
Saturday, December 27, 2014

New Years Resolutions

Christmas is over, and immediately you start hearing about New Year's resolutions. You don't really get much time to think about it. Everyone usually falls back on the same generic few: lose weight, make more money, eat better, etc. But, they don't really think about how to achieve their goals, and usually fail.

This year, I want to do something different. I am choosing one resolution, and I am going to plan out how to do it. As I am about 6 months pregnant, my goal is to get back into shape after I am cleared to work out again (around June/July). Full disclosure: so far I've gained about 20 pounds, which isn't so bad to most people, but I only gained 18 with my first child, and it came off immediately. So, I'm a little nervous about this time!

My plan is to start P90X3 or Turbofire as soon as I am cleared. In the next week, I will come up with a stricter plan. Some issues I will possibly face are: not being cleared for longer (due to complications), not being in control of my meals (I live in a household where I no longer cook), and not having time or space to work out (again, not my house, and baby stuff will most likely take up a lot of room lol). Some ways to overcome these are to make sure I start as soon as I am cleared (while being safe), eating smaller portions or fitting in at least one healthy meal per day, and using the space I have to the fullest.

I have more small goals for this year, but this is my big one. What are some of your resolutions, and how to you plan on reaching them?

Monday, November 10, 2014

Heartburn and Stretch Marks, Ugh.

I have three new loves in my life: Tums, coconut oil, and my stability ball.

I have never had heartburn in my life. Acid reflux plagued me when I was younger, but it went away before I hit 20 years old. Even pregnant with my daughter, I didn't get it (but to be fair, with her everything was easy). Now, even water gives me issues. WHAT??? I finally broke down and got Tums a few days ago, and I am an idiot for not doing so sooner! Anyone that knows me knows I am stubborn, and I insisted on finding a natural remedy. Yeah that didn't work out.

I also lucked out last time when it came to stretch marks. I only gained 18 pounds, and it was so gradual that my body adjusted nicely. Not so lucky now. I am so horrible... I actually refused to even look at my body for about a month. Never mind that I can barely fit into my clothes, NOPE I'm not growing except my belly. So not true. Once I FINALLY stopped being in denial, I started trying lotions. Eew. The one I had for pregnancy was gross and slimy, and I could feel it even after showering. Any other lotion I have didn't feel like it was doing anything at all. Crap.

So, the other day I was scrolling through Pinterest (my favorite thing to do lol) and I came across a recipe for Coconut Oil Whipped Body Butter. I already loved coconut oil, but now I have a new appreciation for all it does for me. All you have to do to make it is scoop some out, break it into little chunks, and whip it with a hand mixer. It doesn't melt, and it only takes a tiny bit to moisturize. I used it for the first time last night and it not only moisturized, it soothed my very angry skin.

The final issue I've been having (now that my nausea is gone) is hip and back pain. I have scoliosis, so sitting in one spot usually bothers me. However, I can no longer stand for more than a few minutes without my back and hips hurting. Plus, sitting on the couch hurts my hips worse. I figured out a solution: my stability ball. I originally bought it for working out, but now it's been sitting in a corner because I've been focusing on gentler exercises. I spent most of last night rolling around on it, stretching out my hips and watching tv.

Don't judge me. My poor little body doesn't know what to do about growing a baby, and at this point I'm willing to do anything just to be comfortable (including build a pillow fort just to sleep at night). To all my moms-to-be, I feel your pain. Don't be afraid to look foolish to get comfy!

Monday, October 27, 2014


Good Morning!!!

I am wide awake and full of excitement! All because I have something to share.

As most of you know, I am a Beachbody coach. Every week, they host a call to help coaches grow, not just in their business, but in their personal life. At least that's how I view it. Everything they share can be carried over to most situations. But I have a specific point I want to talk about today...


Wait, what??

This idea is super simple. When you have a goal, SHARE IT. You will be more likely to reach it if you have people holding you accountable. Obviously, you don't want to share with everyone (I'm pretty sure telling only your enemies will end in disaster). But, if you share with even one friend, and keep them updated on your progress, you are around 33% more likely to succeed than if you keep your goal to yourself (according to this study, which also shows more success when you write down your goals. I will touch on that shortly).

