I have a soda addiction. I know it's bad for me, and I tell myself not to drink it. But, when anyone in my household goes to the store for drinks, that is usually what they come back with. To be fair, it's always on sale, and way cheaper than juices that are available in our immediate area. For someone on a budget, this is the "smart" choice...
except it's not. (<<<<Click the link for health issues caused by soda.) Another reason it's not a smart choice: if it is all you drink, you go through it way faster, leading you to spend more money. I have noticed we can go through at least four 2-liter bottles in not even two days, but if we drink water, we drink way less.
So, I have decided to make the smarter choice and cut out soda completely. So far today, I had a few small swigs (because I had no willpower and barely any energy). However, there is now NO SODA IN THE HOUSE. No one else is home, and I have no means to get more. Perfect. This forces me to drink water and teas. I have some great flavor choices of tea from when I stopped drinking soda before, so that will help.
(Horrible picture editing on my part. Oh well.)
Why is this so important to me? I had gestational diabetes. (For those who don't know, this is diabetes specific to pregnancies. I was borderline with my first child, and was diagnosed with my second. It sucked, I was put on a special diet and had to test my blood 4 times a day. Luckily, I didn't need medicine, and it went away after birth.) The problem with having gestational diabetes is that it increases your risk of getting Type 2 diabetes after pregnancy. (According to this
WebMD article based on a study done in 2008, about 19% of women who had gestational diabetes develop Type 2 diabetes within 9 years.) I would prefer to never test my blood ever again, and not be on a restrictive diet. Also, I hated the way I felt. I never had any energy, I felt horribly ill when my levels were off, and because my diet was pretty strict, I felt out of control of my own life. (I had to eat 8 times a day, and everything needed to be portioned. If I had an extra cup of milk, I felt sick.)
Why is this going to be hard? Caffeine dependency is an addiction. If you have had any experience with addiction, you know it's hard to kick. You go through the same processes as someone trying to quit drugs, cigarettes, or alcohol, just on a different, less scary level. (I'm not trying to compare myself to, nor minimize, someone withdrawing from more serious dependencies. I have had people in my life go through each of those addictions, and it is painful to watch.) You can experience headaches, nausea, mood swings, dizziness, sweats, and more while withdrawing from caffeine (and sugar). I usually get hit with headaches, nausea, crabbiness, and exhaustion.
If you decide to kick soda with me, please be careful. It can be painful, especially if you have been drinking soda numerous times a week for years like I have. If you want, you can wean yourself off gradually. I would love to do that, however I never make it through (it takes 21 days to develop a new habit, or break an old one). The easiest way for me is to just stop.
What are the options? To replace soda, you are not limited to just plain water. My favorite thing to do is add frozen fruit to my water instead of ice cubes. As it softens, more flavor gets released. I also add cucumber slices. So refreshing!
For more flavor, you can add a little bit of fruit juice. If you don't like flat water, you can use sparkling water. A great way to make a "fake soda" is to use a few squirts of flavored syrups in a sparkling/mineral water (
Torani has amazing flavors as well as sugar-free options. The sugar-free flavors do have Splenda in them, which isn't the healthiest option, and has side effects of its own.)
Another great option for the colder months is tea! There are so many options, from black to green to detox and more. I love Celestial Seasonings Natural Detox, which sadly does not seem to be available on their site. I make it hot and iced. If you need your tea a little sweet, you can add sugar, or honey! (Tip: you can steep a few bags in a large pot of water to make pitchers of iced tea. Steep for a few hours and allow to cool. Also, you can steep tea bags in cold water, you just have to let it sit for a longer amount of time.)
In two weeks, I will be updating on my progress, and what I've been doing to make the transition easier. Please comment if you decide to detox with me, so we can continue the journey together.
See you Wednesday for Worth It Wednesday!!