
Sunday, July 29, 2012

random update

okay, i promised i would do a post this week.... it's not gonna be pretty.

I just got home (it's midnight) from fighting with cats and cleaning. My boyfriend is moving in with me and a lot needs to be done. I have not exercised for a week, which I am mad about. I'm not complaining, I'm just making everyone aware.

On a good note, I received 3 new books. PUSH by Chalene Johnson, The Eat Clean Diet by Tosca Reno, and Super Cleanse by Adina Niemerow. I have only read a few pages of each, but so far they are great and make me want to give my body a break.

I will share more once I get farther into them, and let you all know how the move goes!

Sunday, July 22, 2012


Hey guys and gals! I just wanted to make an apology about not posting lately. I am sooo busy moving EVERYTHING from my boyfriend's apartment to my house, and working overtime to boot. I promise that in a week or so everything will be back to normal. Also, either Tuesday or Thursday I will be posting.

Thank you for your patience.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Exercise with Friends

So I worked out with my friend yesterday. First time in.... forever that she has really exercised. And she pushed hard. I'm so proud of her. And we are trying to make it a weekly thing.

My question is, do you have someone to work out with, or someone that will push you?

Comments accepted :)

Monday, July 9, 2012

Me for free

My friend mentioned that she didnt want to change her workout by signing up for coaching. And I realized I forgot a major point- me coaching you is free. You dont have to change anything if you dont want to.I'm here as a support team, & to provide tips. Everything else is up to you.

What Are You Doing?

Do you ever look in the mirror and think, "that's not my body"? 
Do you eat just because you are bored? 
Do you know you need a change, but don't know where to start?

What are you doing to change your life?

I have always struggled to gain weight, even when I was pregnant. (Lucky me, right? Trust me, 98 pounds was not my healthy weight) About a year ago, my weight shot up to around 130 pounds, which, on my tiny frame, looked and felt wrong. But, I had no clue how to change it. Nothing I did worked. So I sank into the couch with a bag of chips, and felt horrible.

About 2 months ago, I found my amazing coach, Mindi. I was randomly looking for recipes on Pinterest, and saw a pin from her blog. OMG wow, I fell in love with what she was saying. I signed up for Beachbody, and RANDOMLY got her for a coach! From the first day, she has given me great advice and support, and I bought TurboFire because she made it seem cool. 

Fast forward to now. I have been doing TurboFire for a month, and reached 120 pounds. But more importantly, I am stronger, have more energy, and like my body. I am eating better, because I am held accountable by Mindi and her awesome group. The best thing I ever did was sign up, because the people in my life just pulled me down. 

My question for you is: are you being held accountable for your actions, or is it just up to you? It is so much harder to do something when all you have is your own willpower. The problem with being on your own is, you are your own worst enemy. You will eventually think, this is not worth it, and other people will say the same. You need likeminded people to tell you to keep pushing, and that you are doing great. 

If you are interested, please contact me, and I'll tell you how to get started. Or go to and sign up. You can search for my name (Patricia DeHart) so that I can be your coach. 


Thursday, July 5, 2012

Keep Going!

Everyone needs a push sometimes. I hope this blog will be yours.

Getting It Out

So my new hoop didn't come today. Sad face. I was looking forward to it so much! So I came home and just had to hoop a teensy bit before my workout. I made a video to show the small amount of progress I made. I managed to transition to my chest, which I have difficulty with. And I don't trust myself lol. There isn't much room in the apartment, so I didn't do a lot. Enjoy!

PS. Hooping is a great core exercise, and it's fun! You can also work your legs, arms, chest, and back.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Fourth of July!

Of course I'm working today, so no bbq for me. But for everyone outside, a few things to remember...
Drink plenty of water, especially if you are drinking alcohol. Dehydration leads to serious health issues. Tastiest way to hydrate: fruit!

Keep cool. No need to have a heat stroke if you have a pool, or play with the kids in sprinklers.

Apply sunscreen. The sun can severly damage your skin, causing wrinkles, freckles, moles & CANCER! & don't forget to reapply.

Have a fun & safe holiday!!!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Hey, everyone! Just letting everyone know I made a FB page for Fit Trish!

End Fat Talk

We focus so much on how we look, and what we eat, and usually it's negative. STOP IT. It hurts your self esteem.

Go Here to learn more on how to end fat talk.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Hundred Pushup Challenge!

I'm currently doing a challenge along with my daily workout regimen. The goal is 100 pushups (duh). It is a gradual process, and is against yourself. Every day you do more. And it's good for your body and mind, so why wouldn't you do it?!

To find out more go to

Work In Progress

I am not perfect.
I have flaws.
I have doubts.
I see "trouble spots" in the mirror.
I have days where I say "I can't, I'm tired, I hurt".

Doesn't everyone?

It's time to push harder. Don't be afraid to realize you aren't perfect. But you need to be afraid of not working towards perfection. Even if you never completely reach the level you think is perfect, someone else will always look at you and think "I want to be like them". If you are always a work in progress, you will never be let down.

Now for some exciting news: By the end of this month, I will be a BeachBody coach!!! They are the company that comes out with those awesome workout programs (P90X, TurboFire, Insanity, etc.) I'm very excited to be part of their team, and I'm excited to motivate others to reach their goals. If I can help even one person feel better about their body and their health, it will totally be worth it.