If you are having trouble finding someone who is supportive, or if you feel your goal is unattainable (don't be afraid to dream big), please send me an email. I am absolutely willing to be your partner, as long as your goal isn't to kill someone, haha.

As for writing your goals down, this is a great idea. Write it down, and put it somewhere you will see every day. A great tip: if your goal is in the health and fitness area, check out the Beachbody website. You can input your starting stats, as well as take a before picture, and track your progress. Also, they offer recipes, workouts, and an easy way to connect to people who are working towards goals like yours. If you are interested in signing up for free, please do so here.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

It's Not Okay

I have something to say... I'm sick of the world being sick.

That sounds horrible. I swear I started out writing this somewhat decent post about how it's okay to be scared and overprotective. The title was supposed to be "It's Okay". But every single word made me want to scream. Not because I don't believe that; because I didn't want to say it at all.

I want to talk about judgment. It's a bad, ugly thing, and I can't stand it. It surrounds all of us. We judge people, and events, and even ideas. It brings so much hatred, and that is unhealthy. The best part is, we have NO RIGHT to judge. It makes us feel strong and powerful, but why? What is the point?

I do my best not to judge people. I am constantly judged: my looks, the way I act, my entire life. People look at me and automatically think they have me figured out. That is not fair, and I refuse to put people through that. It hurts... it doesn't just hurt a person's feelings, it hurts your wellbeing. You can't be healthy and loving while looking down at others, even if you don't know them.

Right now, everyone is talking about Ebola, and how it is spreading. Can't deny it, it's happening. My problem is, everyone has an opinion. Most of them come from fear. Fear is understandable. However, when you start bashing people who are living through it, or trying to combat it, you stop helping. You become a voice of hate at a time when everyone should be fighting to be strong and united.

We are part of an epidemic. Our hatred and judgment makes the world sick. Be part of the cure. Love someone. Be nice to a stranger. Help a person in need, instead of automatically writing them off.

 A little love goes a long way.

Thursday, October 9, 2014


Just a quick reminder: I don't always share my posts on social media, so you may be missing some of my entries. If you enjoy my blog and don't want to miss anything, please subscribe via one of the links on the right side of your page (either email subscription or through the Bloglovin site).

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Ok, so it's time for my big announcement...

I'm pregnant! YAY!

I was told every pregnancy is different, but totally didn't believe it until now. With my daughter, it was so much easier. Barely any sickness, no pain, no drama. But this time around, it's the opposite. I'm sick almost every day, headaches and side pains, to the point where I've gone to the hospital to make sure everything was okay. Plus, there's crazy drama and ordeals (for more info, see my previous post titled "Please Read" & follow the link)

Anyway, I'm now 14 weeks along, which is when things are supposed to get easier. And they have... kind of. No more sickness, but lots of gagging for no reason. I'm not tired all the time, but still need naps a few days a week.

Still, it's a super exciting time! My daughter just turned 9, and I've been missing the baby and toddler phase. As soon as I found out, I started my registry, and started tidying all the stuff I already have. I feel like a crazy person!

I'm very happy and nervous about this stage in my life, and every so often I will share what's going on with you. In a few weeks I find out the gender, so you will get an update then!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


I'm a total slacker. I haven't written anything in quite a while. I'm also barely working out (I walk 2 miles almost every day, but I refuse to count that). I'm telling you this, mostly for accountability, but also as an icebreaker for me to jump back in.

Truth is, I've been sick. Like, sick enough where I can barely move, but can't sleep. I'm finally feeling a little better, and the first thing I decided to do (after catching up on housework, lol) is blog. You should be happy I love my readers so much!

Since I am nowhere near done everything I have to do today, this is going to be a short and sweet post. No editing, no formatting, nothing. Just me and words.

So, as for the title of this post, I have made a super decision. Coming up is... Reviews! Yay!

I have not decided what I will be reviewing fully, but I am going to start a new "toothpaste" regimen which I will keep you updated on. It involves baking soda, sea salt, and coconut oil. Also, I'm trying my hand at making my own apple cider vinegar since I go through so much of it (I'm a vinegar addict). Fun stuff.

