
Monday, July 1, 2019

My "Best Friend" Book

Already, I can feel the sneers, the confused looks, and a few smiles.

"What the heck is a best friend book??"

Simply put, this is a book that you keep coming back to, a comfort object.... a familiar face. It's the book that you reach for if you have a bad day, and need to retreat to a safe space. Mine has been and always will be Anne.

I didn't use the whole title, because Anne is a series. She's a movie. She's a Netflix show. She is my saving grace. I love every version of her, and every moment spent with her is magical. 

I love Anne's story because she is so whimsical, but also because the "side" characters are so amazing. (I put side in quotations because, honestly, I view them all as main characters). The setting is defined so clearly you can see it. It feels like you are right there with them, laughing, crying, and dealing with life. When my problems are too much, I go to her, and she helps me find peace.

Not gonna lie, but my first crush was Gilbert Blythe, who is a pivotal character in Anne's story. I am actually sorta upset about how his life is going in the Netflix series; I feel he deserves more. However, he is endearing, and slightly impish when you are first introduced to him, and I still love him to this day. (I cried when the actor that played him, Jonathan Crombie, died.)

I usually have at least two copies of the first book on my bookshelf, in case one mysteriously disappears. That way, if I have need of Anne, she will always be there.

What is your best friend book? Let me know in the comments.

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