I am trying to move. I do not need judgement on the location... yet I get it. This is me saying all the crap I cannot say aloud.
Okay, not a perfect neighborhood. However I live in a broken down crawlspace of an apartment. It would be great to have a full house with a fenced in backyard. So what if the street is narrow? I live in a cesspool of a town. Three streets over is still gonna be the same crime rate. I'm grateful to not live on the busy street with a rowdy upstairs neighbor anymore.
My neighbor wants to sell her house to us... but who knows when she will be ready to do so. I need to get my older daughter registered for the next school year. I need more space. I can't live in this broken down apartment anymore. This damn house is good enough. It's not forever. And it's none of your damn business where I move as you have put me and my family in so many fucked up situations.
You aren't the one waking up at 5am to someone slamming a riding mower into your bedroom wall. You aren't the one dealing with screaming dogs, and loud annoying people, and things breaking down. You aren't the one that has zero extra space in their bedroom, and not having a yard for the kids to be in. You don't live on a noisy street.
Sorry that you dug me into a hole of debt so I cannot apply for loans. Sorry I don't run scams to make myself an asston of money. Sorry that I'm not trying to marry up, and I don't mooch off of others. I bought my own damn car. I'm paying off all my debts. I'm going to drag myself up, and provide a great life for my family. Don't forget where you came from, and how hard your family had to work. They weren't always in the position they are now. But somehow you seem to forget all that everyone has gone through, as you skate by.
You just watch me, rising from the ashes of the life you handed me. You aren't in control. You can watch me succeed on my own. And eventually I will get the better house. Eventually I will use that house as a rental, and keep moving up and out. I will get my beautiful dream home some day, and you will just be the same as you always have been... because you know nothing about real life.
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