby's feedings, that's okay. If you think the cry-it-out method is barbaric, that's fine. If you want to "spoil" your child, do it. It's your prerogative. This goes for everything in life. If you are not hurting anyone (feelings don't count), then it shouldn't matter.
So, why do I share all of these articles if I feel this way? I read them, say "this is nonsense, I'll never do that", and then pass it along because: EVERYONE HAS A CHOICE. I lean toward a more natural approach to parenting, but not everyone feels the way I do. I also remember what I was like with my first child. I was so confused that I listened to everyone else instead of following my intuition, and I still regret it. This time around, I followed my heart as well as chose my role models better. By sharing what I find, even if it doesn't work for me, I hope to help someone else find their own way.
Good luck to everyone in life, even if you don't have a child while reading this. This philosophy goes for all aspects of my life. You know yourself best, so why would you let someone else tell you how to live?
Everything I look up has advice, counter-advice, and crazy people saying that it's common sense and people are stupid to be looking for answers. It gets worse when you are searching for health symptoms. Everything comes down to YOU ARE DYING.
My main problem right now is with my baby. To be clear: my baby is not the problem. She is perfect, even when she isn't (parents understand this statement without explanation). My problem is the advice. I do not go one day without seeing at least 5 articles on my Facebook about how to raise babies (I am guilty of sharing them, too; I'll explain the reason later.) They range from how to feed your baby> where baby should sleep> how to carry baby> HOW OFTEN TO TOUCH BABY?!?! It's too much.
Add on to this that there are people in your face about how to raise your child as well, and it's overwhelming. You have well-meaning parents, friends, strangers, and doctors telling you what's best, and asking personal questions. If you let it, you will start to second guess yourself.
So... how do you know what's best for you?
Stop listening.
No one knows your life better than you. If you don't time your baby's feedings, that's okay. If you think the cry-it-out method is barbaric, that's fine. If you want to "spoil" your child, do it. It's your prerogative. This goes for everything in life. If you are not hurting anyone (feelings don't count), then it shouldn't matter.
So, why do I share all of these articles if I feel this way? I read them, say "this is nonsense, I'll never do that", and then pass it along because: EVERYONE HAS A CHOICE. I lean toward a more natural approach to parenting, but not everyone feels the way I do. I also remember what I was like with my first child. I was so confused that I listened to everyone else instead of following my intuition, and I still regret it. This time around, I followed my heart as well as chose my role models better. By sharing what I find, even if it doesn't work for me, I hope to help someone else find their own way.
Good luck to everyone in life, even if you don't have a child while reading this. This philosophy goes for all aspects of my life. You know yourself best, so why would you let someone else tell you how to live?
Friday, July 3, 2015
Updates for this week: Etsy shop is up!
Just a quick status update, since I have not been on for a few weeks.
We got hit by a huge storm where I live, and were without power for about 4 days. Our internet is still not working properly, so I will be postponing Worth It Wednesday until the first week of August. Sorry for the inconvenience. I promise that during the down time, I will find some awesome things to share!
Also, during the next few days, I will be opening my Etsy shop. To start with, I will be offering a few different tarot spreads. Later, I will be adding readings with a second deck, as well as rune stone readings. I will post the link below once it is live!
Have a great Fourth of July weekend, and be safe!!!
Update: Etsy shop is live!
We got hit by a huge storm where I live, and were without power for about 4 days. Our internet is still not working properly, so I will be postponing Worth It Wednesday until the first week of August. Sorry for the inconvenience. I promise that during the down time, I will find some awesome things to share!
Also, during the next few days, I will be opening my Etsy shop. To start with, I will be offering a few different tarot spreads. Later, I will be adding readings with a second deck, as well as rune stone readings. I will post the link below once it is live!
Have a great Fourth of July weekend, and be safe!!!
Update: Etsy shop is live!
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Coming Soon: Random Shop!
So, I have been toying with the idea of opening a shop for a while. Not so unusual for a stay-at-home mom... until you find out what I want to sell.
"Psychic readings". Shocker, right???
(I put psychic readings in quotations because I am obviously not psychic. You don't need to be to read cards and stones. You need intuition, which I have in spades.)
Sadly, my tarot cards have gone missing. Once I get a new deck, I will open my shop. I'll have a few different layouts for both cards and rune stones.
Before anyone starts naysaying, I have done readings before, with good results. This is not something I just randomly got into. I have practiced for a while, and am quite skilled at it.
