
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Daydreaming on Paper prompt

So, my mentor wrote a blog post, and mentioned Daydreaming on Paper. They have a prompt generator that gives you something to think and write about. Hers was 10 things she can't live without. Mine is this:

List 10 pieces of advice you would give to someone just starting out.

I'm going to do this in general, not focusing on one specific aspect of life.

1. Try to do one random act of kindness a day. Even if everyone treats you like dirt, you can have the satisfaction of knowing you changed someone's day a little.

2. Don't worry about what other people think of you. Yes, some days they will get to you, but in the end, you will be happiest by being yourself to the fullest extent.

3. Dance/sing a little every day. Even if you suck at it, it will make you feel better. Promise.

4. Try new foods. You will undoubtedly hate some, but there's a 100% guarantee that you will find something you love that you were terrified to try.

5. At least once a year, do a new activity. Breaking out of your comfort zone is vital to existance.

6. Read books. Escaping to new worlds is exciting, and can relieve stress without any danger.

7. Meditate. Take a break every day to just be. Don't think, don't talk. Just breathe.

8. Open your mind. Don't be so focused on your own way; you may miss something great.

9. Love. Don't be afraid of getting hurt. It's part of the process.

10. Go outside. Nature is beautiful and healing. The world is a gift to us. Love it and take care of it.

These are just things that matter in my life, that I wish I was told. I hope they help someone :)

Arm bar excitement!

As anyone who even loosely follows MMA news knows.... Ronda Rousey is famous for the arm bar. She is badass with it.

4 year old arm bars Ronda

Yes I did link a child doing an arm bar. Cuz it's cute. And every video of Ronda doing it features someone's arm breaking.

She described how it feels as "when you rip the leg off a turkey"... eww and awesome!

So here's the excitement... my bf is teaching me how to do it!!!! We started last night, and only did it once. We will be doing more tonight. I plan on getting so phenomenal at it that people won't even want to shake my hand lol.

Alright that's it for now. I will probably do a more substantial post later this week, or early next.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Just got done my core day workout. I figured I'd share it with the world.

-weighted crunches
-weighted leg raises
-training camps
-plank with leg raises
-single leg lifts with stretch
-uneven arm situps
-elevated crunches
-ab wheel
-hip dips
-standing side crunches

I did two sets of each, as many reps as i could. For warmup and cooldown I hooped. I pushed so hard that:
a) i couldn't keep the hoop up during cooldown
b) i fell off my step while grabbing the mail

So, pretty intense workout. I plan on doing this every core day, which is about once a week.

If you have any questions about how to do these moves, leave a comment and I will either describe them or provide a link for a video!

Monday, January 21, 2013

new goal + leg day

So I now have a new idol....

Ronda Rousey!!!!

I was going to post a picture, but this computer has decided not to work...


So, Ronda is super pretty, and super badass. She has done judo in the past, and is now an mma fighter. Her signature move: the arm bar. Basically she tears people's arms off. BADASS.

So my new goal is to be like her. I obviously will never get into the mma. But I can learn the moves, and get a banging body like hers. So I'm working on it.


I have started a pretty rigorous routine to get the results I want. It's structured and I have kept to it. However I hit a problem today.... Leg day. I need ideas. I have looked online, but can't find too much I can do at home. Please, if you have awesome leg moves, leave a comment below.... Don't let me be the top heavy girl with scrawny legs!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

What are you waiting for?

Whatever your goal is, wherever you want your life to go, what are you waiting for?

This is the time to start. Not tomorrow, next week, etc. If you start today, you will be one day closer to your dreams. If you put it off for anyother day, you will most likely keep putting it off. What do you have to lose?

Also, tax season is upon us! Instead of blowing all of your money towards something frivolous, why don't you invest in yourself and your goals? Buy a new workout program, save money towards a new business, or anything else to get you where you want to go.

To help you along the way to your goals, a good idea is to sign up for free coaching. I can help you find a workout that is right for you, and give you some great ideas for managing any goals you might have.

Click the tab at the top of this page, and sign up (use Patricia DeHart as the coach). There is no time like RIGHT NOW to get started!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Clean Eating progress, week 2

Hey Everyone! So, just a quick note to let everyone know how I am doing on the clean eating thing. I have cut out all soda, and candy. I did have ice cream last week, and some mini cupcakes. Hoever The soda thing is HUGE progress. I used to drink about 2 liters by myself every day. I also went to the store today and got quinoa, cucumbers, yams, fresh organic salsa, lime juice, and garlic powder, as well as some canned veggies in case of emergency. Yay me!!!

In other news, I injured my toe. I don't know how, but it feels like I partially ripped my toenail off. I say feels because it's impossible to see. I broke my toe/nail when I was young... I ran into a full briefcase. So yeah, that sucks.

In great news, I ordered "America's Cheapest Family" the other day! It should be here this week. Super excited, and hopefully it will help me rein in my spending, and help me to budget better.

Alright, time for me to do my pushups and squats (I have a personal challenge to do a certain amount each day..... 45 squats today and 8 pushups, working up to 100 squats and 20 pushups.)
Goodnight to everyone out there, and push harder, because you can do more than you think!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


No, this is not a post about my resolutions. I don't make resolutions at the beginning of the year. I set them throughout the year, and then work on them in steps.

This is a post about your resolutions, and how to actually reach them. Many people set goals for the new year, hoping that they will reach them, and fully intending to do so. However, after a few weeks of working their hardest, they give up. Cuz it just isn't working, and they don't understand why.


It's super simple. The reason it doesn't work is they don't have a plan. Let me rephrase. they don't have a plan THAT WORKS. You can say you will work out 3 days a week, and eat better, etc. However, you need to lay out a master plan. Otherwise, you will get lost. A master plan is basically a road map. It helps get you where you want to go. Chalene Johnson taught me something called "reverse engineering". What that is: you choose a goal, then make a master list of everything that needs to be done, or questions you may have. Then, you sort through those items, and put each into one of 4 columns: research, first, during, and later. Research is things that will help you know how to do whatever your goal is. First is stuff to do before you start, to prepare yourself. During is steps you need to take while you reach your goal. Later is for all those little things that can wait til everything else is done.

After you do this, you work through it. You put one or two items on your daily to-do list, and you do them. simple as that. I will give you my personal example.

Clean Eating Reverse Engineering
-define clean eating
-shopping list
-read Tosca book
-tell Joel and Dad goal
-premake food
-invest in cooler
-No Junk Food!
-organize fridge
-clean out pantry
-budget for food
-buy and install shelves
-subscribe to Oxygen

(There could be way more on this list. However, this is what worked for me)
Now for the columns... which will be in list form since my diagram won't load. BOOOO!

define clean eating
read Tosca, take notes

get rid of junk food
make shopping list
buy cooler
organize fridge
organize pantry
tell my goal

premake food
pack lunches
create budget for food

install shelves
Oxygen subscription

As you can see, some of this is already done. Super easy to do, super easy to follow. You make tiny steps, that way you can do a little at a time. I also have started reading the book, and have been taking food with me to work. I bought Oxygen for this month, once I get paid I will subscribe. We are going shopping in a few weeks to get food.

This is how you reach your dreams. If you need help, feel free to email me or join the free coaching program.

free coaching program

Also, I highly recommend getting Push by Chalene Johnson. It's a great book that helps you learn to set and reach goals in any aspect of your life.

Happy New Year!!!!