I'm sure I'll find other stuff to review, especially with Halloween just around the corner... I'm pretty sure I'm going to see that movie Annabelle, you know, the one with the doll that's bound to give me nightmares. I'll tell you how that goes.

If you have anything you want me to review, leave a comment. Also, if you make wares and want a review with a free plug, email me and we will set something up.

Also, I do have a HUGE announcement that I will be sharing in a few weeks, so keep watching!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Robin Williams and Depression

Opening statement: this is not a fitness post. It is a health post, and a very important topic.

This week, we lost an amazing actor and human being. I'd be surprised and heartbroken if there was a household in America that did not know who Robin Williams was. He touched so many lives, including mine. He made me and so many others laugh when we felt like the world would end, and that is such a powerful gift. I can only hope his afterlife is like the one in What Dreams May Come: magical, beautiful, and peaceful.

The saddest thing about the whole situation is that I understand why he did what he did.

It's hard for people who have never had depression to realize it is an ongoing battle. Every day is a struggle, and sometimes you don't win. In some cases, you stay in bed for days and cry. In others, you see no other alternative then to end it all. This may seem like a harsh thing to say, but I know it to be true. Sometimes you aren't able to see the amazing things you have because it feels like the whole world is crashing down around you. When you hit that point, you feel like there is no one else in the universe, even if they are right in front of you.

Mental illness is not a switch you can just turn off. It is always there. Sometimes it gets better, or it gets worse. It's complicated and messy. If you have never dealt with it, lucky you, because it sucks.

Robin Williams was depressed, and if you looked closely, you could see it. You could see it in the early years when he abused drugs. You could see it in interviews where he seemed to be a little tired, or like he was thinking of something else. YOU COULD SEE IT. The problem is, most people don't look closely. They enjoy the happy times, and those sad moments are just that. Sad. It'll go away and everything will be fine. But, sometimes, it doesn't. Sometimes it's not sadness.

I have opposing viewpoints about suicide. In some cases, I do think it is selfish, mainly because there is always an answer. However, I also understand what it feels like to feel like you are drowning and can't fight your way up. It is very scary, and you feel like no one will listen to you,  no one can possibly get what you feel. I promise, there is always someone. Even if you don't have anyone in you life at that point, there are so many **RESOURCES** available if you just reach out. A lot of people are told that therapy is useless, or it makes them weak. It is not, and everyone is weak in one way or another. Do not be afraid to seek help, either in friends, a therapist, or a hotline.

To every single person reading this: pay attention to the people around you. We live in an age where it's so easy to connect to people, yet so hard at the same time. Take the time to check in with people, and never be afraid to ask if someone is okay, or if they want to talk. Even if they say no, you could help immensely just by showing you care.

Closing statement: CARE. Care for the people in your life, even if it's someone you just pass by on the way to work. Smile instead of avoiding eye contact. You never know who might feel isolated, and that little touch of humanity could turn it all around.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Lifestyle changes! Yay!

Hey guys! Sorry I was away longer than expected, but I'm back now and I'll do my best to not abandon you anymore haha.

I woke up super early today, and couldn't get back to sleep. I had this overwhelming urge: I wanted to do a blog post that would help others on their wellness journey. I wanted to INSPIRE everyone who read it to make at least one small change to their life.And the only way I saw of doing that was to share what I am doing. So here goes!

I am eating better 80% of the time

I have changed my eating habits a lot in the past month. I used to snack every single day, usually on chips or pretzels with ranch dressing. Not the healthiest options, especially when I was grazing all day long. I never really ate full meals except for dinner, and a decent amount of the time we were ordering out or eating fast food. YUCK.

Now, I limit my snacking a TON. I have no ranch in the house, so if I do decide I want pretzels, I eat them with vinegar or hot sauce. I switched from potato chips to tortillas and spicy salsa, which limits how much I can eat at one time (you can't continue if your tongue is burning lol). I also make sure to eat breakfast and dinner every day, and try to eat lunch at least 5 days a week (sometimes I forget still, OOPS). We cook at home all the time, and try to keep the meals somewhat healthy.

I am not on a diet, however. I will not limit myself fully. If I absolutely 150% need a cupcake, I will eat that cupcake. I don't do it every day, and I make healthy choices the rest of the time. I do not feel bad about indulging, as long as it doesn't become a habit.

