I have something to say... I'm sick of the world being sick.
That sounds horrible. I swear I started out writing this somewhat decent post about how it's okay to be scared and overprotective. The title was supposed to be "It's Okay". But every single word made me want to scream. Not because I don't believe that; because I didn't want to say it at all.
I want to talk about judgment. It's a bad, ugly thing, and I can't stand it. It surrounds all of us. We judge people, and events, and even ideas. It brings so much hatred, and that is unhealthy. The best part is, we have NO RIGHT to judge. It makes us feel strong and powerful, but why? What is the point?
I do my best not to judge people. I am constantly judged: my looks, the way I act, my entire life. People look at me and automatically think they have me figured out. That is not fair, and I refuse to put people through that. It hurts... it doesn't just hurt a person's feelings, it hurts your wellbeing. You can't be healthy and loving while looking down at others, even if you don't know them.
Right now, everyone is talking about Ebola, and how it is spreading. Can't deny it, it's happening. My problem is, everyone has an opinion. Most of them come from fear. Fear is understandable. However, when you start bashing people who are living through it, or trying to combat it, you stop helping. You become a voice of hate at a time when everyone should be fighting to be strong and united.
We are part of an epidemic. Our hatred and judgment makes the world sick. Be part of the cure. Love someone. Be nice to a stranger. Help a person in need, instead of automatically writing them off.
A little love goes a long way.
Amen, girl. A little love goes farther than people realize.