
Saturday, August 18, 2012

PUSH update

So, I mentioned in a previous post that I had purchased PUSH by Chalene Johnson. For those who don't know, Chalene is the creator of TurboJam, Chalene Extreme, and other workout programs. She is also a public speaker and an entrepreneur. She is larger than life, and her passion for fitness inspires me to do so much more than I thought possible.

As for her book, it's basically a "self-help book" for your entire life. It covers goals, fitness, and reshaping your thinking. So far, I have gotten only into the goals aspect. It is a daily assignment type thing, where each day, you have homework. I am taking my time with this book because I want to make sure I am happy with my results.

The first thing I did was create a mission statement for my life. I had to list my priorities, and then choose which 3 were most important. Then I had to create a statement that encompassed what my path was for these goals. My mission statement centered around my family, and being there for them, and providing for them. Yes, it seems so simple, but it is so in depth,

The point of this was so that, as you work on goals, or face decisions in life, you look at your statement and see if it meshes with it. If not, it's gotta go! I personally think everyone should do this. Write a list of all the things you deem priorities in your life, in any order. Then select 3 that are most important. (You can also group into categories, like exercise and eating habits would be "health".) List them in the order of importance, then create a mission statement for your top priority (how you will develop and respect it). This IS NOT a time for goals. It's a time to humble yourself, and realize what is important, and how you want to keep that sacred.

If you need any help, don't hesitate to ask.

Beachbody coaching page

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