I cut out soda (for the most part)

Hi, I'm Trish, and I'm a soda addict. I kicked the habit numerous times, but somehow always find my way back. It probably doesn't help that my work only stocks soda. UGH.

I have a 12 pack of Coke sitting in my kitchen from yesterday. Normally it would be gone by now, and I'm sure by tonight it will be. However, I have only had two cans, and that is all I will probably have. I have been drinking mainly water, sometimes juice.  It is a hard transition for me, and I struggle with it a lot. But I am determined to stick with it, because I have seen the difference it makes.

If you have never tried going without soda for even a week, I highly suggest challenging yourself to try it. The difference in the way you feel is crazy. Also, if you have never researched the dangers of diet sodas, you should. Your body is not made for artificial sweeteners. Key word in that sentence: ARTIFICIAL!!

I am working out (again)

I'll admit, I have a hard time staying focused. I need constant motivation to do anything, and I CANNOT manage to motivate myself. This rings true especially when it comes time to exercise. I know its good for me, I know if I start I'll feel so much better. I just can never get my butt up to do it. 

I have switched back and forth between so many programs lately. I was doing Turbofire, then jumped into P90X3, then switched to 21 Day Fix. I loved the way each one made me feel, but I couldn't keep it up. After a few days, I crash. (That is not a normal reaction to these programs. There are outside factors at work here)

I realized I need something a little gentler to start out with, and work my way back up to a harder program. I have chosen Piyo! It's a yoga/pilates infusion, but unlike yoga, you don't hold the poses as long.  It's a lot more movement, so you work all of your muscles, but it's not as difficult as the other programs I was trying. For me, this is a good fit.

To stay motivated, I am going to schedule a block of time every day to work out. Also, I have a workout buddy who will ask me a million times if we are going to work out today (8 year olds ask way too many questions lol)

Can you change your life? (hint: the answer is yes)

As you can see, my changes are not huge. That's perfectly fine. You don't have to do a complete overhaul of your life to make a difference. I have found it is easier to master one small step at a time than to do a huge shift.

What can you do to help your health? Could you take more walks, or switch out one meal a day for salad? Don't worry about the outcome, just take that first step!

If you don't know where to start, want extra motivation, or would like to purchase a program, please sign up for FREE coaching. If you sign up this month, I will tell you how to receive 15% off of your first order!

Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy Fourth!

Happy Fourth of July!!

It's super early (as in 6am) & I haven't slept since yesterday. I'm hopped up on energy drinks, wired for a trip out of state for the first time in forever!

A little update on the craziness of my life:

-I'm engaged!!!!
-After three years, I changed stores at my job.
-I'm working towards my personal trainer certification.
-I'm participating in GISHWES (an awesome scavenger hunt).

Please be safe this weekend (ie don't shoot yourself with any fireworks lol)

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Hey Guys!

Hey just a quick note to say, I'm not dead!

I'm sorry I've fallen off the face of the earth lately, but I have had a few huge changes in my life, and they are still rolling. I will be back next month for good, and I promise I will fill you in on all the exciting details.

In the meantime, please keep checking back, as I will be revamping the whole page, adding new features, maybe even getting a new domain!!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Positive Outlook Experiment

I thought it would be cool to have a bright, colorful post today! Wheeee!!!!

As many people know, I battle depression. Sometimes it gets really bad, to the point where I catastrophize everything. When it gets that bad, I freeze. I can't focus on anything except the problem. I can't hear reason, even when it's inside my own head. I never know when it will happen, there is never any warning.

I have decided to try a new technique, hoping that it helps keep me calm when disaster (or a bad shopping trip) strikes. I also know that I am not the only one in the world this happens to, so I will share my plan, as well as progress or lack thereof.