My sincere hope is for customers who are open-minded, and not just looking to disprove my skills. Good luck to me! :)
"Psychic readings". Shocker, right???
(I put psychic readings in quotations because I am obviously not psychic. You don't need to be to read cards and stones. You need intuition, which I have in spades.)
Sadly, my tarot cards have gone missing. Once I get a new deck, I will open my shop. I'll have a few different layouts for both cards and rune stones.
Before anyone starts naysaying, I have done readings before, with good results. This is not something I just randomly got into. I have practiced for a while, and am quite skilled at it.
My sincere hope is for customers who are open-minded, and not just looking to disprove my skills. Good luck to me! :)
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Googling Worry
Everyone reading this obviously knows what Google is. You know how it works and how easy it is to find out answers instantly. The problem is, you can find ANY answer instantly, and some misinformation as well.
As a new mom, I get sucked into the black hole that is Google almost every day. It doesn't matter what I search for, there is always at least one terrifying article. Most recently, I searched for baby mobiles, and got 3 articles on how they overstimulate babies instead of relax them. It goes on to say that overstimulated babies are prone to crankiness as well as health problems later in life. Wtf.
It's not just baby stuff, though. It's news, and propaganda, comments, and randomness. Go ahead and look up something cute, like puppies.Bet you will get some cute articles, but also at least one about a puppy being burned alive. Two points: what the hell is the world coming to, and why report it?? Why make an article about something so heartless that we can't fix? (I am an animal lover, it kills me to see them suffer and not be able to save them.)
The world is full of fear and hate, and it's all at our fingertips. All it takes is a few keystrokes, and negativity flashes before our eyes. I'm sorry this turned into a mini rant, but I'd like to leave you with a thought: are you part of the cure, or the disease? Do you spread hate and anger, or love? One person may not change much, but you can start a movement.
As a new mom, I get sucked into the black hole that is Google almost every day. It doesn't matter what I search for, there is always at least one terrifying article. Most recently, I searched for baby mobiles, and got 3 articles on how they overstimulate babies instead of relax them. It goes on to say that overstimulated babies are prone to crankiness as well as health problems later in life. Wtf.
It's not just baby stuff, though. It's news, and propaganda, comments, and randomness. Go ahead and look up something cute, like puppies.Bet you will get some cute articles, but also at least one about a puppy being burned alive. Two points: what the hell is the world coming to, and why report it?? Why make an article about something so heartless that we can't fix? (I am an animal lover, it kills me to see them suffer and not be able to save them.)
The world is full of fear and hate, and it's all at our fingertips. All it takes is a few keystrokes, and negativity flashes before our eyes. I'm sorry this turned into a mini rant, but I'd like to leave you with a thought: are you part of the cure, or the disease? Do you spread hate and anger, or love? One person may not change much, but you can start a movement.
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Worth It Wednesday: Sagattarius Inspired
Today's share is an Etsy shop: SagattariusInspired. I chose this one because I have seen so many pregnancy announcements lately. The shop carries handmade items that are great for moms and moms-to-be. Here are a few examples:

I think these are so beautiful, and they are made with love by someone, not mass produced. They are the perfect baby shower gift (I guarantee no one else will have the same thing), or even to buy for yourself!
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Worth It Wednesday: Firefly!
I was scrolling through my Facebook feed and found this: Firefly dolls!!!!!
Anyone who knows about Firefly knows it was an amazing show and ended too soon. If you don't know anything about it, it was aired on Fox, horribly (when I say that, I mean: out of order, leaving out the pilot completely, etc.) It was a ridiculously good show, and the network screwed it over (common knowledge). It was cancelled in 2003, much to the fans' dismay. Since then, there has been a movie (to wrap up all the loose ends), as well as tons of merchandise and even conventions. It was that good.
Anyone who knows about Firefly knows it was an amazing show and ended too soon. If you don't know anything about it, it was aired on Fox, horribly (when I say that, I mean: out of order, leaving out the pilot completely, etc.) It was a ridiculously good show, and the network screwed it over (common knowledge). It was cancelled in 2003, much to the fans' dismay. Since then, there has been a movie (to wrap up all the loose ends), as well as tons of merchandise and even conventions. It was that good.
If you have never seen it, or even if you have, the entire series (a whopping one season) is on Netflix now. Totally worth it. Also, here is the link to preorder the dolls if you are a fan like me.
