
Sunday, March 26, 2017

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Go me! I am making moves... in the wrong damn direction. Here are the steps I took:

1. I quit Avon in January because I got a great new job, with good pay and benefits.

2. I got settled in at the new job, liked the people, enjoyed the work, etc.

3. Company goes bankrupt after 2 months of me being there, and my store is going to close.

4. I get hired at a company, doing the same thing I had done for 4 years, at a pay decrease.

Ok, so I'm really not complaining. I am happy to have a job, and am lucky it's something I know. I just feel like I'm starting all over again, and have to prove myself all over again. And that's exhausting, especially when you factor in social anxiety and low self esteem.

My hope is that this gets me closer to my goals: being financially stable, becoming a doula (doing online courses to get certified), move into a better home. I am terrified. I know the company I'm moving to will be around for a while, but the fact that a well-known company that was actually making sales could just shut down instantly shook me a bit.

I guess that's it for this post... I sorta ran out of steam... And words. Keep an eye out for another post soon, possibly about a new business venture!  (Hint: it's nerdy.)

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