-Every day, as soon as I wake up, I will be thankful. I will thank my creator for allowing me to wake up. I will be thankful to have a family, and a safe place to sleep, and a job. 
-I will look at my "thankful list" and remember that I have a lot to be happy about. (If you do not have a "thankful list" I highly recommend making one. I will share mine in a separate post.)
-I will exercise daily. It's a simple step, but sometimes I feel like I'm not worth the time. By forcing myself to work out, I not only make time for me, but also boost my mood. (Exercise is proven to elevate your mood due to endorphins being released.)
-I will write in a journal CONSTANTLY. I am horrible sporadic with my journal writing. I will write for a few days, then stop for a year. Oops. To remedy that, I will carry it with me at all times. I will write first thing in the morning, as well as throughout the day, especially when I am facing a stressful situation. Not only does this relieve some pressure by forcing thoughts out into the universe, but looking back, there might be a pattern that isn't clear at this time.
-I will remind myself that life is no big deal. It's not the end of the world. I have made it through so much, and I can make it through anything else that is thrown at me. Humans are amazing creatures. They adapt. They grow. And when they aren't crazy like me, they can think logically lol. 

This is not all I am doing. I have a whole list of things that I am going through every day, trying to get better. I read a book the other day called Crawling Out Of Darkness. It is written by my mentor. She inspired me to become a fitness coach, and she inspired me yet again with this book. I highly recommend reading it if you struggle with depression or anxiety. Also, NEVER BE AFRAID TO ASK FOR HELP. It doesn't make you weak, it makes you strong. Do not think you aren't important, because someone thinks you are the most important person alive.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Death to Diets!

Yes, I am a fitness and health junkie.

Yes, I am trying to lose weight for summer.

Yes, I hate diets.

I love to eat. And that is a good thing. I refuse to limit the things I eat (with only a few exceptions, i.e. fast food). I do not diet, I have a healthy-ish lifestyle. I do slip a little, and that's okay.

However, everywhere I look I see diets. EVERYWHERE. Atkins, Slimfast, South Beach, and so many more are on websites, in tv and magazines, even sent in emails! If that's not bad enough, you get skinny rail-sized models looking at you (almost condescendingly) from those same media sources. We are bombarded with this viewpoint that skinny is sexy, and I want to put an end to it.

1. Sexy is a mindset, not a body type. Sexy is how you hold yourself, and how you project yourself to others. Skinny people can have self esteem issues too, which takes a toll on their sexuality.

2. Diets are a quick fix. I love to say, I have a diet. Notice I did not say ON a diet. There is a difference, and its HUGE. When you are on a diet, you limit calories, types of food, even what time of day you eat. But, as soon as you reach your goal weight, you stop, and you start to gain that weight back. When you have a diet, you permanently change your eating habits, and you keep those results for a lifetime.

3.Obesity is scary. All these companies prey on that fact. It not only "looks bad" but it causes a slew of health problems. Your body is not made to carry excess fat. There is no room for it, and it forces your vital organs to adjust.

The way to fix this is not to yoyo diet. You need a full lifestyle change. Work out, eat better at least 80% of the time, and you will see a difference.

To prove a point, for the next month, I will be writing down everything I eat, my workouts, and taking progress photos. If you would like to do the same, please email me, and I will help you figure out a good plan that fits your needs.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

FitBit Flex review

A few weeks ago, I bought a FitBit Flex. It is a step and calorie counter, as well as a sleep monitor, silent alarm, and a way to pester your fit friends lol. It looks like this:

Sadly, it does not tell time. But, that's what cell phones are for. Which brings me to a huge thing about this product: you can track everything from your smartphone! Some phones are not compatible, so you would have to check the list on their site. If it is not, you can still use the dashboard on the site. the app looks like this:

Super easy to understand. (I'm being a little lazy today, so my steps are not as high as normal.)

So here is the actual review.

What I like: 
-I love the fact that I can hide the wristband under my jacket. It is against my work's dress code to wear bracelets, phone clips, etc. So I am pretty sure they would make me take it off. But since it is cold, I wear a jacket at all times, and this is slim enough to be worn underneath.

-It seems to be accurate. I say "seems to be" only because I have nothing else to compare it to.

-The tracker can be taken out. This will be perfect for warmer months. I can just take it out and tuck it in my pocket.

-The wristband is adjustable, and they send two. When I was shopping around, I noticed that some trackers had set measurements for their bands, so you had to guess which size you needed.

-You wear it at all times... sort of. I will explain why I say this in the "what I don't like" section.
-It's comfortable. It doesn't snag on clothing like I thought it would, and it doesn't irritate my skin like most bracelets do.