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
New Feature: Worth It Wednesday!
...That is such a corny name, I know.
Here's what it is: Every Wednesday, I will share something that I feel is worthwhile. This could be music, a book, a website, or a recipe, etc.
Today's share is a game: Munchkin. Most "nerds" know this one, but for those who don't, it is truly awesome. It's one of those games that you pass by because of the simple packaging, or because it's "just another card game". But it's so much more than just a card game.
This was the game night go-to for myself, my fiancé, and his brother. The objective of the game is to reach level 10 by defeating monsters. Sounds simple, right? Soooo not true. The other players can add extra monsters, or curse you. It gets exciting and loud really fast, especially if you are competitive like us.
Munchkin also offers a deluxe edition, as well as expansion packs (like vampires and ninjas). There is something for everyone, so check it out!
Here's what it is: Every Wednesday, I will share something that I feel is worthwhile. This could be music, a book, a website, or a recipe, etc.
Today's share is a game: Munchkin. Most "nerds" know this one, but for those who don't, it is truly awesome. It's one of those games that you pass by because of the simple packaging, or because it's "just another card game". But it's so much more than just a card game.
This was the game night go-to for myself, my fiancé, and his brother. The objective of the game is to reach level 10 by defeating monsters. Sounds simple, right? Soooo not true. The other players can add extra monsters, or curse you. It gets exciting and loud really fast, especially if you are competitive like us.
Munchkin also offers a deluxe edition, as well as expansion packs (like vampires and ninjas). There is something for everyone, so check it out!
Monday, May 4, 2015
Blog Revamp
This post will be short, because it is pretty straightforward.
I have decided that my blog, as well as my Facebook page, needs an update. With everything going on, I had trouble keeping up on fitness related posts. While I was "taking a break", I realized my focus had changed. My interests are still partially health-centric, but also family/home oriented. So, to reflect that, I will be changing the name of both pages, and posting more in these areas.
Thank you in advance for your support.
I have decided that my blog, as well as my Facebook page, needs an update. With everything going on, I had trouble keeping up on fitness related posts. While I was "taking a break", I realized my focus had changed. My interests are still partially health-centric, but also family/home oriented. So, to reflect that, I will be changing the name of both pages, and posting more in these areas.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Regrets During Pregnancy
I'm pretty sure every mom has some regrets when it comes to pregnancy and childbirth. It's normal. I figured I'd share mine. (Note: My regrets are not meant to shame anyone else. It's just my thoughts on my own personal experience.)
1. I regret not eating healthier. As a health nut who would rather have carrots than candy, I never thought I'd say this. Unfortunately, I craved horribly fatty foods, and carbs, and loads of yummy stuff that I shouldn't have eaten. I'm not saying I didn't eat healthy foods too; in fact, I craved them as well. But, I ate way more junk food, and I feel like crap for it. My one saving grace is that for the last few months, I have been a little more careful about what I eat.
2. I regret not being more active. I have always been pretty active. I used to walk every single day, and do home workouts, and was a pretty fit, healthy person (that includes while I was pregnant with my first child). This time, however, I let it all go. I did walk a lot in the beginning... until the pain and nausea set in. I would walk my daughter to school and cry on the way home because I hurt so bad. Or I'd be heaving the whole mile back to my house. Eventually, the "morning sickness" (what a lie!) went away, but the pain never did. So I limited myself to going to the school and sitting on my fitness ball (which helped ease my back and leg pain).
I am trying to be a tiny bit more active now. I sit on my ball sometimes, and I dance a little. Plus, I totally count going up and down the stairs a million times a day as a valid form of exercise (they are steep and I am front heavy lol)!
3. I regret stress. I think everyone in the world could say that, but for me, it was like I got pregnant and immediately tripled my stress level. I had scary pains, and crazy life events, and daily worries, and it all got the best of me. Every time I solved one issue, two more would hit. It's kind of calming down now, but I still have insomnia because once I lie down, I start to think and worry.
My regret isn't about how many stressful things I have going on (although some of them do suck). My regret is that by being so stressed out, I could unintentionally harm myself or the baby. Luckily I did not, but if I could go back and find a way to just relax and not worry so much, I would in an instant. (If you are pregnant and super stressed, try to find ways to calm down a little. Take baths, or read, or something. Enjoy the miracle you are going through, because it doesn't last long.)
