
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A post for a few days :)

So, since I haven't been on in a while, I obviously did not keep up with my challenge. So I'm going to put 3 days worth into this post, to catch up a tiny bit.

Day 8: Favorite Exercise Types

I constantly get bored.... So I have a lot of different workout plans. I also go through phases of what is my favorite. Two months ago, I was in love with TurboFire. Then I got bored :( Before that, it was ballet, pilates, yoga. Right now, I love weight training. I love feeling stronger. With my job (lifting batteries) strength is very important. So, I'm very excited for Chalean Extreme! I have already tried one of the classes (I get the full set today). My body hurt for days afterwards, in a good way. I love the burn.

Day 9: Favorite Exercises

Hmmm. Tricky one. I like... squats. I do them constantly. It's so easy to do them anywhere, and you could add weight for your upper body. Doing them correctly is key. Your knees cannot go past your toes. Therefore, your butt has to push back. So you work your whole lower body, including your core!

Day 10: Most Effective Exercises For You

Obviously, squats since I do them everywhere. Lifting (even at work, I lift the gallons of oil lol). I have a hard time with lunges, but I love then since they challenge me. And pushups. Pushups are the bane of my existence. But I like them because they make me feel STRONG.

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