-Easy to read dashboard. Everything is laid out for you on your own personal dashboard, and you can "compete" with you friends.  There are goals for how many steps you take per day, as well as calories in vs out. The calorie intake will change depending on how much you burn each day, which is good if you are trying to lose/gain weight.

-It comes in a variety of colors. I chose black so it wouldn't draw unwanted attention at work.

-It celebrates your achievements! When you reach your daily goal (you can change what your focus goal is), the bracelet vibrates and flashes, plus you get an email congratulating you.

What I dislike:
-The tracking piece is water resistant, but not the bracelet itself. I take mine off in the shower due to my friend telling me that water got stuck in her bracelet and mildewed. This may not be a normal occurrence, but I don't want to take that chance.

-It sadly does not track heart rate... yet. Hopefully the creators of FitBit will eventually make that a compatibility, because it would help me test the accuracy of my manual monitoring (for my class).

-It has a "very active minutes" counter, but doesn't work when I'm doing an extreme workout. I'm assuming it only works for when you are running, or if you are walking nonstop. Maybe if there was a heart rate monitor attached it would be more precise when I am jumping around like a crazy person lol.

All in all, I do love this product. It has a few minor things that I am unhappy with, but I overlook them because it does a great job with everything else. I highly recommend looking into the Flex if you want a step/calorie monitor.

If you already have a FitBit and wish to add me as a friend, here is my profile!

Disclaimer: I have not been paid to write this review. This is just my personal experience, and my own opinion of a product. If you don't like it, bite me :)

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

And The Winner Is....

Emily Horsfield!!! Congratulations, Emily! I have already sent an email to you. Please keep a lookout for more giveaways as well as reviews in the future!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

How To Eat Healthy... On A Budget

One of my friends recently asked me how to eat healthy when you have a small food budget. I realized that a lot of the people who follow me on Facebook are going through the same things I am, so why not share with everyone?


I recently purchased a book called America's Cheapest Family Gets You Right On The Money. The authors tell you how they manage to feed and cloth their family of seven while still saving money. While it doesn't talk specifically about health foods, it does provide amazing tips about getting the most out of your money.

-Buy In Season

Produce is going to be more expensive if it is out of season. It is harder to come by, and the transportation and preservation costs show up in the price. Find out when produce is in season here.

-Make A List & Stick To It

This may seem like a simple thing, but I have found myself slipping from time to time. When you make a list, you don't have to worry about other items being on sale, or those impulse buys that end up costing you way more than you intended to spend.

-Shop Around Part 1

Do not buy the first thing you notice in the supermarket. I have noticed that some stores split up their produce so that you see the most expensive items first. Walk through the whole department before touching anything. That way you can see sale prices and compare.

-Shop Around Part 2

I have found that Target and Save-A-Lot have amazing produce departments with decent pricing. I used to shop at Shoprite and Walmart. Shoprite has fresh produce with steep prices, Walmart has limited selection (and not as fresh) for okay prices. This may be different depending on your locality, so shop around, and don't be afraid to buy from a few different stores. It may take a little more time, but the savings will be worth it.

-Shop Sales

Most supermarkets will send sales fliers out every week. LOOK AT THEM. Make your list based off of who has the best prices for each product. Also, invest in coupons. You don't have to be an "extreme couponer" to save money. Many places will allow you to use a coupon even if the item is on sale. Check your local stores for their rules. Here is a video that helps you learn more about couponing. (I love Sara's videos. If you have time, check out some of her other ones, she's awesome)


There are so many people who have blogs about saving money and eating right. You just have to know where to search. One of my favorites is Blissful and Domestic. She talks about meal planning, couponing, as well as buying in bulk. You can also do a Google search for "saving money blog", "healthy eating blog", etc.

-Buy In Bulk

I highly recommend becoming a member at a wholesale club. You can buy produce in bulk and freeze it or can it to make it last. I buy meat, milk, bread, and freeze it all for later use.

-Shop The Perimeter

Avoid the inner aisles as much as possible. They are loaded with junk and impulse items.