4. My final regret has actually not happened yet, but I fear it will. I regret not being vocal. I am naturally a very quiet person, and I do not assert my dominance. I know what I want during childbirth and afterward, but I feel like I'm going to be trampled by well-meaning people who insist they know better than me.
All my power was taken from me with my firstborn, and I really don't want that to happen again. I am trying to make a "birth plan" (you know, those things they tell you to write but it's rare they are actually followed) that is at least somewhat specific on key points, like interventions and breastfeeding and such. Hopefully that will get me started in the right direction.
In closing, (and this goes for everyone, not just moms) do not be afraid to voice your regrets. I used to say that I had no regrets because everything was a learning experience, but that's not really healthy. Eventually it eats you up inside.
1. I regret not eating healthier. As a health nut who would rather have carrots than candy, I never thought I'd say this. Unfortunately, I craved horribly fatty foods, and carbs, and loads of yummy stuff that I shouldn't have eaten. I'm not saying I didn't eat healthy foods too; in fact, I craved them as well. But, I ate way more junk food, and I feel like crap for it. My one saving grace is that for the last few months, I have been a little more careful about what I eat.
2. I regret not being more active. I have always been pretty active. I used to walk every single day, and do home workouts, and was a pretty fit, healthy person (that includes while I was pregnant with my first child). This time, however, I let it all go. I did walk a lot in the beginning... until the pain and nausea set in. I would walk my daughter to school and cry on the way home because I hurt so bad. Or I'd be heaving the whole mile back to my house. Eventually, the "morning sickness" (what a lie!) went away, but the pain never did. So I limited myself to going to the school and sitting on my fitness ball (which helped ease my back and leg pain).
I am trying to be a tiny bit more active now. I sit on my ball sometimes, and I dance a little. Plus, I totally count going up and down the stairs a million times a day as a valid form of exercise (they are steep and I am front heavy lol)!
3. I regret stress. I think everyone in the world could say that, but for me, it was like I got pregnant and immediately tripled my stress level. I had scary pains, and crazy life events, and daily worries, and it all got the best of me. Every time I solved one issue, two more would hit. It's kind of calming down now, but I still have insomnia because once I lie down, I start to think and worry.
My regret isn't about how many stressful things I have going on (although some of them do suck). My regret is that by being so stressed out, I could unintentionally harm myself or the baby. Luckily I did not, but if I could go back and find a way to just relax and not worry so much, I would in an instant. (If you are pregnant and super stressed, try to find ways to calm down a little. Take baths, or read, or something. Enjoy the miracle you are going through, because it doesn't last long.)
4. My final regret has actually not happened yet, but I fear it will. I regret not being vocal. I am naturally a very quiet person, and I do not assert my dominance. I know what I want during childbirth and afterward, but I feel like I'm going to be trampled by well-meaning people who insist they know better than me.
All my power was taken from me with my firstborn, and I really don't want that to happen again. I am trying to make a "birth plan" (you know, those things they tell you to write but it's rare they are actually followed) that is at least somewhat specific on key points, like interventions and breastfeeding and such. Hopefully that will get me started in the right direction.
In closing, (and this goes for everyone, not just moms) do not be afraid to voice your regrets. I used to say that I had no regrets because everything was a learning experience, but that's not really healthy. Eventually it eats you up inside.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Hospital Decisions
I am almost 34 weeks pregnant now. And I am scared out of my mind. Let me tell you why.
With my firstborn, my whole pregnancy went well. I was healthy, baby was healthy, and my biggest fear was dying (I was 18, and watched the worst possible movies while pregnant lol). I had no doubt that my baby would be born perfectly fine. I did not ask about epidurals, or take any classes, or think about what might happen if there was an issue. At 39 weeks, I had my final ultrasound, and something was wrong with my baby. I met with a doctor I had never seen before, and he told me I would need a C-section or to be induced, which may end up turning into a C-section anyway. I decided to skip induction. It was a terrifying decision for me, and I was such a mess that I could barely sleep.
The next morning (yes, I had less than 24 hours to let it all sink in), I was so nervous. I woke up at 5am, and felt like I was frozen. The whole way to the hospital (one I had never been to before, due to my hospital of choice not doing "emergency procedures") I was shaking. My nerves were shot, and I ended up throwing up all over admissions. I was lucky enough to have two family members with me, and they took care of everything and got me cleaned up. Then, I went upstairs... to about 7 people waiting. My baby's father had brought not just his immediate family, but 2 of his friends without warning me. I didn't really know what to do, and it made my stress worse. Labor ended up starting as they were prepping me. It was a horrible experience, and I now realize it was because I had no control at all.
