Schedules going byebye!
So, I have been having issues for a while keeping a workout schedule. I plan to do a program, and for the first couple weeks I am amazing at it. Then, I miss a day. Then two. Then 2 weeks. Oops.
I swear, I have every intention of following the programs. I even feel amazing and proud when I complete the days workout. But for some reason, I have never been able to finish anything I start...
That includes: dishes, learning languages, drawing, certain books, and way more things. I have to be super interested and constantly stimulated. I guess that's due to my ADHD. Bleh.
So, I have come up with a solution. I am going to go OFF SCHEDULE! For the next couple months, my only goal is to check off the box that says "workout" on my to do list. I will do whatever fits my mood that day. Today was Piyo. Awesome!
To Do Awesomeness!
So, as you may or may not know, I mentioned getting Push by Chalene Johnson.... forever ago. Yet another thing I never finished. I restarted it about a week ago and am determined to work through it. So far, I'm at day 10. I pushed hard and reverse engineered my goals, and am working through them as well. The only way I am managing this is by having a to do list. Which you are taught on like day 7 or so. I downloaded GTasks on my smartphone, and put the widget on my homescreen. It has changed my world. I love checking off all the stuff I do, and I'm better organized. I have gotten better at spending, because I make a list and stick with it. It's right on the list!
I highly recommend reading Push. But even if you don't, a to do list is something everyone should be using. It's super simple if you do it right. I know a lot of people (myself included) who make it impossibly complicated.
-clean closets
-do wash
-take trash out
-work out
-pick up kid
-do dishes
-clean out fridge
-cook dinner
This is what my list used to be. I used to get overwhelmed, and then feel like a failure when everything didn't get done. I HAD A LIST. How hard is it to follow a list?!
Truth is, very hard. You need to break it apart. Make it more itemized, and do the most important things first. Also, by breaking apart big jobs (ie. clean out fridge) into smaller pieces (throw out old milk, check eggs, get rid of junk food, etc.) you can get more done.
I am still learning. I know I will never be perfect, but I can change my thinking to make that okay. I am learning to be okay with being GOOD ENOUGH. If you want to learn with me, or have someone to talk to on your journey (whether it's workout related or not), please sign up for coaching. It's free, and I can get more of a feel for how to help you :)
Goodnight, and hope to hear from you soon!
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