-Search For Recipes

Buy things on sale or in bulk, then find recipes to fit what you have. Don't shop for specific recipes, or you will end up buying stuff for only one meal

-Do Not Indulge a Picky Eater

I know numerous parents who will make separate meals for their family because they don't like certain things. STOP IT!! It's a waste of money, and not helping anyone. My daughter eats what everyone else eats. I try to make things she will enjoy, but if I find something on sale, her butt will eat it. (To be fair, she's only really picky about mushrooms... I fed her EVERYTHING at a young age.)

I hope this list helps at least a little. Please check out the links, they have way more than just shopping advice.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Work, work, work!

Today is my day off from my "for now" job. So what am I doing? WORKING! But in this case, working is fun and awesome.

Here's how my day has gone so far:

1. Wake up
2. Eat while watching the best webinar ever
3. Touch base with people in my accountability group
4. Post to Instagram
5. Eat lunch while posting of Facebook
6. Surf the web for fitness related posts
7. Look up recipes (yum!)
8. Contact a few friends I haven't talked to in a while
9.Look for workout videos for my customers
10. Write blog entry!!!

Later, I will work out and talk to a few more people.

And I get paid to do this? Really?!?!

I love my job, I love my business, and I love my coworkers. I could not be more blessed to have been given this opportunity, and be able to share it with others. Plus, I get to help people lose weight and eat healthier.


That is amazing. Beyond amazing. It is a beautiful gift. I change lives, but I also have been driven to change my own. I have goals and dreams now, which before I would have never thought possible. In my mind, I was stuck where I was, and might as well not even try to move forward. With the help of Beachbody. I have discovered the potential to grow, and learn, and be truly happy. Now, I get to offer that same possibility to you, my readers.
Do you want to change your life? Do you want to help others do the same? Email me, and I will tell you how.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Giveaway Time!!!!

Good morning everyone!!!! I am so excited today, because....

It's time for my giveaway!!!

For those who are not on my Facebook page, my goal was to get 100 likes. Once I did that I would have a giveaway. Well, I reached it yesterday! YAY!!!

So, without further ado, the awesomeness.

For this giveaway, you will have a choice of to Beachbody programs. If you are trying to lose weight, gain muscle, or even maintain what you have now, this is the best giveaway ever for you!

Here are the choices:

21 Day Fix

This is a BRAND NEW program. It's coming out in early February. It is created by a brand new trainer to the company, and is completely different than any of the other programs we offer. It is only 21 days long (hence the name). Unlike our other programs, instead of a meal plan, it comes with color coded portion control boxes. If it fits, you can eat it!

Les Mills Combat

Combat is a GET UP AND FIGHT kind of workout. If you are trying to get some frustration out, this is the way to go. It's like kickboxing on steroids. It's hardcore, just like your body will be when you are done!

(The links are so that you can see the videos and info for the programs. If you are interested in ordering a program or Shakeology, please contact me directly.)

Requirements: You must be subscribed to my blog, as well as like my Facebook page. Please go through the Rafflecopter box to do so.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway ends on February 5th. Please leave a comment below saying which steps you have done, as well as which program you would prefer. 

Monday, January 6, 2014

My 2014

Happy new year!!!! Yes, I know, it's already the 6th. Better late than never. Which seems to be my new motto.

I am a horrible procrastinator. I have been putting tons of things off lately. I was supposed to start an early morning workout routine today. I pressed snooze and said I'll do it tomorrow. Same thing with my sugar detox. And cleaning. Not a good thing for me to do. So I decided that as extra accountability, I will list my goals for 2014, as well as a few small things I should be doing. This way, any of you can email me (, hit me up on Facebook or on my page and yell at me for not doing what I am supposed to.

For my small things, I want to start my early morning exercise regimen, do my sugar detox, and reorganize my game room. I will check in daily on my fb page with my progress, and post pictures on instagram.

Now the list of my yearly goals!

-make Beachbody my main income source
-become personal trainer certified
-pay off student loans
-pay off credit card
-consistently make $4000 a month
-become Piyo or P90X certified
-get another tattoo
-create a working budget
-renew my Shakeology autoshipment
-complete Focus T25
-pay off gas and electric bill
-learn to hoop with one leg
-go to 5 new restaurants
-go to NYC

Obviously some of my goals are easier than others. However, if you only set small goals, you will only get small results. As I make it through this list, I will post updates. Hopefully I will inspire at least one person to push harder towards their dreams!