
Sunday, March 31, 2019

Feel What You Do

Life is too short to live with regrets.

Every so often, I forget that. Sometime I lose sight of the fact that life should be filled with your joy, not just your sorrows.

I have felt a lot of sorrow lately. Some is explainable (anniversaries of loved ones deaths are within the first 4 months of the year), but some just hits fast, hard, and out of nowhere. I can't stop it, I can't explain it. But, I also know that it needs to stop.

More often than not, I find myself too busy to take care of my mind. I shower, brush my teeth, go to work, eat, sleep.... but what do I do for my SOUL? Usually, nothing. I stretch my nerves to the breaking point and then crash in a heap of stress. And I know a lot of people do the same.


Take care of your spirit. Nurture yourself, like you did as a kid. Play, read, write, love.

I love with my whole being. It is who I am, who I've always been. I bring joy to people by being me. But sometimes, there's a voice (either in my head or outside my body) that says "No, you are too friendly. You are doing something wrong." But... what is wrong with spreading love in a world full of hate? What is wrong with loving someone and wanting them to know that someone cares about them? NOTHING.

Do what you feel, and feel what you do.

Spread joy and love, and feel it in you. But as the same idea, if you spread hatred, maybe try to feel that too. Feel how it affects others. And make a change.

If you love something, do it. Nurture that desire to change, to dream. Don't be afraid to make waves. Climb trees, read books, listen to music.

BE YOU. Because in the end, you are the only one that can make you happy.

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