This time, I am a tiny bit more prepared. I want a natural birth, but I know I may not be able to due to complications. Every doctor I have seen says they will let me attempt it, but I may not have as much freedom as someone who has not had a C-section. That's okay. I am thankful that they didn't immediately say no, and for the opportunity to do things the way I want.
I have also made a big decision about visitors. Last time, people showed up at the hospitals (both my delivery hospital and the children's hospital) without me knowing they were coming. We had visitors every single day, a few of which were unwelcome. It felt like I wasn't allowed to have privacy, and that wasn't really fair. My daughter was sick, and it was like a parade. I also felt guilty for saying I wanted time alone, even though it was needed.
This time, I have decided to make a list. There will be specific people who will know when I have my daughter, so that they can visit. This is my personal time to bond with my daughter, as well as my fiancé's. We are not a circus. I am going to be very picky about who I put on this list, simply because there are people who may not understand the word privacy. I do not need random people showing up because someone told them. We will also not be posting pictures or anything on social media until we get home.
I am not a horrible person. I just want to be comfortable and keep the situation as stress-free as possible. If someone wants to visit at the hospital, they can ask, and they either go on the list or I'll request that they wait until we are home and settled. It's not a personal vendetta. It's what's best for us to keep us calm and relaxed so we can enjoy our newborn.
I hope no one takes offense to this. I am really not trying to hurt anyone's feelings, I am just trying to keep sane in an intense situation. Thank you for understanding.
With my firstborn, my whole pregnancy went well. I was healthy, baby was healthy, and my biggest fear was dying (I was 18, and watched the worst possible movies while pregnant lol). I had no doubt that my baby would be born perfectly fine. I did not ask about epidurals, or take any classes, or think about what might happen if there was an issue. At 39 weeks, I had my final ultrasound, and something was wrong with my baby. I met with a doctor I had never seen before, and he told me I would need a C-section or to be induced, which may end up turning into a C-section anyway. I decided to skip induction. It was a terrifying decision for me, and I was such a mess that I could barely sleep.
The next morning (yes, I had less than 24 hours to let it all sink in), I was so nervous. I woke up at 5am, and felt like I was frozen. The whole way to the hospital (one I had never been to before, due to my hospital of choice not doing "emergency procedures") I was shaking. My nerves were shot, and I ended up throwing up all over admissions. I was lucky enough to have two family members with me, and they took care of everything and got me cleaned up. Then, I went upstairs... to about 7 people waiting. My baby's father had brought not just his immediate family, but 2 of his friends without warning me. I didn't really know what to do, and it made my stress worse. Labor ended up starting as they were prepping me. It was a horrible experience, and I now realize it was because I had no control at all.
This time, I am a tiny bit more prepared. I want a natural birth, but I know I may not be able to due to complications. Every doctor I have seen says they will let me attempt it, but I may not have as much freedom as someone who has not had a C-section. That's okay. I am thankful that they didn't immediately say no, and for the opportunity to do things the way I want.
I have also made a big decision about visitors. Last time, people showed up at the hospitals (both my delivery hospital and the children's hospital) without me knowing they were coming. We had visitors every single day, a few of which were unwelcome. It felt like I wasn't allowed to have privacy, and that wasn't really fair. My daughter was sick, and it was like a parade. I also felt guilty for saying I wanted time alone, even though it was needed.
This time, I have decided to make a list. There will be specific people who will know when I have my daughter, so that they can visit. This is my personal time to bond with my daughter, as well as my fiancé's. We are not a circus. I am going to be very picky about who I put on this list, simply because there are people who may not understand the word privacy. I do not need random people showing up because someone told them. We will also not be posting pictures or anything on social media until we get home.
I am not a horrible person. I just want to be comfortable and keep the situation as stress-free as possible. If someone wants to visit at the hospital, they can ask, and they either go on the list or I'll request that they wait until we are home and settled. It's not a personal vendetta. It's what's best for us to keep us calm and relaxed so we can enjoy our newborn.
I hope no one takes offense to this. I am really not trying to hurt anyone's feelings, I am just trying to keep sane in an intense situation. Thank you for understanding.
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